PG Orientation Programme for the 2024-25 Batch Students on 06-02-2025                  MBBS Phase I, II, III Part I & II students of RS3 scheme                  Circular- Full Tuition waiver for PG Pre-Clinical/Para Clinical Courses for the year 2024-25                

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery is a fascinating field and it is the functional, structural, and aesthetic restoration of all manner of defects and deformities of the human body. Plastic surgery derives its name from the word “Plasticize” meaning to mold or to shape the existing architecture to improve appearance and function.

Plastic surgery is sub divided into several specialties

  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Micro-vascular surgery
  • Burns and burns related reconstruction
  • Hand surgery
  • Congenital Anomalies
  • Craniofacial and Maxillofacial surgery

Department of Plastic Surgery,
Vydehi Hospital,
#82, Nallurahalli, Near BMTC 18th Depot,
Whitefield, Bangalore – 560 066.
Phone : 28412956, 28413381/2/3/4/5, Ext: 244

Professor & HOD

Dr.Subha Dhua

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number


Dr.Thyagaraj J

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Rajalaxmi D

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Parli Kanak Kothari

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Kevin J Chiramel

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Vadyala Akshita Reddy

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Varsha A

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Reconstructive Surgery

It forms the basic part of most of the plastic surgical training. It deals with all kinds of reconstructive work following Burns, Trauma, Cancer and other related deformities to any part of the body.

Cosmetic Surgery

Most demanding sub-specialty today, both for technical skills and prosperity of the surgeon point of view.  It mainly deals with beautification, camouflaging ageing and refinement for the existing features in the body. It also deals with some of the congenital problems related to ear, nose etc.

A major bulk of work in this field includes:

Facial Appearance Improvement Like
  • Face-lift and Neck lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Treatment of Baldness-Hair transplants
  • Fat / collagen injection to take away grooves and depressions
  • Chemical peeling and dermabrasion
Breast Related Surgeries
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction
Excess Fat Deposition Related – Lypodystrophy
  • Abdominoplasty and Liposuction
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction
  • Power assisted liposuction

Nose Related

  • Cosmetic Rhinoplasties
  • Cleft lip nose deformities
  • Rhinoplasties with implant usage
  • Correction of acquired nasal deformities
Ear Related
  • Correction of ear deformities
  • Reconstruction of microtia ears
Micro-vascular Surgery

Again most demanding area of plastic surgery both surgically as well as patience wise. It requires dedication and long hour of operations

It deals with:

  1. Major soft tissue/ composite tissue loss reconstruction with free composite tissue transfers
  2. Traumatic limb injuries requiring vascular reconstructions
  3. Soft tissue losses over the face requiring free flaps
  4. Major cancer reconstructions requiring micro-vascular reconstructions
  5. All vascularization and replantation of the limbs including both macro and micro replantations.
  6. Toes transfers for finger reconstruction in both traumatic loss and congenital absence of finger
  7. Free tissue transfers for external genitalia reconstruction secondary to trauma or any other cause

A micro-vascular laboratory forms an integral part of the department dealing with micro-vascular cases. It provides opportunity to upcoming micro-surgeons to practice and lean new technique on experimental animals. It also enhances scope for research work in the files.

Burns & Post Burns Reconstruction

This branch deals with acute burn due to thermal, electrical, chemical and other causes. It involves management of patients from critical stage (updated intensive burn care unit) to the complete recovery.

Post burn sequelae management involves a series of reconstructive procedures to obtain acceptable, functional and aesthetic results.

It also takes into consideration the rehabilitation of affected individuals.

Hand Surgery

A major sub-specialty of the Plastic surgery. Dealing with all hand related problems. It is one of the fascinating fields in Plastic surgery.

It deals with:

  • Traumatic involvement of hand
  • Major congenital hand anomalies
  • Post nerve injury deformity corrections
Congenital Anomalies

It deals with the management of cases like:

  • Cleft lip and Cleft palate
  • Rare craniofacial clefts
  • Ear deformities like – Anotia, Microtia, Bat ear, Cup ear and their correction surgically
  • Congenital hand anomalies like Syndactyly, Polydactyle, Radial club hand, Mirror hand etc.
  • Along with the above, it also deals with lots of other congenital anomalies of the chest, abdominal wall and other extremities.
Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery

It is one of the major subspecialty of the Plastic Surgery

It deals with the management of:

  • Complex Craniofacial anomalies like Craniostenosis, Hypertelorism and complex cranial vault deformities.
  • It deals with fracture involving facial bones viz. fracture of the mandible, maxilla, and zygoma, orbital and base of the skull as well. More complex fracture like Lefort1, 2 and 3 are also dealt with.
  • Jaw and jaw related functional aesthetic corrections are tackled in this subspecialty.
  • Basal skull surgeries are considered in this field.

We at Vydehi Hospital, in the department of Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery are providing services in the most of these subspecialties.

Plastic surgery thus is a most promising super specialty today. It is most demanding field in higher surgical specialty both from technical as well as planning point of view. Plastic Surgery thus can improve social, economical and functional image of a person of an individual.

S no Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author Title of paper National or international Citation of the journal Indexing details Date of publication Pageno, vol, ISSN no
1. Dhua S, Manashree S, Tilak BG. The Clinical Outcome of Perforator Based Sural Artery and Propeller Flaps in Reconstruction of Soft Tissue of Extremities International · Pub Med · Scopus · Web of Science (Emerging Source Citation Index: ESCI) · Index Copernicus · Google Scholar · Scientific Information Database (SID) · Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) World J Plast Surg. 2019 Jan; 8(1):3-11.
2. Dhua S, Suhas TR, Tilak BG. The effectiveness of autologous platelet rich plasma application in the wound bed prior to resurfacing with split thickness skin graft vs. conventional mechanical fixation using sutures and staples International · Pub Med · Scopus · Web of Science (Emerging Source Citation Index: ESCI) · Index Copernicus · Google Scholar · Scientific Information Database (SID) · Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) World J Plast Surg 2019 Jan; 8(2): 185- 194.
3. Dhua S, Shifa R. Improvement in functional and esthetic outcome in postburn contracture of neck following split skin grafting using goniometer National · Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), · International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) · World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Wolters Kluwer and Journal/Association
4. Dhua S, Niharika M. A study of silver Sulfadiazine in burn wound dressings in the management of burn injuries In Progress In Progress
5. Thyagaraj.J Our early experience in immediate total breast reconstruction with deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap International · Pub Med · Scopus International Surgery Journal Thyagaraj et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Dec; 6(12):4444-4448
6. Thyagaraj.J Thoracodorsal artery perforator flap in immediate breast reconstruction: a series of twenty cases International · Pub Med · Scopus International Surgery Journal  Int Surg J. 2020 Jan; 7(1):205-209
7. Thyagaraj.J Anterior Tonsillar fossa approach to Elongated Styloid Process · Pub Med · Scopus Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery ¦ Volume 10 : Issue 1: January-June 2020, p203-209
8. Thyagaraj.J Feasibility and Reliability of Microvascular Reconstruction in the Vessel-depleted Previously Operated Neck · Pub Med · Scopus Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 2020; 10:96-101
9. Thyagaraj.J Comparison between on operating surgical microscope and high magnification surgical loupes in microvascular reconstruction of head and neck defects in a tertiary healthcare centre. · Pub Med · Scopus J. Maxillofac. Orsl Surg. 2021
10. Thyagaraj.J Head & Neck Reconstruction During COVID-19 Pandemic: Our Experience & Protocols · Pub Med · Scopus · Crossref · Google Scholar · Microsoft Academic Journal of MAR Case reports. 2021