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VIMS & RC started the department of Nephrology in 2005 with the vision of providing quality services to underprivileged patients at affordable cost. Nephrology is the study of kidneys and disorders associated with them.
Our specialists are well versed and have expertise in treating different kidney disorders. They use evidence-based treatments to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to resolve ailments related to kidneys. The department administers comprehensive nephrology services, including:
We have the following facilities at the dialysis unit.
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
Our team of specialists is adept at handling a broad spectrum of cases related to the kidneys. We customise the treatments after thorough discussions with the specialists and patients to provide complete treatment.
Chronic kidney disease decreases the kidney’s ability to keep you healthy. The two principal causes of chronic kidney disease are Diabetes mellitus and high Blood Pressure. Including the two, several other conditions can harm the kidneys.
Your doctor will investigate if you have any risk factors for chronic kidney disease. These include:
You should visit your doctor and get tested frequently. Your check-up should include:
Most people do not have any severe symptoms until their kidney disease gets worse. However, some of the indications of CKD are:
You should visit your doctor or clinic for regular check-ups and tests for chronic kidney disease. You should also ask your doctor what you can do to lower your chances of developing kidney disease. Your doctor may tell you to:
Most likely, early detection and treatment can often slow or stop chronic kidney disease. How well your treatment can achieve this goal depends on:
Worsening chronic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure. Only two treatments for kidney failure are dialysis or a kidney transplant. These treatments can help you stay healthy and continue your daily activities. Dialysis removes wastes and excess fluid from your blood. Two forms of dialysis are haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. A kidney transplant is an operation to place a new kidney in your body to take over the work of your failed kidneys. The kidney may come from someone who has died or a living donor (usually a close relative).
The facilities available at the department of nephrology include: