A Virtual Help to Track and Improve Your Moods – Woebo - VIMS

A Virtual Help to Track and Improve Your Moods – Woebo

I‘m not sure if all of you have heard about this one but Woebot, is one app that calls itself a life coach. As an automated conversational agent, it helps you track your mood patterns and helps reduce depression through therapeutic conversation. What’s more all of it with a dash of humor.

It is created by a team of Stanford psychologists and AI experts its is rather an inexpensive solution for helping you out with mental health issues like depression. It uses talk therapy and checks on you every day once. Though experts who have worked to create this virtual therapist of sorts do want us to know that it is only capable of knowing as much as you reveal to it and thus it is more like a self help book to you as it can only help as much as you want to help yourself.

Woebot communicates with you through facebook messenger. So, one of the setbacks with this is with the data protection or privacy as Facebook does have access to the information shared on this bot and apparently owns these conversations. The brighter side for users seems to be the availability of a therapists anytime anywhere, according to the over 100 long term users.

Its available 24/7 – This is one therapist that can be available to your round the clock.
Its a therapist – A survey of users did show that woebot does help in making you feel better
Its a mood tracker – It tracks the patterns of your mood around the week and display the same over a graph.
Its a Teacher – Yup! that’s right it does share some interesting content with yourself
Its a learner – Over time through conversations, it gets to know you better
Its a seeker – It finds patterns that are hard for humans to see

Let’s come to the bottomline. Yes, after sharing all this information on this virtual therapist or conversationalist, you would want to know about it, already. It does come at a cost but certainly less expensive to a physical affair.

We do not know to how much extent does woebot help a depressed or a low in mood person but it does claim to make a little positive difference in your mood. Well, to use it or not, is just a matter or individual choice.

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