Do you think your gums do provide you with a sign about deteriorating health? Well, there is every possibility that your gums do give you signs that somethings are just not right with you. Swollen gums, pale or bleeding gums surprisingly so might tell you something about your health but not about oral health.
Red or Sore Gums – At times even though you do not brush twice a day or floss either swollen gums or bleeding from gums could be a normal due to underlying condition like diabetes. It could also be an indication of herpes and you may see cold sores around your mouth border.
Pale Gums – The color of our gums is pink and nice but if its pale and you experience symptoms like fatigue, paleness and weakness, then it’s time to go for a check-up. You might just be have a deficiency of B12 or iron if your gums look pale in color.
Swollen Gums – as per dentists certain medications given for conditions like high blood pressure, seizure as well as epilepsy tend to swell up the gums. So, if you are experiencing this side effect visit your doctor.
Dry Gums – Dry mouth could be the underlying symptom for sjogrens syndrome, an autoimmune disorder wherein your own immune system attacks you by mistake. This affects your eyes and mouth mucous membranes.
Gum Disease – There could be a link between your gums and diabetes. People with diabetes that to uncontrolled, have a tough time with the bacteria in the mouth. The cracking down takes longer as a result chances are it could get severe and longer than usual to heal. Bacterial mouth infections also make it difficult to manage diabetes.
Well, last but not the least, your gums could speak silently about your heart health too. Hence, neglecting your oral health is not a good idea. Do pay attention at your oral health and maintain oral hygiene. If you find something is not right do not delay expert advice on the same.