A recent study by Stanford researchers have states that on activating T cells in Tumor, you can eliminate even distant metastases in mice. The researchers carried out the research in mice by injecting minimal quantity of two immune stimulating agents into solid tumors present inside mice. The researchers added that the idea could work well even on distant metastases and a variety of cancers as well.
The researchers further added that this therapy could turnout to be inexpensive comparatively and almost without any adverse side effects. The best part of this new finding is that the use of two agents together helps eliminate all the tumors in the body without a targeted approach to immune specific targets or wholesale activation of the immune system.
The development of the first of a kind monoclonal antibody, known as rituximab has been approved for cancer treatment in human beings. This approach makes use of small quantity of two agents in order to stimulate the immune cells within the tumor itself. The one time application of the same has displayed amazing results by eliminating all tumors in the studied animal. The method apparently reactivates the cancer specific T cells after the agents are injected in microgram amount into the tumor. Some tumor specific T cells also leave the place where they are injected, find other similar tumors in the body and eliminate them. The results have been awe-inspiring because out of the 90 mice 87 have been cured completely.
Now, the clinical trial involving humans is to begin. Initially 15 patients with low grade cancers are going to be experimented upon and if the results are as desired then the clinicians are aiming to inject the two mentioned agents in solid tumors before the surgical removal of them in order to prevent relapse of the same. As per the researchers, there is no limit on the type of cancer that could be treated using this technique as long as it can be infiltrated by the immune system.
The expected results of the test might as well pave the path to inexpensive cancer treatment therapy with astounding results.
*source from internet