Best Ophthalmologist in Bangalore | Vydehi Hospital


The Department of Ophthalmology has a comprehensive program of patient care and has a cutting-edge team of ophthalmologists who carry out both clinical trials and research. Vydehi hospital being a NABH accredited the quality of our work compares well to that of any corporate eye facility that provides patients with the latest treatment.

The Department offers both out-patient services and in-patient services. Our faculty is comprised of practitioners in each Speciality of Ophthalmology. Whether one needs a routine eye examination, medical management or surgical management, the patient will receive Speciality specific optimal treatment. Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment camps, School eye screening and refractive services are routinely done and is recognized by the National Programme for Control of Blindness, Government of India.

The Department uses state-of-the-art procedures to provide patients with the best possible results and delivers expert care for ocular disorders of children and adults alike. Moreover, as academic clinicians, our faculty works to develop new and better treatment modalities to advance the field of ophthalmology. We provide patients with high-quality services and products, as well as assistance in challenging circumstances.

Vydehi opticals provides high-quality optical wear to patients at affordable rates.

Sl No Name of the Faculty

with  Educational Qualification

Designation Karnataka State

Medical Council

Registration Number

Recent Photo
1. Dr.Seema C


Professor & HOD 36239
2. Dr.Alhaj Farhath Tasneem


Professor 22306
3. Dr.Irvathur Vittal Nayak


Professor 24838
4. Dr.Karishma Adappa


Assistant Professor 102500
5. Dr.Mohan S


Assistant Professor 151973
6. Dr.S Padmini


Assistant Professor 79188
7. Dr.Shwetha Bellur Ashok Kumar


Assistant Professor 57648
8. Dr.Meghana Kotesh


Senior Resident 122829
9. Dr.Sandhya L C


Senior Resident 129913
10. Dr.Steffi Rose Prasad


Senior Resident 129712
  • Four examination units so that patients are seen with a minimum delay
  • Slit Lamps – 05
  • Goldmann Applications Tonometry – 03
  • Auto-refractometer- UNICOS-01
  • Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer-01
  • Ultrasound A-scan Machine – Quantel-01
  • Procedure room with operating microscope and cold light source with Topcon OMS10-01
  • Fundus camera – Carl Zeiss VisuCam Lite-01
  • Optical Coherence Tomograph Cirrus 4000-01
  • Appasamy B-scan Machine-01
  • Specular Microscope KONAN CellChek-01
  • Indirect Ophthalmoscopes -04
  • Direct Ophthalmoscope (Heine)-04
  • Stereoacuity Test (Butterfly test)-01
  • Electronic Hess chart-01
  • A 60-bed ward for both male and female patients
  • Appasamy Nd YAG Laser 1064 nm-01
  • Appasamy Diode Laser 532 nm for Retinal Photocoagulation-01
  • Laminar flow-01
  • Resuscitation kit-01
  • Eye donation kits-04
  • Vitrectomy-02 ( Alcon & AMO)
  • Endolaser facility-02 (Alcon & Appasamy)


The slit lamp is a stereoscopic bio microscope that projects a concentrated beam of light with adjustable height, width, and angle. This versatile tool enables three-dimensional visualization and measurement of the detailed structures of the eye's adnexa and anterior segment. With the use of handheld lenses, it is also possible to examine the posterior segment. A gonioscopic contact lens facilitates the observation of the iridocorneal angle. Consequently, the slit lamp is an essential component of a thorough eye examination, allowing ophthalmologists to assess every anatomical part of the eye. Our OPD is well equipped with 5 functioning OPD rooms with slit lamps attached.


A specular microscope is an advanced instrument designed to closely examine the corneal endothelium at high magnification. This high-resolution assessment allows for a detailed evaluation of the cornea's health and structure. Such precise information is essential in determining the best surgical or therapeutic approach for individual patients, ensuring tailored and effective treatment plans. The Konan system further advances the field of specular microscopy by offering enhanced capabilities for a swift and accurate appraisal of corneal conditions. This system is particularly valuable for assessing the most challenging corneas, providing clinicians with critical insights that guide optimal patient care. Its ability to deliver rapid results without compromising accuracy makes it an indispensable tool in both routine preoperative and complex ophthalmologic evaluations. We have Cell Check D specular microscope available in our department.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT):

It is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that renders an in vivo cross-sectional view of the anterior segment of eye and retina .It is used to evaluate for eye diseases. OCT can help diagnose and manage diseases of the retina, optic nerve, cornea and  macular diseases like age-related macular degeneration, a part of the retina called the macula when is damage causes loss of central field of vision.

Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer:

It is widely used to detect the damage to the optic nerve in glaucoma subjects. Visual field tests are useful for detection of central or peripheral retinal disease, eyelid conditions as ptosis or drooping, optic nerve disease, and diseases affecting the visual pathways within the brain. Indications for visual field testing include visual field deficits, vision loss, headache, and neurologic deficits. Patients with the above ocular conditions should undergo regular visual field testing to monitor progression.

The Ophthalmology Department at Vydehi Hospital offers a wide range of outpatient surgical and tertiary services for diseases of the eye and surrounding structures. The Department has faculty trained in the various sub-specialties and is setting up clinics in oculoplasty, cornea service, glaucoma service, Paediatric ophthalmology cataract service and retina service. The service is personal and patients can choose which doctor they would like to see. The service is provided at no cost to the socio-economically weak patients, along with paying patients who are also growing in number. We offer the following services:

  • Screening, treatment & rehabilitation of children with delayed milestones and premature neonates
  • Cataract extraction and IOL implantation free of cost to the poor.
  • Phacoemulsification ad IOL implantation
  • Oculoplasty including management of lacrimal sac and orbital disorders
  • Glaucoma diagnosis and treatment
  • Screening and treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy, Hypertensive retinopathy
  • Angiography, Laser Photocoagulation, Intravitreal Anti- VEGF agents
  • Management of retinal detachments(simple + complicated), vitreous haemorrhage
  • Diagnosis and treatment of corneal disease, Keratoplasty services and an Eye Bank
  • Attached Optician service and contact lens clinic
  • Neuro-ophthalmology and neurological field evaluation.
  • Uveitis diagnosis and treatment.
Contact person: 

Dr Karishma Adappa


Fellowship in Cornea and refractive surgery

(MINTO Ophthalmic Hospital, BMCRI, Bengaluru)

Assistant professor, Department of VIMS&RC, Bengaluru

Phone number: +919611708293



Eye donation is donating your eyes after death to give sight to needy persons. Only cornea will be used for transplantation, not whole eyeball which will be harvested from a dead person. One person can give sight to two blind people.
In India, 12 million are blind and approximately   6.8 million are due to corneal blindness. Atleast 3 million can benefit by corneal transplantation, the most successful of all organ transplants. The need is around 1, 50,000 corneas per year. There is huge gap between requirement and supply.

Causes of Corneal blindness:

Common causes are corneal injuries, malnutrition, infections, chemical burns, congenital disorders, post-operative complications.

Who can donate eyes?

Anyone, any age/ gender, spectacle users, Diabetics and Hypertensive can also donate eyes.

Who cannot donate eyes?

Those with Hepatitis, AIDS, Encephalitis, Rabies, Septicaemia, Retinoblastoma, Leukaemia, Lymphomas.

Procedure for eye donation.

Eye donation is simple. It is only one phone call away. Call us at 080- 49069012 (eye donation helpline) or nearest Eye bank after death. Removal of eyes takes only 20 minutes. It does not delay funeral arrangements or disfigure the face. Eyes are removed within 6 hours after death. After legal heirs consent, the eyes are removed by trained doctor using sterile precautions, leaving no disfigurement of the face.
After donation, the donor’s family will receive a certificate of appreciation from the eye bank. Eyes are evaluated at the bank and only the ones deemed suitable are used for transplant and others are used for research and education. Recipients are notified on the first come first serve basis from the recipient registry. The recipient of cornea will always remain anonymous but donor family should be satisfied knowing that the eyes have been used to restore vision of two blind individuals.

Eye donation taboos:

The taboos are lack of awareness, fear of disfigurement, apathy or forgetfulness and lack of favorable legislations. Actually eye donation has no religious restrictions.

What is Eye bank?

Eye bank is the link between the donor family and a cornea recipient. It is a community non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to restoring sight to those who are blind or visually impaired through the promotion and advancement of eye donation.

Functions of Eye bank:

Functions of eye bank are to maintain the recipient list, to screen and evaluate donors eye, to eliminate waiting list and to promote eye donation awareness in the community.

What can you do?

Take care of your eyes. They are God’s gift to be passed on. Learn about eye donation. Pledge and register to donate your eyes at Vydehi eye bank, Bangalore affiliated with Eye bank of India. Encourage people around you to pledge for eye donation. Let eye donation become a tradition in your family. Donate eyes of your dearest after death.

Donation or Volunteer Information

Eye donors can register with the department and are required to undergo screening before registration and are provided with a donor card; their next of kin are requested to inform the Ophthalmology Department, Vydehi Hospital when the donors are deceased in order to facilitate immediate eye collection.


Department of Ophthalmology
Vydehi Hospital
#82 Nallurahalli, Near BMTC 18th Depot,
Whitefield, Bangalore – 560 066
Phone: 080-49069000 Ext: 1195

