Case reports

Case reports

1.Student: Dr Malik

Guide: Dr Geeta S. Narayanan

Bhaskar V, Kavitha R, Mohd Abdul Malik; “Role of Radiation therapy as a sole modality of treatment in Recurrent Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma- a case report” International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 11 Issue 1: (2012) 37-40.

2.Student: Dr Kavitha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Bhaskar V, Ganesh M.S. ,Kavitha R; “Actinomycosis masquerading as soft tissue tumor of thigh- A rare case report” International journal of clinical and diagnostic research, vol 1, issue 1, Nov- Dec (2013)1(1);1

3.Student: Dr Kavitha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Bhaskar V, Ganesh M.S. Kavitha R; “Chronic arsenic exposure and skin cancer  – a case report” International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 2, Issue 3: (2013) 95-99.

4.Student: Dr Salman

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.


5.Student: Dr Anukul

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Anukul Dutta, ,  Pranitha S L,  Geeta Narayanan Ewing’s Sarcoma of Rectum – A Rare Case Report “ International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN(online): 2767-8342Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023 Page No: 0000-0000 DOI: https ://doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i5-00, Impact Factor: 6.597.

6.Student: Dr Anukul

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Anukul Dutta, Pranitha SL. Geeta SN “A Case Report on Carcinoma Lung with Changing Histology Over the Period of Time” Journal of MAR Oncology (Volume 5 Issue 6).

7.Student: Dr Kashyap

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Kashyap M. Pranitha SL, Geeta SN. S. Narayanan,”A Case Report on Brachytherapy in Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS)”International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023Page No: 1049-1052 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i6-02, Impact Factor: 6.597.

8.Student: Dr Lavanya

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Lavanya K. Uthappa, Geeta S. Narayanan, Kiran Kumar B. R “Recurrent Malignant Melanoma Eyelid -A Case Report and Review of Literature International Research Journal of  Oncology Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 85-89, 2023; Article no.IRJO.98278.

9.Student: Dr Monica

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

P Monica, Geeta S Narayan, B R Kiran Kumar “Recurrent dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: A case report and review of literature “Indian J Case Reports, online first.

10.Student: Dr Natasha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Laishram Natasha, Geeta S Narayanan “Sarcomatoid Thymic Carcinoma: A Case Report” International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022Page No: 758-761 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i8-08, Impact Factor: 5.36

11.Student: Dr Shreya

Guide: Dr Prameela

Shreya Chatterjee, Pranitha Slr. Geeta SN. S. Narayanan “A Case Report on the Palliative Role of Intraluminal Brachytherapy (IIBT) in Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma” International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies. ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342 Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2023Page No: 808-811 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i5-03, Impact Factor: 6.597

12.Student: Dr. Mamatha

Guide: Dr. Arpitha

Mamatha, Pranitha, Geeta, Arpitha: A rare case of proliferating trichilemmal tumor treated with radiotherapy in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI:, Impact factor: 6.597.

13.Student: Dr. Mathangi

Guide: Dr. Haseeb

Matangi, Kashyap M, Geeta S. Narayanan: A Case Report on Myoepithelial carcinoma of breast treated with Multimodality approach in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI: ; Impact factor :6.597.

14.Student: Dr. Chandana

Guide: Dr. Geeta

Chandana T, Lavanya Uthappa, Geeta S Narayanan: Abdominal Incision Metastasis from Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cervix after Wertheim’s Hysterectomy-A Case Report and Review of Literature in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI: Impact factor – 6.597