Many a times we do care for our health and fitness but our concentration is towards nutrition and exercise mostly. What we often tend to ignore is sleep. Today lifestyle is sedentary but very hectic and stressful and sleep often takes the back seat. Furthermore, if you have addictions then sleep deprivation is going to haunt you more. If you’re alcohol consumption is high or even if you drink a lot of coffee, you are sure to experience sleep difficulty particularly if you consume it before bedtime. Here’s some of the side effects of sleep deprivation you need to know to keep it up your health management list alongside food, nutrition and fitness schedule.
Immunity Issues – Sleeping helps strengthen the immune system by producing more antibodies for battling the bacteria and toxin. If you don’t sleep well then it automatically affects the immune system as the production goes down, making your body vulnerable to umpteen conditions and infections. The most common being cold and flu, but could lead to lung problems as well.
Weight Gain – The hormone leptin is responsible for sending the brain signal about hunger satiation. Less sleep reduces the level for this hormone while increasing the level of ghrelin hormone that increases appetite. Thus, leading to obesity.
Chronic Conditions – Lack of Sleep for a longer duration raises the risk of getting life threatening health conditions like, blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, to name a few.
Appetite Rise – Sleep deprivation can lead to increase in appetite and food cravings on an untimely basis. This could further lead to hormonal imbalance.
Memory Loss – Lack of sleep can stress up your nervous system and affect the brain functionality adversely. Studies do indicate that sleeplessness does impair the memory of many.
The moral here is pay equal attention to sleep hygiene and keep it on your priority list. Create an environment at night that helps you get disturb free sleep like eating early, no alcohol before sleeping, maintain a bedtime routine, keep your sleeping space clean and dark and most importantly stay away from gadgets.