Food Allergy: The Fight Between Food And The Immune System.

Food Allergy: The Fight Between Food And The Immune System.

Food Allergy causes, symptoms, treatment, immune system

Do you like milk? Or are you one of those who prepared a list of reasons just to avoid the consumption of milk? Do you feel diarrhea after eating those wheat Rotis? How about the tasty time-pass snack peanuts? In one way or another, the aroma, the brilliant colors, or the flavors of the dish hypnotizes you, and you will start regretting it. Regret of the overweight? I agree it is one of the important topics to talk about. But this time, it’s about that your body asking you to stop the consumption of a particular food or ingredient. Food allergy. By the way, are you allergic to any food or the ingredient used in the preparation of the food? If yes… This blog is for you…

What is a food allergy?

Some people often feel swelling, tingling, or itching after having nuts, seafood, etc. This aftermath will make them wade through discomforts. Hence it is necessary to understand the concept of food allergies. Researchers say around 8% of children, mainly at the age of 5 or less, and 4% of adults suffer from this condition. But the knowledge of it in society is significantly less. In simple words, food allergy is an immune reaction of the human body toward particular food. The development of the symptoms of this condition varies from minutes to hours. Hence this needs to be taken care of.

The science behind food allergy:

Most of us have a peripheral idea about the immune system that helps us to fight against infections as well as toxins. This immune system identifies a food or an ingredient as harmful and triggers the antibody immunoglobulin E(IgE) release to get rid of allergens. The immune memory is pretty good, isn’t it? Hence whenever you consume the same food or an ingredient, a chemical called histamine is released; as a result, the symptoms are developed.

Symptoms of the food allergy:

The symptoms are not the same for everyone. Some may have an itchy mouth; some may start wheezing. The immune response varies. Hence it is necessary to understand our food habits as well as the response of our immune system towards that. Interesting right?…

Let us know more about this. Here are the most common allergic reactions…

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Hives
  3. Swelling of face, tongue, lips, throat, etc
  4. Dizziness
  5. Nasal Congestion
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Anaphylaxis
  8. Nausea
  9. Tightening of airway
  10. Rapid pulse
  11. Drop in the blood pressure
  12. Consiouslessness
  13. Runny nose
  14. Wheezing

Do you know that even there are reported death cases due to food allergies? Hence it becomes necessary to understand our food habits, likes and dislikes, and most importantly, the food ingredients we consume.

Major allergens in the market:

The association between the tongue and the food is a beautiful saga. Food allergens can be referred to as villains, right? Okay, I agree it’s a bad joke. But health isn’t a joke to laugh about. It needs primary attention. It is pretty crucial to get familiar with the allergens to ward off the discomfort. Here are the primary food allergens…

  1. Milk
  2. wheat
  3. Soy
  4. Eggs
  5. Fishes
  6. Walnuts
  7. Peanuts
  8. Crabs
  9. Lobster
  10. Shrimp

The list won’t end here. As the symptoms vary from person to person, the allergens also depend on the individual; some may be allergic to brinjal, and some cannot have masala tea just because of the cardamom. Therefore explore the consequences of the food or food ingredients and try to understand the nature of your body.

Milk allergy or lactose intolerance?

Have you ever heard of people denying coffee or tea for the condition of lactose intolerance? It is pretty familiar, right? What is lactose Intolerance, then? Is it a Milk allergy? I know a lot of questions are popping up in your mind. In simple words, lactose intolerance differs from milk allergy as it doesn’t involve the immune system. Usually, people get easily confuse milk allergy with lactose intolerance, similar to that gluten allergy and gluten intolerance. Food intolerance conditions can be treated with the advanced medical technology available today.

Food allergy test:

The experts say there is no specific test or diagnosis method to identify a food allergy. However, as various factors influence the condition of food allergy, the doctor considers the following to understand the situation better.

  1. Symptoms: Symptoms are the direct clue to analyze the condition. Based on the food and the respective reaction of the same helps a doctor to understand your food allergy better.
  2. Hereditary Food allergies: Some food allergies are transferred from the parents to the children. In such cases, family history plays a vital role. The discussion with the specialist helps you to resolve the allergic food issue.
  3. Blood test: It is one of the most recommended tests as it clearly measures the reaction of IgE.
  4. Elimination diet: This is a trial-and-error method. The doctor asks you to try and skip the suspected food to study the aftermath.
  5. The food challenge: This is quite an interesting test. At the doctor’s office, you are asked to eat a small amount of the suspected food. Over a period of time, the dosage of food is increased. The consequences are listed and studied to prescribe the best medicine.
Food allergy Treatments:

The condition of food allergy cannot be treated permanently. The medicines help to reduce the effect of the allergy at that time. The doctors usually advise avoiding allergens. For mild food allergies, medication like antihistamines is prescribed. In case of a major allergy, emergency injections such as epinephrine are suggested.

We all agree that life is all about exposure and experience. In this rush, we forget about precious health. It is essential to maintain good health along with the fun of life. Cultivating healthy habits, exercising, and meditating will definitely help in avoiding allergens. Instead of depending on medicine, determination effectively solves food allergies. By the way, where shall I get the best coffee in your city? Ohh, No forgot to tell you that I am allergic to milk… So maybe some black coffee?

Disclaimer: The information included here is only for knowledge-sharing purposes, and the blog is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment by a healthcare professional. Every individual needs advice based on diagnosis and evidence, hence the reader should consult their doctor to determine the disease and any treatment must be taken under appropriate medical guidance.

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