So, if you are a red wine fanatic then here’s some good news for you. Research has showed that red wine helps in preventing heart diseases, attacks and cancer, if consumed in moderation. Though many of us do think that it is not the case and even debate on defining moderate in terms of exact quantity. But, before we discuss that or elaborate on that lets just know what is red wine all about, how its made and how its beneficial to humankind.
Red Wine Making – Dark color red grapes are crushed and fermented with alcohol content that ranging from 12 to 15%. Many of you may have seen this process in movie songs and travel or lifestyle channels where people are seen having fun jumping into a bucket full of black grapes and crushing them. Many of us also know about the longitivity French people exhibit and there is this belief that the live long and healthy only because they consume red wine.
Red Wine Content – Now, the explanation lies in the content of black grapes. These grapes are known to be a great source of many antioxidants like proanthocyanidins, catechin, epicatechin and resveratrol. The lowest in quantity is resveratrol that is present in the grapes skin. But, this component is said to be highly effective when it comes to treating blood clots and inflammation. It is also known to reduce the risk of heart ailments and cancer. Having said that, the quantity is so found in grapes is so less that it would take numerous bottles of wine intake to garner the benefits of it and hence does not seem to be a beneficial component. Though the other components are responsible for reducing the risk of cancer, depression and dementia by a considerable extent.
Last but not the least the maths about the permissible quantity of red wine for a healthy heart. Research says that intake of red wine in moderation viz 145 ml or so can reduce the risk of heart disease by over 30% as compared to non drinkers of red wine. So, that’s some good news ain’t it?, for red wine drinkers apparently. Hey, but beware that drinking red wine in excess of this can apparently turn tables and you could be at high risk of heart disease. So, if you are an excessive drinker of red wine, try to get to the moderate limits and save your own life. For those who drink in moderation already, congrats you smart heads, you are already on the way to a healthy long life. An as for non drinkers. Fret not there is no need to begin drinking, you can figure out many other healthy ways to increase your longetivity.