Functionalities and benefits of Biometrics And Biometric Attendance Systems - VIMS

Functionalities and benefits of Biometrics And Biometric Attendance Systems

Time is money, more so in Business. All sorts of time thefts that plague companies are difficult to target. Combined with human errors, these time thefts simply generate huge losses in terms of quality manpower. The only solution to manually calculating, controlling and recording employee time-sheets is biometrics.
Biometrics or Biometric Authentication is the process of Identification of human beings by their traits or characteristics. Biometrics are a form of identification and access control. Examples of biometrics are fingerprinting, face recognition, DNA, palm printing, hand geometry and iris recognition.

Biometric Attendance Systems

The various functionality associated with biometrics are uniqueness, performance and acceptability. There are two modes of operation of a biometric system

  1. Verification or Authentication-Verification means that the system performs a one to one comparison to a specific template stored in a biometric database
  2. Identification-Identification means a one to many comparison against the biometric database in order to establish the individual’s identity.

For a company to be a leader in its niche, it should be taking steps at ground level to prevent wastage of time. A biometric attendance system has the following benefits-

  1. Cloud computing- To compute a secure log-in and log-out of work, these biometric systems are anytime, anywhere
  2. A finger or thumb impression is the sole prerogative of these biometric systems putting an end to time thefts
  3. Buddy punching is prevalent all over the world. By this term we mean that the employee punches the access card of his colleague to prevent the knowledge of his late timings. But the use of biometrics successfully prevents this occurrence.
  4. Manual tracking is highly faulty and can be avoided by the use of biometrics and human errors can be relegated to minimal values.
  5. The administrative process is smooth and regulatory making payrolls a relatively easy task.

Biometric attendance systems are one of the best available software systems that can save human efforts with very little investment. It can certainly increase the overall productivity in short span of time.
Star performers can bank upon biometric attendance systems to outshine their peers. Cheers!!

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