MBBS Phase I, II, III Part I & II students of RS3 scheme                  Hall Ticket Collection for MBBS Phase III Part-I on13th January 2025 at 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM                 VIAHS commencement of Classes                 Circular- Full Tuition waiver for PG Pre-Clinical/Para Clinical Courses for the year 2024-25                 Phase I MBBS failed students of CBME batch (2023-24) to attend classes with the regular batch                 All the 3rd Year(2022-23) and 4th Year (2021-22) students regular classes will commence from 03-01-2025 for BPT course at Vydehi Institute of Physiotherapy (VIPT)                 NO TUITION FEE for Pre-Clinical(MD/MS)/Para Clinical(MD) courses except for MD Pathology course for the A.Y.2024-25                



The Department of Physiology in Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre is well equipped and consists of four laboratories:

  1. Haematology
  2. Human Physiology
  3. Amphibian Physiology
  4. Clinical Physiology

All the laboratories are provided with adequate infrastructure and equipment to accommodate 150 students.


The following is the list of equipment that the department has

Name of the instruments
Students Microscope with oil immersion
Coated Neubaur’s Chamber
Sherrington’s Recording drums with Motor
Sahli’s Hameoglobinometer
R.B.C. Pipettes
Haemocytometer boxes
W.B.C. Pipettes
Wintrobe Tubes
Wintrobes Stand
Test tubes small
Syringe                           (50 ml), (30 ml), (10 ml), (5 ml)
Breaker Borosil            (500 ml), (250 ml), (100 ml), (600 ml)
Measuring Cylinder     (500 ml), (50 ml), (100 ml), (1000 ml)
Drop bottles (Big), (Medium), (small)
Arterial Cannula
Syms cannula
Y cannula
T cannula
Z cannula
Venous  Cannula
Bladder with Partition
ESR Stand (Westergren)
Westergren glass pipettes
Analytical Balance with box
Physiograph 3 channel with accessories
B.P. Appartus
Closed X Block
Open X Block
Dissection Set
Step Down Transformer
Thermometer      –  100°, 300°
Electric Stove
Ishihara chart
Snellen’s chart
Marey’s tambour
Muscle Trough with Accessories
Newton’s colour wheel
Organ bath with thermostatic control
Personnel weighing machine
Animal weighing machine
Spirometer – Benedicts Roth’s
Mammalian heart perfusing set
Kymograph (Mammalian)
Thermostat Incubator
Reagent bottles
Student’s stimulator
Watch glass
Peak flow meter
Hand dynamometer
Tuning fork     256
 Tuning fork    100
Conical flask  (500 ml),   (1000 ml), (25 ml), (250 ml)
Glass funnel
Bone cutting
Q & T stands
Smoking burner
Smoking stand
Electrical time maker
AC time clock
Enamel trays
Knee hammer
Dog operation table
Varnishing tray
Torch Medium
Bicycle Ergograph
Dissection Trolley
Tuning Fork  -256
Tuning Fork  -100
Pasteur Pipettes
Glass Droppers
Electronic Weighing Machine
Hair aesthesio meter
Respiratory Pump
ECG Machine
Computer spirometer
Electro myography
PH meter
Power Lab