Blood, the sustainer of human life, is a tissue made of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in a heterogeneous mixture with straw-yellow fluid called plasma. Blood is the liquid of life and is equally precious.
On average blood constitutes approximately 7-8% of an adult human’s weight. About 5ltr-6 liters of blood circulates through the body of an adult person. This nectar of life carries a wide range of functions in the human body including but not limited to the transportation of nutrients, hormones, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other waste products. It plays a vital role in the immunological function of the body along with the maintenance of homeostasis by regulating temperature, pH, etc.
According to a survey in India, every two seconds there is a requirement for blood transfusion. The nation faces an acute shortage of donated blood as only 2.5crore units of blood is available where the demand is that of a staggering 5 crore units of blood every year. Due to various medical conditions including road traffic accidents, medical procedures like surgery, diseases like thalassemia, labor (delivery), and other serious and life-threatening conditions, about 38,000 donations are required every day.
Blood donation not only helps the recipient but also has numerous advantages to the donor. The benefits of regular blood donation are multi-folded;
According to the guidelines by the National Blood transfusion council, National Aids control organization, and ministry of health and family welfare, the Govt of India released in October 2017, the following are the eligibility criteria for blood donation.
Asthmatic attacks, asthmatics on steroids, open heart surgery including bypass surgery, cancer surgery, active symptom of chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling of feet, myocardial infarction, on cardiac medications like digitalis/nitroglycerine, hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease with residual damage, epilepsy and convulsions, schizophrenia, insulin dependent diabetes, complications of diabetes with multi organ involvement, thyrotoxicosis due to graves disease, history of malignant thyroid tumors, hyper/hypo thyroid, other endocrine disorders, hepatitis B, C or unknown hepatitis, chronic liver disease or liver failure, known HIV positive person or partner/spouse of PLHA, lymphadenopathy, repeated/prolonged fever, repeated/prolonged diarrhoea, syphilis, gonorrhoea, leishmaniasis, leprosy, chronic infection of kidney/kidney disease/renal failure, stomach ulcer with symptoms or recurrent bleeding, SLE, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, ankylosing spondylitis or severe rheumatoid arthritis, polycythemia vera, unexplained bleeding tendency or bleeding disorders, malignancy, severe allergic disorders, haemoglobinopathies and red cell enzyme deficiencies with known history of haemolysis, patients on anti-arrhythmic, anticonvulsants, anti coagulant, anti thyroid, cytotoxic drugs, recipients of organ, stem cell and tissue transplants.
After recovery from major surgery, received a blood transfusion, known case of Hepatitis A or E, close contact of individual suffering with hepatitis, at risk of hepatitis by tattoos, acupuncture, body piercing, scarification and any other invasive cosmetic procedure by self or spouse/partner, spouse/partner of individual receiving a blood transfusion, recovery from typhoid, GI endoscopy.
Minor surgery, tooth extraction, dental surgery under anesthesia, dengue/chikungunya following recovery, pyelonephritis ( complete recovery and last dose of medication), dutasteride medication in BPH.
2 weeks following full recovery from measles, mumps, chickenpox.
3 months following full recovery from malaria.
4 weeks after return from a dengue-endemic area if no febrile illness.
4 months following recovery or history of travel to the Zika virus outbreak zone or West Nile virus endemic area.
2 years following confirmation of cure of TB.
2 years following cure and completion of treatment of osteomyelitis.
2 weeks after the last dose of medication for UTI/ acute cystitis.
For donors with anxiety and mood disorder, chronic sinusitis, migraine, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, or had vaccinations ( 28 days deferment), antirabies, hep B immunoglobulin, immunoglobulins (1-year deferment) only after medical considerations donation is accepted.
Aspirin, NSAIDs, ketoconazole, Anthelmintic drugs, antibiotics, ticlopidine, clopidogrel, piroxicam, dipyridamole, etretinate, acitretin, Isotretinoin, finasteride, radiocontrast material, oral anti-diabetic drugs can donate blood with a certain period of deferment.
oral contraceptive, analgesics, vitamins, mild sedatives or tranquilizers, allopurinol, a cholesterol-lowering medication.
Blood donation has to be deferred ;
12 months after delivery
6 months after abortion
During the total period of lactation
period of menstruation
With increased awareness in recent times about the need for blood donation, there is a lot of confusion and myths surrounding the topic. A lot of potential donors are unaware or misinformed. The correct information can make them a major reservoir of our healthcare system. So do your bit today and donate blood if you are a potential donor and save lives.
Can differently-abled donate blood?
Yes, provided that clear and confidential communication can be established where the donor fully understands the donation process and gives valid consent.
Can a person with the thalassemia trait donate blood?
Thalassemia trait may be accepted if hemoglobin is acceptable.
Can people with tattoos donate blood?
Yes, after 12 months of getting a tattoo the person can donate blood.
Can people with diabetes mellitus donate blood?
Yes, only if it’s under control by diet or oral hypoglycemic medication with no history of orthostatic hypotension, no evidence of infection, neuropathy, or vascular disease. the medication or dosage shouldn’t have been altered in the last 4 weeks.
Can a person with benign thyroid disorder donate blood?
I had jaundice, can I donate blood?
Yes, but with exceptions. One can donate blood only if jaundice was due to gallstones, Rh disease, mononucleosis, or neonatal period.
Who can or cannot donate blood?
Please refer to the eligibility criteria in the article.
What are Dos and Don’ts of blood donation?
The last meal should have been taken at least 4 hours before donation.
Take iron-rich and healthy food.
Take extra fluids and be well-rested with a good night’s sleep.
Wear comfortable clothes that can easily roll up above elbows.
Keep the bandage strip for the next several hours after donation.
Donors can’t be fasting before donation or observing fats during the period of blood donation.
The donor should not consume alcohol and have signs of intoxication before blood donation.
Avoid fatty food.
Don’t do any heavy lifting or vigorous exercise for the rest of the day.
Disclaimer: The information included here is only for knowledge sharing purposes, and the blog is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of individual needs appropriate advice, the reader should consult their doctor to determine the appropriate disease depending on their situation.