Safety Precautions for a Fun and Safe Cracking Diwali | VIMS&RC

Like bursting crackers? Note these Safety Precautions For Diwali

Safety Precautions For Diwali

Important Tips to Nourish and Enjoy this Festive Season

We all feel Diwali is incomplete without the fireworks and the crackers, the unsung melodies of the diyas that take us on the voyage of the magical world. Apart from the traditional rituals, festive food and decoration fireworks and crackers become the showstopper during Diwali. The colorful sparkling lights in the sky, and eye-catchy cracker works before us look like a bright masterpiece of painting on a dark canvas. But ever thought of the dark side of this beauty? Let’s add a spoonful of precautions to the Diwali cracker delicacy. Here are some important Safety Precautions For Diwali 2023. 

Safety Precautions For Diwali: 

Safety precautions are essential during the Diwali festival, especially when lighting fireworks and candles. Here are some key safety tips to follow:

Firework Safety:

  • Purchase fireworks from authorized, reputable sellers.
  • Follow the instructions provided on the fireworks packaging.
  • Supervise children and inexperienced individuals while using fireworks.
  • Light fireworks in an open outdoor area, away from flammable materials, buildings, and people.
  • Keep a bucket of water, a hose, or a fire extinguisher nearby for emergencies.
  • Maintain a safe distance after lighting fireworks and never lean over them.
  • Do not attempt to relight a dud firework; wait for it to cool down and then dispose of it properly.
  • Dispose of used fireworks safely and responsibly.

Candle and Diya Safety:

  • Place diyas and candles on stable, fireproof surfaces.
  • Keep them away from curtains, paper decorations, and flammable materials.
  • Never leave lit candles or diyas unattended.
  • Use candle holders to prevent wax from dripping onto surfaces.
  • Ensure that diyas are not accessible to children or pets.

Clothing and Personal Safety:

  • Wear appropriate clothing when handling fireworks, including safety goggles and non-flammable attire.
  • Keep long hair tied back to prevent it from catching fire.
  • Do not wear loose or flowing clothing that may accidentally come in contact with flames.

Air Quality and Environment:

  • Consider using eco-friendly or low-noise fireworks to minimize air pollution and noise pollution.
  • Be mindful of the environment by cleaning up firework debris and disposing of it properly.

Pet Safety:

  • Keep pets indoors during fireworks displays to prevent them from getting frightened and running away.
  • Try to use less noisy crackers so that they won’t harm the stray animals. 

Electrical Safety:

  • Be cautious with electrical decorations to prevent electrical fires. Ensure they are in good condition and not overloaded.

Beware of Surroundings:

  • Avoid bursting crackers in nearby areas of the hospital, or in neighbouring areas of patients with serious conditions like heart conditions, operated patients, etc. and around infants. 

Essential Diwali Safety Tips for Kids:

  • Adult Supervision: Children should always be supervised by responsible adults, especially when around fireworks and candles.
  • Firework Safety: Keep children away from lighting fireworks. Only adults should handle them. Teach kids about the dangers of fireworks and the importance of not playing with them.
  • Safe Distance: Instruct children to maintain a safe distance from lit fireworks, and never let them lean over or try to relight a dud firework.
  • Sparkler Safety: If sparklers are used, children should hold them at arm’s length and away from their face and body. Parents should light sparklers for younger children.
  • Candle and Diya Safety: Teach children not to touch lit diyas or candles. Keep lit diyas and candles out of their reach and away from flammable materials.
  • Clothing Awareness: Dress children in non-flammable, well-fitted clothing. Avoid loose or flowing costumes that may catch fire.
  • Emergency Plan: Educate children about what to do in case of an emergency, such as who to contact or where to go for help.

Do’s & don’ts for burn injuries:

Every year we come across a lot of firecracker injuries during the Diwali festival. In such situations of emergencies, never panic but follow the following do’s and don’ts if you come across any burn injuries. 

Do’s for Burn Injuries:

Cool the Burn: Immediately cool the burn with cold running water for at least 10 minutes. This helps to reduce the temperature of the burned area and relieve pain.

Cover with a Clean Cloth: After cooling, cover the burn with a clean, non-stick cloth or plastic wrap to prevent infection.

Elevate the Burned Area: If possible, raise the injured limb to reduce swelling.

Seek Medical Help: For severe burns, burns on the face, hands, feet, genitals, or large burns, or if the burn appears infected, seek immediate medical attention.

Keep Hydrated: Encourage the person to drink water to prevent dehydration, especially for extensive burns.

Don’ts for Burn Injuries:

Don’t Use Ice: Do not use ice or very cold water, as it can cause further tissue damage.

Don’t Pop Blisters: Avoid popping any blisters that may form on the burn, as they serve as a natural barrier against infection.

Don’t Apply Adhesive Bandages: Do not use adhesive bandages directly on the burn, as they can stick to the wound and cause further damage when removed.

Don’t Use Butter or Ointments: Avoid applying butter, oils, creams, or adhesive bandages to the burn, as they can trap heat and worsen the injury.

Don’t Wrap Too Tightly: Avoid wrapping the burn area too tightly with bandages or dressings, as it can restrict blood flow.

Don’t Delay Medical Attention: For severe burns, never delay seeking professional medical assistance. Quick treatment is crucial to minimize complications.

Remember that the severity of a burn injury can vary, and it’s essential to assess each case individually. Minor burns can often be treated at home, while severe burns require immediate medical attention. If in doubt, it’s best to seek professional medical advice and care.

Eco-Friendly Firecrackers for Diwali: 

Eco-friendly firecrackers for Diwali, also known as “green crackers,” have gained popularity as a sustainable alternative to traditional firecrackers. These eco-friendly options aim to reduce the harmful environmental and health impacts associated with traditional fireworks. 

  • Reduced Emissions
  • Lower Noise Levels
  • Water-Soluble
  • Reduced Chemical Composition
  • Approved Formulations
  • Vibrant Colors and Visual Effects

Festivals are the supreme source of happiness. Our negligence, lack of knowledge, and irresponsibility become the pursuit of the darkness. Let’s be responsible and do not bust the crackers near the hospitals, residences of patients, and animal shelters. This Diwali let the joy triumph over the health hazards. 

Infographic: Safety on Diwali (Firecrackers)
Safety on Diwali Firecrackers
Safety on Diwali Firecrackers


The information included here is only for knowledge-sharing purposes, and the blog is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment by a healthcare professional. Every individual needs advice based on diagnosis and evidence, hence the reader should consult their doctor to determine the disease and any treatment must be taken under appropriate medical guidance.

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