It’s a known fact that many of you when stressed tend to eat a lot and the food that is usually consumed is fried sweet or buttery, viz. comfort food. So, why do people tend to eat comfort food when they are in their blues like for example there is a breakup. The reason is there is a connection between emotions and eating rich food. Many of us would agree of having a whole bowl of ice-cream or a bar of chocolate after a bitter breakup just to soothe ourselves or calm ourselves down.
When we are stressed, the release of hormones from the body does affect our behavior as well as food choices. In a short period of stress like before an exam or a public performance, the adrenaline levels go high because the adrenal glands release it thus killing our appetite. The adrenal gland is positioned just above the kidney and is responsible for stimulating hunger. Now when the stress levels are spread over a longer period of time like board examinations lasting for a month or so, the same gland releases cortisol, hunger and craving stimulating hormone. That is why this hormone by itself is called the stress hormone.
Researchers also believe that Ghrelin, another stress hormone has a role to play when it comes to stress eating. And when it comes to food, under stress rarely people want to have healthy food. It’s either high fat or high sugar or both together. Though even as the research is on to find out the reason behind the same, researchers believe that the sugar and fat-rich foods send signals to the brain thus leading to a drop in emotional and stress burden. No wonder, these foods are called comfort foods.
Well, so if you are one of those who fit under the category of binge eating when under stress a little control could help maybe…
Excellent overview of stress eating! Concise yet informative, it provides valuable insights into the causes, effects, and strategies to manage this common issue. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a better understanding.