Well, we all brush our teeth on a daily basis but there is a proper way of brushing your teeth and most of us, as per dentists miss out on important areas of the teeth while brushing. So which are the areas that people do not concentrate on while brushing? As per dental experts, most people concentrate on front side of the teeth because in the mirror only that part is visible. But, the inside of the teeth, the part that faces the tongue is also equally or rather even more important because the plaque tends to deposit on this part.
Dental experts pointed out many issues that people do not address when they brush their teeth. Here is a run-down some of the important ones.
Pressure Application – As per dentists too much pressure or too little pressure, both ways is not a good idea. Too much pressure can damage your teeth while too little pressure can leave the plaque on the teeth. The pressure needs to be right enough for you to feel comfortable, remove the plaque and food particles from the mouth and not damage the bristles of the brush.
Cleaning Time – As per dentists you need to brush your teeth atleast for two minutes every day. You may divide these two minutes into 30 seconds slots, wherein 30 seconds you may use for top surface of the teeth, 30 seconds for bottom surface, and 30 seconds each for inside of the top and bottom surface.
Tooth Brush – Selecting a good toothbrush helps in keeping your teeth clean and healthy. Tooth brushes with hard bristles can cause damage to your teeth. Hence, while choosing a brush go for one with soft bristles. You may either go for a manual brush or an automatic one, but ensure that the bristles are soft.
Tooth Paste – A fluoride based toothpaste works well because it helps in preventing tooth decay.
Flossing – Flossing your teeth on a daily basis is very important as per dentists. It helps in avoiding the deposition of plaque on your teeth and even fighting bad breath issues.
Tongue Cleaning – Cleaning your tongue on a daily basis using a pointy brush or interdental cleaner helps keep the damage and bad breath causing bacteria at bay.
Well, brushing teeth is a daily routine that we all follow, but care needs to be taken to brush properly so that it works in your favor and not against your teeth or mouth. Do not ignore the vital parts around the teeth and try brushing twice a day if not thrice to maintain your oral health properly.
We should follow brushing our teeth twice a day as a daily routine. Good information
When do you brush your teeth?