Making the best out of this Cold Season - Advantages of Winter and Health Tips to make it a Breezy Winter - VIMS

Making the best out of this Cold Season – Advantages of Winter and Health Tips to make it a Breezy Winter

Cold Winter

Winter is the season for cozy fires, hot cocoa, and snuggling under blankets with a book or loved one. It’s also the season for hibernation-like behaviors that can have some positive effects on your health and mood. The hibernation season brings a lot of joy to people because of the holidays. It is a great time to get out in the cold air and get some exercise since the cold season is also a great time to stay healthy.

Cold Air and Your Respiratory System

Cold air is a necessity for the respiratory system. It is an effective way to clear out the lungs and get rid of built-up mucus. When we breathe in cold air, it causes a reflex reaction in our lungs, which helps to clear out mucus.

The cold air also helps with clearing the nasal passages by causing a reflex called “the vasoconstriction response” which narrows the blood vessels and prevents fluids from draining down into your throat. This also reduces inflammation and swelling in your nose and sinuses, as well as helps to prevent infections from spreading.

5 Advantages of Winter

Contrary to popular belief, there are many benefits of winter and the health benefits of winter are not just limited to the warmth of a fireplace. Research has shown that cold weather helps with weight loss efforts. It also helps people sleep better and it can improve moods. So here are the 5 major benefits of cold weather as explained by experts on why you should love winter!

  • Detoxification:

    First, winters help the body detoxify by ridding it of excess waste through sweat and mucus. During the cold season, the body’s functions slow down in order to conserve energy for survival. As a result, the body produces a high amount of toxins that need to be eliminated from the body.

  • Boosting the immune system:

    Your body uses energy to help fight infection, especially when it’s cold outside. During winter, the body’s ability to produce white blood cells increases in response to the increased demand for immune defense cells, resulting in stronger defenses against infection and illness.

  • Cold weather burns more calories:

    Cold weather can actually help you burn calories. Cold weather has a way of making the bodywork a little harder to maintain an equilibrium, which can lead to increased calorie expenditure. 

  • Reduced stress levels:

    The season has a hibernating effect on people and makes people get more sleep than during other seasons. Hence, the body automatically has more time to heal and repair both physical and mental health.

  • Nature is healthier:

    Winter is a dormant season in all senses. Since the temperature drops in winter, most of the dust and allergens stay on earth reducing allergies. The season also sees a decline in the insect count, making it relatively bug-free. So when you walk outside in winter you are more likely to breathe fresher air and feel much more relaxed and rejuvenated.

8 Tips to Stay Healthy in Winter Weather

To keep yourself healthy and regulated, follow these tips to make your winter healthier.

  • Dress in layers. Use a scarf to cover your neck and mouth, and wear a hat to keep your head warm.
  • When you are outside, try to stay dry and avoid getting wet if possible.
  • Keep your hands covered with gloves or mittens when you are outside for extended periods of time, and use hand warmers when you can’t access heat sources like fireplaces or radiators.
  • Drink lots of fluids like water, tea, or soup to avoid dehydration from the cold weather.
  • Stay home as much as possible during this time of year, especially during the night because it is colder than the daytime hours.
  • Have a plan for emergencies! If you have elderly family members or people with breathing problems living with you.
  • Exercise: It’s important to exercise as it releases endorphins that make you feel better. So, get outside as much as possible during the day because natural light can help reset your body clock.
  • Eat Optimally: Winter months also bring in a variety of produce to the market, which in turn plays a major role in keeping you warm and healthy. So remind yourself to fill your plates with fruits and veggies for at least two meals a day.

Winter might not be as bad for you as you think. It might actually be good for your immune system and the health benefits of winter are worth a try.

Winter is not always bad for people. In fact, some studies have shown that it can actually provide health benefits to people who are healthy and those who may have a compromised immune system.


The winter season is a time of year when people are exposed to more colds and other illnesses. To help people stay healthy and avoid the common cold, it’s important to know a few important FAQs about the health benefits of winter.

Is there a vaccine for the common cold?

No, and it’s unlikely that there will be one in the near future. But simply practicing preventive behaviors like hand washing and staying home when sick can help decrease your chances of catching a cold or flu.

What types of activities help prevent the common cold? 

Building up your body’s immunity is one way to avoid catching a common cold. So if you haven’t been able to get enough exercise during the winter months, start now. Other factors which help to prevent the common cold include eating a healthy diet of foods that contain vitamin C and zinc.

Is winter good for my health?

Absolutely. Winter is a season that helps you think clearly and because of the reduced temperature, it is also a season that helps reduce inflammations.

What risks does the season bring?

As it is with other seasons, winter is not without health risks. Here are the top three:

  • The fog in winter is a major cause of accidents in areas with high traffic.
  • The season is also when people prefer staying indoors. So, if one person catches an infection it is easier to pass it to the family members.
  • Molds and fungi enjoy growing during winter. So ensure your homes are clean and safe.

Disclaimer: The information included here is only for knowledge-sharing purposes, and the blog is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment by a healthcare professional. Every individual needs advice based on diagnosis and evidence, hence the reader should consult their doctor to determine the disease and any treatment must be taken under appropriate medical guidance.

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