All You Need to Know Carpal Syndrome in Pregnancy - VIMS

All You Need to Know Carpal Syndrome in Pregnancy

Carpal Syndrome in Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes

Carpal syndrome is a very common syndrome that many women experience during pregnancy. Statistics of 2015 say that between 30 to 60 percent of women across the world suffer from this condition during their pregnancy. Though no exact reason is known still, experts do believe that this syndrome is a result of swelling due to hormones. Carpal syndrome is a result of swelling similar to that of swelling of ankles and fingers due to fluid retention during pregnancy.

Here’s more on causes, symptoms, treatment, and risk factors associated with Carpal Syndrome –

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes

Carpal syndrome is caused when the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel within the wrist becomes compressed. This nerve is responsible for controlling feelings in fingers. The carpal tunnel is made up of tiny carpal bones and ligaments. The pain is caused because due to swelling the tunnel gets narrower thereby compressing the nerve. This in turn causes hand pain as well as numbness or finger burning.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms
  • Swelling on fingers
  • Thumping sensation across fingers, wrists, and hands
  • Tingling and numbness in fingers, hands, a wrist that worsens at night
  • Problems holding objects and other motor skill bases routine activities

Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis

The doctor will examine you on the basis of your symptoms and may also ask you to do electro-diagnostic tests for confirmation. This test records and analyzes the signals send and received by the nerves with the help of thin needles or electrodes. In order to check for any nerve damage, tinel’s sign is used. These tests are safe to be done during pregnancy.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Most doctors while treating CTS takes the conservative approach because they have to take into consideration the pregnancy factor. Most patients suffering from this condition get relief within weeks or months post-delivery.

  • Avoid Wrist Bending Activities – Activities like throwing the ball or typing on the keyboard need to be reduced or if possible avoided.
  • Cold Therapy – Using ice bags or towel wrapped in ice and massaging them over the wrist for 10-15 minutes at regular intervals can help in decreasing the swelling.
  • Keep Wrists at an elevated position – Using pillows try to keep your wrists elevated.
  • Do Yoga – Yoga is a good idea because it does help to give you relief in terms of pain and help with bettering your grip.
  • Take Pain killers – If you feel pain frequently and is irritable then you may take pain killers on doctor’s advice
  • Take Rest – Take rest whenever you feel pain or fatigue.

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