The Diet plan of Dr. Dixit, a professor at the preventive departments of social medicine at the Government medical college and hospital believes that accepting that you are overweight and that you need a diet correction which includes shunning away tempting food and controlling diet in order to keep your diabetes at bay.
Diabetes is very common in India today and more like an epidemic, hence people do need to take their diet seriously. Dr. Dixit has devised a diet plan for 18 years and above age group. His diet plan is quite unique in a way. He harps upon a meal that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates.
As per Dr. Dixit, food that is high in carbohydrates is responsible for the secretion of insulin in big quantities. A meal that is rich in protein will cause less secretion of insulin. Hence, eating anything in between two meals is not advisable. Better drink water, green tea, coconut water, or buttermilk instead as they do not trigger the secretion of insulin.
This theory of carbo insulin connection has been discussed by late Dr. Shrikant Jichkar, who presented this idea of eating only two meals a day for diabetes prevention. He also organized a study of 446 participants out of which 428 did complete the study with the 6 monthly follow up. There was an average loss of 6.8 kg during the six months. The logic was that there was a rise in diabetes if the insulin levels increased.
He also added that the diet plan he has designed does not lead to a loss of stamina. Instead, a poor diet can lead to health hazards like diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. As per Dr. Dixit, eating two meals a day and restricting yourself from eating anything in between the two meals not only leads to weight loss but also controlling diabetes as well. Keto diet is another easy way of controlling your insulin.
In spite of the fact that there is no definite proof of the same, this diet plan has worked for many people across Maharashtra and many people have tried this plan out.