Top 12 Super Immunity Booster Foods - VIMS

Top 12 Super Immunity Booster Foods

Immune System booster foods

Immunity is the capability of your body to withstand the harmful effects of microbes. Scholars and researchers classify immunity into four categories.

  • Innate immunity is the natural ability of the body to withstand the attack of micro-organisms on the body. It involves the first line of defense, like skin and mucous membranes. It is more or less related to the evolutionary aspects of the being.
  • Adaptive immunity is what the body develops as you continue your life’s journey exposing yourself to various biological and environmental changes.
  • Passive immunity is mostly associated with babies as they receive their immunity during the pregnancy from the placenta and later up to eight months or one year through mothers’ breast milk. This type wears off after a certain period.
  • Immunity due to immunizations is the last category. Immunization is the process of introducing dead pathogens or weakened pathogens, in small doses, into the body, ensuring that the body cultivates anti-bodies without falling sick.

No doubt, all the above play a vital role in developing the immune system, but one should also maintain a robust immune system to fend off attacks on the body.

Foods are one such natural immunity boosters. Maintaining a regular diet rich in immunity-boosting agents help you stay healthy in the long run. The blog focuses on introducing the top ten best immunity foods for kids and adults alike.

Immunity-boosting Fruits
  1. Citrus Fruits are rich in vitamin C, and people turn to this vitamin to cure a common cold and flu. People believe that vitamin C helps in increasing white blood cell’s production. Few fruits to regularly consume are grapefruit, orange, sweet-lime, and lemon. Since your body cannot naturally produce this vitamin, doctors advise consuming a regular dosage of the vitamin in any form every day.
  2. Papaya is also rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes. A healthy gut is the key to maintaining overall health. Hence, consuming papaya is another way to boost your immunity.
  3. Pomegranate has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties, making it one of the healthiest fruits one can consume. The pomegranate is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, and folic acid, thus helping your body protect you from many diseases.
Immunity-boosting Vegetables
Immunity boosting Vegetables
  1. Broccoli is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, and antioxidants. It is also beneficial for the digestive system as it is rich in fiber. This green vegetable is one of the veggies when consumed regularly, helps you maintain your health in the best shape.
  2. Moringa, or commonly known as a drumstick, is a wonderful vegetable filled with vitamins and minerals that keeps your immune system active and healthy. You can use the seeds, leaves, immature pods, roots, and even bark (powder form) to prepare various delicacies that will boost your immunity.
  3. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, which aids in fighting infections, inflammations, and cell-damages. You can consume it as a salad or in the form of juice.

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Immunity-boosting Spices
Immunity boosting Spices
  1. Garlic is the most commonly found spice in households. It is one of the most popular house-remedies to cure a common cold. It adds in a unique aroma and flavor, making the food delicious to consume.
  2. Turmeric is a fantastic spice that finds a special place in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. Turmeric-Ginger tea is one of the best remedies to cure the flu. Turmeric’s main component – curcumin, plays a vital role in increasing the body’s antioxidants, thus aiding the immune system’s strengthening. You can consume turmeric with warm milk, boil it with water, or use it in small amounts when you prepare curries.
  3. Star anise has immense antibacterial properties, thus strengthening the immune system. You can prepare star anise tea by adding a few pods in the boiling water and straining before consuming it.
Immunity-Boosting foods – Ayurveda
Super Immunity Booster Foods

The ancient health treatise recommends ingredients vital to maintain robust health. The list is exhaustive and that is a topic for another day. For now, 3 such whole-some food or ingredients worth mentioning are –

  1. Ghee is a rich source of omega-3, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, and butyrate. The icing on the cake is its antiviral property. Thus, having an adequate quantity of ghee daily not only keeps you safe from microbes but also improves your gut health, which is an essential factor to keep your body healthy.
  2. Tulsi is one more ingredient that finds comprehensive mention in the Ayurvedic texts. It is one of the primary sources of vitamin C and zinc. With its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties, it is one of the natural immunity boosters and keeps various infections at bay. You can consume raw leaves or prepare ginger, tulsi, and turmeric tea.
  3. The most crucial immunity booster, though, is water. It plays an essential role in removing toxins from your body, besides helping blood deliver oxygen to every cell to perform their best. Add in a dash of lime to improve its taste and enjoy the water as a delicious drink.

Related: Indian ayurvedic herbs that help in maintaining a good immune system

The blog is not an exhaustive list of immunity power increasing food. A few more foods worth mention are – yogurt, nuts like almonds and walnut, pepper, virgin coconut oil, ginger, overnight soaked rice, poultry, and oysters (for non-vegetarians), mushrooms, and berry smoothies. The blog aims to provide insight into eating healthy food to stay healthy. Contact us at VAYU for an in-depth nutrition inquiry. We are sure we can connect you with the best doctors to keep you fit and strong by maintaining a proper and healthy routine.

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