All You Need To Know About Asthma - VIMS

All You Need To Know About Asthma


Asthma is one of the common conditions and as per statistics, it is ranked in the top 20 conditions causing disability across the world. The alarming part is that one in every 10 asthma patients in the world is from India. Bronchial asthma is one of the most chronic forms of asthma and the symptoms vary from person to person.

Asthma can go from being just a minor respiratory issue to a condition that could affect your quality of life depending upon its severity. If you see your symptoms worsen with time, that’s the sign.

Asthma Symptoms
  • Breathing issues and shortness of breath

  • A whistling sound while breathing out

  • Pain in the chest or tightness

  • Attacks of wheezing and cough during a viral respiratory infection like cold or flu

Asthma Triggers

There are certain infections and allergies that can trigger and aggravate asthma. They include the following

Allergies – A lot of allergies tend to trigger asthma including dried pet saliva, airborne substances like molds, spores and pollens, waste particles to name a few.

Occupational – It usually occurs in the workplace due to triggers like dust, gases, and chemical fumes

Exercising – It usually occurs during exercising or rigorous physical activity and worsens as the air gets cold and dry

GERD – Asthma is also caused by people with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Food Preservatives – Some preservatives and sulfites in foods, as well as beverages, can also trigger asthma

If proper treatment is provided then it works really well with asthma and prevents further aggravation of the same. Though prevention of asthma is not a possibility, you can definitely work towards avoiding asthma attacks through proper care of yourself. 

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