Parent-Teacher Meeting for 1st year MBBS Students from 10-03-2025 to 13-02-2025                 Circular- Full Tuition waiver for PG Pre-Clinical/Para Clinical Courses for the year 2024-25                

Awards & Achievements

Awards & Achievements

Sl.No. Name Name of the award Details Awarding authority Place Date
1. Dr Priyanka MV Quiz winner State conference radiation oncology Association of radiation oncologists of India, Karnataka chapter Coorg 9th November 2019
2. Dr Jaswanthi 2nd Best oral paper National brachytherapy conference Indian Brachytherapy Society Mangalore 1st September 2019


Dr Sai Snehith


Best E poster in solid tumors Real World Evidence Conference Real world Evidence Chennai 24th August 2019


Dr Sai Snehith





Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019


Dr Parikshith



Second Prize


Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019


Dr Gurubasappa


Third Prize

Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019
7. Dr Kiran Kumar B.R. Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – Can we predict the subset of head and neck acncer patients who will benefit from Tracheosttomy Indo-Oncology Summit Bhubaneswar 4th February 2018
8. Dr Kiran Kumar B.R.

Best Treatment Plan Award,

International conference

Radiation treatment plan had to be generated by using given constraints Federation of Asian Organizations for Radiation Oncology Bali-Indonesia 6th September 2018
9. Dr Suresh Raghunath Best Oral paper, 1st Prize, National Conference Presented – Endoluminal brachytherapy following induction chemotherapy and definitive chemo radiation in locally advanced esophageal cancer Indian Brachytherapy Society Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 12th August 2018
10. Dr Mansi Shah Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – MRI based image guided volumetric brachytherapy for cervical cancer Oncology2018 Kochi

30th September


Other achievements

⮚Elected as President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka state chapter, Bangalore on 2nd March 2018 for a tenure of 2 years

CME’s/ Workshop/National Seminars/ Conference with Credit hours awarded by KMC

SlNo CME/Workshop etc., Details From Date To Date Credit points
1 Course

6th AROI-ICRO (INTAS) radiobiology course for south zone

Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta

Professor and Head

Dept of Radiation Oncology

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

14th July 2018 Nil
2 Symposium

Topic:Overview of Stereotactic radiosurgery for CNS and spine lesions

Guest Speaker: Dr Aditya Gupta

Director – Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery

Co-director- Cyber knife Centre, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon

9th February 2018 Nil
3 CME PRODVANCE, a Career Orientation Initiative for young radiation oncologists of India 12th November 2016 13th November 2016 3 credit hours
4 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Gastric and OG junction cancers: Update 4th February 2016 1 credit hour
5 Course

Radiobiology course for south zone

Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta

Professor and Head

Dept. of Radiation Oncology

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

5th December 2015 Nil
6 State level Conference Topic: Advances in Radiation treatment, IMRT and beyond 14th February 2015 2 credit hours
7 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Oncology updates for general practioners 4th February 2015 1 credit hour
8 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Oncology perspective for medical graduates and postgraduates 15th November 2014 2 credit hours
9 Workshop Topic: Preventive Gynec Oncology 26th June 2014 Nil

Late Dr D.K. Audikesavulu

Oration Lecture

Speaker: Dr Luca Cozzi, Head of Research Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland and Scientific Consultant to Varian Medical Systems 4th February 2014 Nil
11 CME (Part of Oncology) VICON 11, Study day for postgraduates 27th August 2011 Nil

Awards/recognition/ prizes received by the Faculty/ Students

Sl.No Name



Name of the award Details Awarding authority Place Date

Dr Geeta S.


Faculty President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India, Karnataka state chapter Elected as President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka state chapter AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 2nd  March 2018

Dr Bhaskar



Best oral paper- Role of iron oxide and Gadolinium nanoparticles as radio sensitizer in cancer treatment.

National Conference

Best scientific paper in category above 40 yrs age Indian Cancer Congress Bangalore 9th November 2017

Dr Kiran

Kumar B.R.

Student Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – Can we predict the subset of head and neck cancer patients who will benefit from Tracheosttomy Indo-Oncology Summit Bhubaneswar 4th February 2018

Dr Kiran

Kumar B.R.


