

Facilities including Laboratories & with Latest Important Equipment details / photos

The Department of Anatomy in Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre is well equipped and provides with adequate infrastructure and equipment to accommodate 250 students.

The following is the list of equipment that the department has


1. Monocular Students microscope

2. Binocular microscope

3. Projection microscope

4. Dissection Microscope

5. CCTV with Color monitor

6. Paraffin bath

7. Hot water bath with temperature control

8. Microtome (Sledge)

9. Microtome (Rotary)

10. Hot plate

11. Slide warmer

12. Magnetic stirrer

13. Cyclo mixer

14. Distillation plant

15. Double Demonstration eye pieces

16. Slide cabinets with capacity of 1000 each

17. Balance

18. Histology charts

19. Glass wares

20. Refrigerator

21. Diamond pencil

22.7 Colour marking pencil

Dissection Hall

1. Band saw

2. Cold storage

3. X-ray view box

4. Dissecting instruments

5. Charts

6. Students lockers

7. Skeleton

8. Unmounted Wet specimen

9. Unmounted Dry specimen

10. Embalming machine


1. Specimen wet mounted & catalogued

2. Specimen dry mounted & catalogued

3. Models

4. Charts

5. Skeleton

6. X-ray viewing lobby

7. Disarticulated sets

Anthropometric instruments

1. Mandibulometer

2. Goniometer

3.Osteometric board

Teaching is facilitated by 3D lecture classes.
Dissection hall is enabled with digital anatomy dissection setup.