Home » Super Speciality » Neurology
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
To ease the workflow and provide the perfect treatment for patients, the neurology department has various sub-clinics
Though we treat all neurological disorders, we specialise in treating the following disorders
Different diagnostic tools for the diagnosis and management of patients with disorders of the nervous system are as follows.
ENMG Machine
VEP Machine
Video EEG Machine
Curriculum – SS:
DM – Neurology
(A)-Basic Sciences Related to Neurology
Sl. No. | Subjects of Study |
1 | Neuroanatomy |
2 | Neurophysiology |
3 | Molecular Biology |
4 | Neurochemistry |
5 | Neuropharmacology |
6 | Neuropathology |
7 | Neuromicrobiology |
8 | Neurotoxicology |
9 | Neurogenetics and Proteomics |
10 | Neuroepidemiology |
(B)-Clinical Neurology including Paediatric Neurology and Neuropsychiatry
Sl. No. | Subjects of Study |
1 | General Evaluation of the Patient |
2 | Coma |
3 | Seizures and Epilepsy and Syncopes |
4 | Headaches and other Cranial Neuralgias |
5 | Cerebrovascular Diseases |
6 | Dementias |
7 | Parkinsonism and Movement Disorders |
8 | Ataxic Syndromes |
9 | Cranial Neuropathies |
10 | CNS Infections |
11 | Neuroimmunologic Diseases |
12 | Neurogenetic Disorders |
13 | Developmental Disorders of Nervous System |
14 | Myelopathies |
15 | Peripheral Neuropathies |
16 | Myopathies and Neuromuscular Junction Disorders |
17 | Paediatric Neurology |
18 | Cognitive Neurology and Neuropsychiatry |
19 | Tropical Neurology |
The clinical examination would be entirely devoted to clinical neurology including paediatrics on the above syllabus and would include one long case of 100 marks and two short cases of 50 marks each, totalling to 200 marks.
(C)-Diagnostic and Interventional Neurology including Neurological Instrumentation
Sl. No. | Subjects of Study |
1 | Diagnostic Neurology |
2 | Interventional Neurology and Neuroinstrumentations |
(D)-Recent Advances in Neurology
Sl. No. | Subjects of Study |
1 | Advances in Neuroimaging Techniques |
2 | Bionics in Neural Prosthesis and Rehabilitation |
3 | Neuroproteomics and Neurogenetics |
4 | Stem Cell and Gene Therapy |
5 | Neuroepidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials |