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S no Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author Title of paper National or international Citation of the journal Indexing details Date of publication Page no, vol, ISSN no
1. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Comparative study of laparoscopic appendicectomy under general and regional anesthesia: randomized control trial National joural Vinay h g, ramesh reddy g. Comparative study of laparoscopic appendicectomy under general and regional anesthesia: randomized control trial. New indian j surg. 2020;11(2):198–202 vinay hg, ramesh reddy g..s Index copernicus OCT 16, 2019 11(2)
2. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Outcome of various skin incisions in abdominal surgeries:a randomized controlled study National journal Outcome of various skin incisions in abdominal surgeries: a randomized controlled study. New indian j surg. 2020;11(2):211–214 Index copernicus OCT 31, 2019 11(2)
3. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Comparison of the efficacy of povidone-iodine and normal saline wash in preventing surgical site infections in laparotomy wounds –rct International journal Vinay hg, kiran kumar, rameshreddy g, arudhra p, udayeeteja b (2019) comparison of the efficacy of povidone-iodine and normal saline wash in preventing surgical site infections in laparotomy wounds-randomized controlled trial. Surgery curr res 8: 319. Doi: 10.4172/2161-1076.1000319 Index copernicus JAN 23, 2019 8(2)
4. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Mesoappendix hernia –  unusual internal hernia Clinical surgery journal Vinay hg, kiran kumar, rameshreddy g(2020;3{1}11-13): mesoappendix hernia –  unusual internal hernia: clinical surgery journal Index copernicus 2020 (1)11-13
5. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Rare case of ileal actinomycosis mimicing chrons ileitis New indian journal of surg Vinay hg, kiran kumar, rameshreddy; rare case of ileal actinomycosis mimicing chrons ileitis; 2020 11(2):2111-214 Index copernicus 2020 11(2):2111-214
6. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Acute biliary peritonitis a rare case report of isolated gall bladder gangrene secondary to celiac artery thrombosis Journal of surgical procedure Shwetha r chandra, vinay h g, ramesh reddy g, merin mary;  acute biliary peritonitis a rare case of isolated gall bladder gangrene secondaryto celiac artery thrombosis;2020:1(1-5 Index copernicus 2021 1: 1-5
7. Dr. Ramesh Reddy G Two port laparoscopic retro-peritoneal pancreatic necrosectomy: improvement in morbidity and mortality with less invasive approach Internal surgery journal Vinay h g, ramesh reddy g, shwetha r chandra, , merin mary; two port laparoscopic retro-peritoneal pancreatic necrosectomy: improvement in morbidity and mortality with less invasive approach; 2021; 8;1501-1506 2021 8;1501-1506
8. Dr. Narayana V The effect of adjuvant local anaesthesia on post-operative out comes in inguinal hernioplasty – randomized control study. Journal of surgery Vineet, kalpana, vinay hg, om pramod raja, and karthik as, et al. :  j surg 17 (2021): 1. Index copernicus JAN 2021
9. Dr. Ravi Kumar H Gastric volvulus associated with eventeration of diaphragm New indian journal of surgery New indian j of surgery 2021:12(1):45-47 Index copernicus JANUARY-MARCH 2021 JANUARY-MARCH 45-47
10. Dr. Ravi Kumar H Early enteral feeding versus feeding after passage of flatus after abdominal operation: a randomized control study in a tertiary care centre   Nigerian journal of surgery   Nigerian journal of surgery.2020;30 nov:1–7     Google scholar, ebsco discovery service NOV 2020 NOV 2020
11. Dr. Ravi Kumar H To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of acute appendicitis using combination of modified ripasa scoring system & ultrasonography –prospective analytical study New indian journal of surgery New indian j of surgery 2020;11(4):543-549 Index copernicus OCTPBER-DECEMBER 2020 543-549
12. Dr. Ravi Kumar H A comparitive study of early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis and its associated complication New indian journal of surgery New indian j of surgery vol 10number 2 march-april 2019 Index copernicus,pubmed MARCH-APRIL 2019 VOL 10 NUMBER 2
13. Dr. Ravi Kumar H Diaphragmatic hernia – our experience – acase series   Indian journal of surgery Got confirmation, but not yet published Index copernicus,pubmed
14. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A A comparitivestudy of early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis and its associated complication New indian journal of surgery New indian journal of surgery  vol 10number 2 march-april 2019 Index copernicus,pubmed MARCH-APRIL 2019 VOL 10NUMBER 2
15. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Study of the effect of tamsulosin in the spontaneous expulsion of uretric calculci Archives of international surgery   Archives of international surgery Index copernicus APRIL 2019
16. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Gastric volvulus associated with eventration of diaphragm New indian journal of surgery New indian journal of surgery 2021;12(1):45-47 Index copernicus,pubmed VOL12 NO 1 /JANURY-MARCH N2021
17. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Early enteral feeding versus feeding after passage of flatus after abdominal operation: a randomized control study in a tertiary care centre   Nigerian journal of surgery Nigerian journal of surgery.2020;30 nov:1–7   Google scholar, ebsco discovery service NOV 2020 NOV 2020
18. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Assessment of decompressive surgeries as a pain relief in case of chronic pancreatitis Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2021 vol 11, no. 12, page 01-06 Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2021 vol 11, no. 12, page 01-06 Doaj   PUBLISHED: DECEMBER 13, 2021 2021 VOL 11, NO. 12, PAGE 01-06
19. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Efficacy of glove rubber as seton for high and complex fistula in ano- a retrospective study International journal of current research Ijcr,8(10)40525-40529 Google scholar, ebsco discovery service OCT 2016 IJCR,8(10)40525-40529
20. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A Diaphragmatic hernia – our experience – acase series   Indian journal of surgery Got confirmation, but not yet published Index copernicus,pubmed
21. Dr Saikalyan Guptha A   Detailed study of blunt abdominal trauma in a tertiary care center   International journal   Doaj   Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2022 vol 11, no.1, page 01-07 FEBRUARY 02, 2022 VOL 11, NO.1, PAGE 01-07
22. Dr. Vinay H G Comparison of the efficacy of povidone-iodine and normal saline wash in preventing surgical site infections in laparotomy wounds –rct International journal Vinay hg, kiran kumar, rameshreddy g, arudhra p, udayeeteja b (2019) comparison of the efficacy of povidone-iodine and normal saline wash in preventing surgical site infections in laparotomy wounds-randomized controlled trial. Surgery curr res 8: 319. Doi: 10.4172/2161-1076.1000319 Index copernicus googlescholar /no JAN 23, 2019 8(2) 2161-1076
23. Dr. Vinay H G Comparative study of laparoscopic appendicectomy under general and regional anesthesia: randomized control trial   National journal Vinay h g, ramesh reddy g. Comparative study of laparoscopic appendicectomy under general and regional anesthesia:randomized control trial. New indian j surg. 2020;11(2):198–202 Index copernicus/no OCT 16, 2019 1(2)
24. Dr. Vinay H G Outcome of various skin incisions in abdominal surgeries:a randomized controlled study National journal Vinay hg, ramesh reddy g. Outcome of various skin incisions in abdominal surgeries:a randomized controlled study. Newindian j surg. 2020;11(2):211–214. Index copernicus/no OCT 31, 2019 11(2)
25. Dr. Kalpana The effect of adjuvant local anaesthesia on
post-operative outcomes in inguinal hernioplasty: a
randomized controlled study
Vineet, kalpana, vinay hg, om pramod raja, and karthik as, et al. “the effect of adjuvant local anaesthesia on post-operative outcomes in inguinal hernioplasty: a randomized controlled study” j surg 17 (2021): 1. Vineet, kalpana, vinay hg, om pramod raja, and karthik as, et al. “the effect of adjuvant local anaesthesia on post-operative outcomes in inguinal hernioplasty: a randomized controlled study” j surg 17 (2021): 1. Index copernicus/no JAN 2021
26. Dr. Kalpana To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of acute appendicitis using combination of modified ripasa scoring system & ultrasonography –prospective analytical study New indian journal of surgery Http:// Index copernicus/no
27. Dr. Kalpana Comparative study of fistulectomy and fistulotomy in the management of fistula in ano New indian journal of surgery Http:// Index copernicus/no JULY-AUGUST 2019
28. Dr. Kalpana The study of intestinal obstruction in neonates and their outcome excluding anorectal malformation New indian journal of surgery Http;//   Index copernicus/no JULY-AUGUST 2019
29. Dr. Shaurav Ghosh   Early total body ct for trauma patients-randomized cohort study New indian journal surgery Shaurav ghosh. Early total body ct for trauma patients: a randomized cohort study. New indian j surg. 2020;11(4):515–522.doi: Index copernicus OCT-DEC 2020 ISSN:0976-4747
30. Dr. Shaurav Ghosh   Is laparoscopic approach a better alternative in comparison to the open technique for the management of ventral hernias; a comparative analysis New indian journal surgery Om pramod kumar, shaurav ghosh, pranav sharma. Is the laparoscopic approach a better alternative in comparison to the open technique for the management of primary ventral hernias? A comparative analysis. New indian j surg. 2020;11(4):497–504.doi: Index copernicus OCT-DEC 2020 ISSN:0976-4747
31. Dr. Shaurav Ghosh   Audit of motor vehicle accidents at a trauma center The cureus journal of medical science (international journal ) Ghosh s, kazi fn, sharma jvp. Audit of motor vehicle accidents at a trauma center. Cureus. 2022 apr 1;14(4):e23729. Doi: 10.7759/cureus.23729. Pmid: 35368882; pmcid: pmc8973247. Pubmed APRIL, 2022 ISSN:2168-8184
32. Dr. Shaurav Ghosh Comparison of lrinec scoring system with finger test and histopathological examination for necrotizing fasciitis The surgery journal (international journal ) Kazi fn, sharma jv, ghosh s, prashanth d, raja vopk. Comparison of lrinec scoring system with finger test and histopathological examination for necrotizing fasciitis. Surg j (n y). 2022 jan 17;8(1):e1-e7. Doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1740629. Pmid: 35059495; pmcid: pmc8763456. Pubmed JANUARY,2022  ISSN:2378-5136
33. Dr. V Om Pramod Kumar Raja Is laparoscopic approach a better alternative in comparison to the open technique for the management of ventral hernias; a comparative analysis National journal Om pramod kumar, shaurav ghosh, pranav sharma.   New indian j surg. 2020;11(4):497–504.doi: Index copernicus/no OCT 2020
34. Dr. V Om Pramod Kumar Raja Comparison of lrinec scoring system with finger test and histopathological examination for necrotizing fasciitis The surgery journal (international journal ) Kazi fn, sharma jv, ghosh s, prashanth d, raja vopk. Comparison of lrinec scoring system with finger test and histopathological examination for necrotizing fasciitis. Surg j (n y). 2022 jan 17;8(1):e1-e7. Doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1740629. Pmid: 35059495; pmcid: pmc8763456. Pubmed JANUARY,2022  ISSN:2378-5136
35. Dr. V Om Pramod Kumar Raja The effect of adjuvant local anaesthesia on post-operative out comes in inguinal hernioplasty – randomized control study. Journal of surgery Vineet, kalpana, vinay hg, om pramod raja, and karthik as, et al. :  j surg 17 (2021): 1. Index copernicus/no JAN 2021
36. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan.


Clinical study of amoebic liver abscess with reference to conservative management and ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration

New indian journal of surgery volume 10 number 5 / september – october 2019 doi: New indian journal of surgery volume 10 number 5 / september – october 2019 doi:   Index copernicus/medline/icmje/no   SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2019   VOLUME 10 NUMBER 5
37. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan.   Comparative study between bisap scoring system and c-reactive protein analysis in predicting severity of acute pancreatitis New indian journal of surgery volume 11 number 1 / january – march 2020 doi: New indian journal of surgery volume 11 number 1 / january – march 2020 doi:   Index copernicus/medline/icmje/no JAN-MARCH 2020 VOLUME 11 NUMBER 1
38. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan.   Clinical profile of patients with cholelithiasis at a tertiary care hospital International journal of surgery science 2021; 5(2): 244-246 E-issn: 2616-3470 p-issn: 2616-3462 © surgery science 2021; 5(2): 244-246 received: 02-02-2021 accepted: 09-03-2021 Index copernicus /no 09-03-2021 WWW.SURGERYSCIENCE.COM 2021; 5(2): 244-246
39. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan. Study of factors necessitating conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy International journal of surgery science 2021; 5(2): 216-219 E-issn: 2616-3470 p-issn: 2616-3462 © surgery science 2021; 5(2): 216-219 received: 17-02-2021 accepted: 30-03-2021 Index copernicus/no 30-03-2021 WWW.SURGERYSCIENCE.COM 2021; 5(2): 216-219
40. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan.   Assessment of decompressive surgeries as a pain relief in case of chronic pancreatitis Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2021 vol 11, no. 12, page 01-06 Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2021 vol 11, no. 12, page 01-06 Doaj 13-12-2021 VOL 11, NO. 12, PAGE 01-06
41.  Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan.   Detailed study of blunt abdominal trauma in a tertiary care center   International journal   Archives of clinical and experimental surgery 2022 vol 11, no.1, page 01-07   Doaj 02-02- 2022

VOL 11, NO.1, PAGE 01-07


42 Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan. Diaphragmatic hernia – our experience – acase series Indian journal of surgery Got confirmation, but not yet published Index copernicus,pubmed
43. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan. The study of intestinal obstruction in neonates and their outcome excluding anorectal malformation New indian journal of surgery,volume 10 november 4, july-agust-2019http;// New indian journal of surgery,volume 10 november 4, july-agust-2019http;// Index copernicus/no JULY-AUGUST 2019
44. Dr. Sidduraj C Sajjan. Comparative study of fistulectomy and fistulotomy in the management of fistula in ano

New indian journal of surgery volume 10 november 4, july-agust2019


New indian journal of surgery volume 10 november 4, july-agust-2019


Index copernicus/no JULY-AUGUST 2019
45. Dr. Sharanabasavaraj Javali Study of factors necessitating conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy International journal of surgery science 2021; 5(2): 216-219 E-issn: 2616-3470 p-issn: 2616-3462 © surgery science 2021; 5(2): 216-219 received: 17-02-2021 accepted: 30-03-2021 Index copernicus/no 30-03-2021 30-03-2021
46. Dr. Sharanabasavaraj Javali Clinical profile of patients with cholelithiasis at a tertiary care hospital International journal of surgery science 2021; 5(2): 244-246 E-issn: 2616-3470 p-issn: 2616-3462 © surgery science 2021; 5(2): 244-246 received: 02-02-2021 accepted: 09-03-2021 Index copernicus/no 09-03-2021 09-03-2021
47. Dr. Sharanabasavaraj Javali Management and outcome of blunt abdominal trauma injuries at tertiary care hospital International journal International journal of surgery science Index copernicus/no PUBLISHED 04/04/2021 PUBLISHED 04/04/2021
48. Dr. Sharanabasavaraj Javali A comparative study of outcomes of minor anorectal surgeries under local anaesthesia vs spinal anaesthesia in a tertiary care hospital International journal International journal of recent surgical and medical sciences Doaj ACEPTED ON- 6/04/2022 ACEPTED ON- 6/04/2022
49. Dr. Pranav Sharma Is laparoscopic approach a better alternative in comparison to the open technique for the management of ventral hernias; a comparative analysis National journal

New indian journal surgery


Index copernicus/no

PUBLISHED ON 20/03/2021


PUBLISHED ON 20/03/2021


50. Dr. Mohan L N

Management of blunt solid organ injuries : the indian society for trauma and acute care (istac) guidelines.


² Subodh kumar , amit gupta, l.n.mohan, …, m.misra

² indian  journal of surgery published online april 2021


Index copernicus/no
51. Dr. Mohan L N Thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma: case report and review of literature National journal

Chandrashekar d, mohan l n, sharanabasavaraj javali, shaurav ghosh

New indian journal of surgery

52. Dr. Deepak G Hyperbilirubinemia as a diagnostic tool in patients with perforated appendicitis: a prospective study International journal Index copernicus/no JUN 2020 JUN 2020
53. Dr. Deepak G Clinical study of asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis in patients with varicose veins of lower extremities International journal Isj Index copernicus/no OCT 2019 OCT 2019
54. Dr. Deepak G Defining the role of single-dose systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in clean surgical cases in a tertiary care centre; a prospective comparative study International journal Doi: 10.9790/0853-2008070612 Citation index/no AUGUST. 2021 AUGUST. 2021
55. Dr. Chandrashekar D A clinical study on axillary lymphadenopathy in breast disorders National journal New indian journal of surgery Index copernicus/no



56. Dr. Chandrashekar D A clinical study on left sided indirect inguinal hernia containing sigmoid colon National journal New indian journal of surgery Index copernicus/no



57. Dr. Chandrashekar D Thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma: case report and review of literature National journal Index copernicus/no New indian journal of surgery



58. Dr. Chandrashekar D A comparative study of outcomes of minor anorectal surgeries under local anaesthesia vs spinal anaesthesia in a tertiary care hospital International journal International journal of recent surgical and medical sciences Doaj ACEPTED ON- 6/04/2022
59. Dr. Chandrashekar D Surprising intraoperative finding in a case of small bowel obstruction:a rare case report International journal Indian journal of surgery Ijos
60. Dr. Chandrashekar D A rare case of gastrointestnal bleeding:jejunal gastrointestinal stromal tumor Inetrnational journal Doi: Inetrnational  surgery journal /11/02/2021
61. Dr. Chandrashekar D D-dimer – an  essential marker in severity prediction of acute pancreatits International journal of  scientific research Doi:10.36106/ijsr

Index copernicus

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