Health Care Archives - Page 7 of 18 - VIMS
Health Care


Malady, despite sounding poetic, is completely different from Melody. We love the melody like the pitter-patter of the rains, but the maladies or diseases that accompany the monsoon showers, we are better off without. Although it is great fun to play and dance in the rain, we are often unaware of the fact that the...
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Even the walls of the hospital’s labor ward yearn to hear a child’s first cry. It is at that auspicious moment when a child is born,  a woman is re-born … as a mother. They say as you hold the newborn in your hands, all pain and struggles of childbirth vanish as if like magic. The purest...
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Before getting to know the symptoms and prevention of Hepatitis it is important to understand what is Hepatitis? Inflammation of liver tissue, where swelling happens when tissues are injured or infected. This damage can affect how the liver functions. Located on the right side of the abdomen, under the ribs, the liver works to build protein...
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Our day starts with a dash of coffee and a dollop of tension. We eat our unhealthy breakfast with frustration on the side. We travel to work with a bag of anger and so on. We don’t have time for our physical and mental health in this busy competitive world, but in the name of...
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Home remedies for Snoring
“I couldn’t sleep last night; you were snoring so loud”  “No, I don’t snore, you are lying.” One or the other time, every person who snores have faced this conversation in their lifetime. So, let’s discuss what is snoring and why does it happen. In simple words, snoring is a noise one makes while sleeping....
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Tips to keep hydrated & Healthy in summer from sun heat 1
Bright sunny days look refreshing and beautiful outside. Everyone longs to go on a warm picnic with friends & family, kids want to spend time on a game of cricket or soccer and many more. But at the same time it can dehydrate our body. And with the temperature soaring higher, it’s important we keep...
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Tooth Decay Cavity
In a common layman’s language, when it comes to Tooth Decay and cavities, it is understood as Bacteria attacking out tooth area. In scientific terms tooth decay happens when bacteria produce acids that attacks the enamels or the protective layer of the tooth. Tooth decay is the first stage of cavity, when the bacteria attacks...
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