Best Treatment Plan Award,

International conference

Radiation treatment plan had to be generated by using given constraints Federation of Asian Organizations for Radiation Oncology Bali-Indonesia 6th September 2018

Dr Suresh


Student Best Oral paper, 1st Prize, National Conference Presented – Endoluminal brachytherapy following induction chemotherapy and definitive chemo radiation in locally advanced esophageal cancer Indian Brachytherapy Society Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 12th August 2018
6 Dr Mansi Shah Student Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – MRI based image guided volumetric brachytherapy for cervical cancer Oncology2018 Kochi

30th September


7 Dr Rashmi S. Student

Best Oral paper 2nd prize

organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states

Presented, Contouring guidelines for Internal Mammary nodes in locally advanced breast cancer


AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters

Goa 15th April 2017
8 Dr Vaishnavi Student Winner of quiz competition organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states Competition for post graduates in Radiation Oncology


AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters

Goa 15th April 2017

Dr Rashmi,

Dr Johan

Student 1st runner up of quiz competition organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states Competition for post graduates in Radiation Oncology


AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters

Goa 15th April 2017
10 Dr Rishab Kumar Student Dr M C Pant gold medal in national conference Presented- Evaluation of ADC maps in image guided brachytherapy of cervical cancer National Conference , AROI Bhubaneswar 26th November 2016
11 Dr Surekha Reddy Student Best oral paper, 2nd prize, state level conference Presented – Aspiration Pneumonitis AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Hubballi 16th April 2016
12 Dr Rajshree Student Best oral paper, 2nd Prize in state level conference Presented – Pilot study comparing response during treatment in Carcinoma Cervix with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by concurrent  chemo radiation vs. concurrent chemo radiation alone:
An Institution experience
AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 14th February 2015
13 Dr Swathi Student Best poster , 1st prize in state level conference Presented- Comparison of Dosimetric characteristics of physical wedges and enhanced dynamic wedges AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 14th February 2015
14 Dr Malik Student Topper in University for MD, Radiotherapy Topper in University for MD, Radiotherapy Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore May 2014

National Programs

Dr Geeta S. Narayanan

  1. 6th Annual National Conference of the Indian Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (IMSOS) from 6th to 8th March 2020 at the Chancery Pavilion Bengaluru.

Panelist- Panel Discussion on Metastasis and Myeloma

  1. Invited speaker, Topic: “ICRU 89” on 31stAugust 2019 (Conference Day 1) with the allotted time slot of 11:20am to 11:45am organized by IBSCON (Indian Brachytherapy Society) 2019 at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  2. Invited speaker, Topic: Changing concepts of radiation following BCS, organized by Bangalore Oncology Group on 10thJuly 2019 at President Hotel, Bangalore
  3. Chairperson for the dedicated CME on “Management of Uncommon Tumours in Head and Neck” on 16 February 2019, at Hotel Chancery Pavilion, organized by Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre
  4. Faculty for the ICRO (Indian College of Radiation Oncology) teaching Programme on 22nd and 23rd Dec 2018 at SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Rajasthan Chapter).
  5. Chairperson, 40thAnnual conference by Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROICON) 2018. The topic is Genitourinary Oncology. Time: Hall-B, 11:45 am – 01:00 pm on 30th November 2018
  6. Faculty for the ICRO (Indian College of Radiation Oncology) teaching Programme on 1st & 2nd Sept. 2018 at V.N. Cancer Centre, GKNM Hospital Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

 Webinar /CME’s/Symposium organized by the department

Sl.No CME/Workshop etc., Details  Date
1 Symposium

Topic: Overview of Stereotactic radiosurgery for CNS and spine lesions

Guest Speaker: Dr Aditya Gupta

Director – Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery

Co-director- Cyber knife Centre, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon

9th February




(National seminar)

6th AROI-ICRO (INTAS) radiobiology course for south zone

Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta

Professor and Head Dept. of Radiation Oncology

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

14th July



Master class

(State level)

In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI),

Karnataka State Chapter.

Topic: Head and Neck Cancer

Speaker: Dr Cessal Thommachan Kainickal

Additional Professor, Head & Neck oncology ,Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum

3rd February



In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI),

Karnataka State Chapter.

Topic: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Speaker : Dr Mahesh Kottapalli, Infectious Disease Associates of Dallas, USA

ABIM Board Certified in Internal Medicine and infectious diseases

Affiliated with Infectious Disease Society of America

8th May


5 Webinar

In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI),

Karnataka State Chapter

1. Review of Radiation therapy after breast conservation surgery: Dr Geeta S. Narayanan, Professor and Head, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, VIMS & RC (15 minutes)

2. Our experience of respiratory gated radiation therapy in breast cancer: Dr Richa Tiwari, Assistant professor, Radiation Oncology, VIMS & RC (10 minutes)

3. Total skin Electron therapy (TSET): Clinical perspectives by Dr Salman, 2nd year post graduate, Radiation Oncology, Dosimetric considerations by Ms Ramya, Assistant professor, Dept. of Radiation Physics, VIMS and RC (10 minutes)

4. Management of oliogometastases, Two case scenarios: Dr Suryaprakash, Assistant professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, VIMS and RC (20 Minutes)

18th June


In addition, department has contributed to World Cancer Day activities every year conducted on 4th February