Immunity is the capability of your body to withstand the harmful effects of microbes. Scholars and researchers classify immunity into four categories.
No doubt, all the above play a vital role in developing the immune system, but one should also maintain a robust immune system to fend off attacks on the body.
Foods are one such natural immunity boosters. Maintaining a regular diet rich in immunity-boosting agents help you stay healthy in the long run. The blog focuses on introducing the top ten best immunity foods for kids and adults alike.
Related: Natural Home Remedies for Stomach Worms in Children
The ancient health treatise recommends ingredients vital to maintain robust health. The list is exhaustive and that is a topic for another day. For now, 3 such whole-some food or ingredients worth mentioning are –
Related: Indian ayurvedic herbs that help in maintaining a good immune system
The blog is not an exhaustive list of immunity power increasing food. A few more foods worth mention are – yogurt, nuts like almonds and walnut, pepper, virgin coconut oil, ginger, overnight soaked rice, poultry, and oysters (for non-vegetarians), mushrooms, and berry smoothies. The blog aims to provide insight into eating healthy food to stay healthy. Contact us at VAYU for an in-depth nutrition inquiry. We are sure we can connect you with the best doctors to keep you fit and strong by maintaining a proper and healthy routine.