Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 

Radiation Oncology

The Department of Radiation Oncology commissioned the state-of-the-art machine, the laser guarded Image guided Radiation therapy (IGRT) and respiratory gating along with IMRT-the intensity modulated radiation therapy, one of its own in the Asia in 2007.This highly specialized department provides services to the treatment of Brain, Head and Neck, Thoracic, Abdominal, Genito-urinary and Extremity tumors. The facility was upgraded to VMAT (Volumetric modulated Arc Therapy- Rapid Arc) in February 2013.  

The second linear accelerator machine, Versa HD -Stereotactic Precision Radiotherapy unit (Triple F) was inaugurated on 6th February 2017. Featuring high precision beam shaping and tumor targeting, Versa HD is designed with new capabilities to provide a faster and more accurate treatment for a wider range of cancers. Versa HD offers both conventional and stereotactic treatments. Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) are important alternatives to invasive surgery, especially for patients who are unable to undergo surgery and for tumors and abnormalities that are hard to reach and located close to vital organs.

Brachytherapy – internal radiation therapy Bangalore

Brachytherapy is commonly used as an effective treatment for cervical, prostate, breast, head & neck and skin cancer and can also be used to treat tumors in many other body sites. Brachytherapy can be used alone or in combination with external radiation therapy. As the radiation sources can be precisely positioned at the tumor treatment site, brachytherapy enables a high dose of radiation to be applied to a small area. We offer MRI based volume optimized intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer using MRI compatible applicators.-Treatment we offer are –ICBT , ISBT , SORBO , ILRT.

Total Skin Electron Radiation Therapy (TSET) Bangalore

Total Skin Electron Radiation Therapy (TSET) in Bangalore at Vydehi, a specialized treatment for lymphoma where the entire skin is treated with electrons. The technique is time consuming to develop and carry out on routine basis. A rigorous quality assurance program needs to be the part of treatment and hence it is being offered at very few selected centers including ours

Professor & HOD

Dr.Geeta Narayanan

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr.Arpitha S

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Associate Professor

Dr Rajesh

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Kiran Kumar B R

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Pranitha S L

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Veda Varshne D.Nath

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Kashyap M

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Sushmitha K Thomas

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

  1. Sowmya Narayanan, Kavi Arasu and Geeta S. Narayanan; QUALITY ASSURANCE OF ENHANCED DYNAMIC WEDGE (EDW) USING ELECTRONIC PORTAL IMAGING DEVICE (EPID), presented at 10th BIENNIAL ESTRO Conference on physics and radiation technology for clinical radiotherapy Maastricht, The Netherlands; Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 92 Supplement 1 (2009).
  2. Sowmya Narayanan, Geeta S. Narayanan; “Treatment verification in Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy” Radiotherapy & Oncology, Volume 99, Supplement 1 (2011).
  3. Sowmya Narayanan, K. G. Megala Devi, Geeta S. Narayanan; “In house quality assurance program for treatment planning system” Journal of Medical Physics, Abstract No. 12004301 (2012).
  4. G. Megala Devi, S. Sowmya Narayanan, Geeta S. Narayanan, Majo V.J; “Consistencies in quality assurance of the on-board imager” Journal of Medical Physics, Abstract No. 12006501 (2012).
  5. Sowmya Narayanan, K. G. Megala Devi, Geeta S. Narayanan, Bhaskar V; “Image based high dose rate brachytherapy for carcinoma cervix” Journal of Medical Physics, Abstract No. 12004302 (2012).
  6. Rajashree A, Dr. Bhaskar, Sowmya Narayanan S; “High dose rate transperinealintestitial brachytherapy for cervical cancer: With improvement in the implantation process showing high pelvic control and better optimized isodose distribution” Indian journal of cancer volume 50, supplement 1, nov (2013). S- 112.
  7. Geeta S Narayanan, Santosh K, Ganesh M S; “Effect of radiation treatment interruption in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck cancer patient treated with concurrent chemo radiotherapy: a single institution experience” Indian journal of cancer, volume 50, supplement 1, nov (2013), S-91.
  8. Niharika, Shamsunder, Geeta S. Narayanan, Manjunath N; “Unusual metastatic presentation of carcinoma hypopharynx- a case report” Journal of cancer research and therapeutics Cancer Res Ther (2015), July -Sep, 11 (3):666-668
  9. Arpitha S. Rao, Karthiki Rajmanickam, Geeta S. Narayanan; “Study of distribution of inguinal nodes around the femoral vessels and contouring of inguinal nodes.” J Cancer Res Ther, (2015), July-Sep; 11 (3):575-579.
  10. Arpitha S. Rao, Geeta S. Narayanan, Manjunath N; “Carcinoma cervix presenting with clivus metastasis” J Cancer Res ther (2015) July -Sep; 11(3):662.
  11. Arpitha S. Rao, Rishab kumar, Geeta S. Narayanan; “A rare case of cisplatin induced acute myocardial infarction in a patient receiving chemo radiation for lung cancer” J Cancer Res Ther(2015), Oct-Dec; 11 (4):983-985.
  12. Shashidhar V. Karpurmath, Shravan Nimma, Geeta S. Narayanan, Manjunath I. Nandennannavar; “Prospective comparative study of dose dense neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by chemo radiation and definitive chemo radiation alone in stage IB2-IVA cervical cancer” International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology (2016),(5)9:2909-
  13. Babu Suresh, Narayanan Sowmya, Venugopal, Ramya, Narayanan Geeta, “Is Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) an option for Cranio Spinal Irradiation (CSI)?”Pan Arab Journal of Oncology, Vol. 10: No. 3December 2017.
  14. Chandana G, Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Mohamed Abdul Mohamed Malik , Swathi Krishna Reddy, Raghavendra Prasad; “ Role of Serum CEAasTumor marker for predicting presence of pelvic and paraaortic lymph node metastasis in SCC of uterine cervix” Journal Cancer Prevention & Current Research; August (2017)
  15. Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Kavitha; “Comparative study on target volume delineation using CT-MRI fusion technology with alone in radiotherapy planning of Head and neck cancer” World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (2017),3 (1) 157-166
  16. Tiwari R, Narayanan GS, Jayakumar V, Narayanan S, Vishwanathan B, Mandal SK, Babu S, Ramya V, George D; “The promise of image-guided brachytherapy of better clinical outcomes in treatment of cervical cancer: Does it deliver? An Indian scenario” GynecolOncol. 2018 Sep; 150(3):420-425. Doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.07.012. Epub 2018 Jul 17
  17. Cheemala Sushmitha, Geeta S Narayanan, MS Ganesh. ” Neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation therapy in T4 resectableoral cavity cancer “Hematol Med Oncol, 2019doi: 10.15761/HMO.1000182
  18. Khaleel M. Divyashree N. Geeta S. N Dosimetric comparison between 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy and intensity modulated radiotherapy in carcinoma Esophagus ejpmr, 2020,7(7), 433-442
  19. Raghunath S, Richa Tiwari, Geeta S N Impact of radical dose escalation by endoluminal brachytherapy and induction chemotherapy in definitive treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer. Accepted manuscript Oct 2020. Indian journal of Cancer- 80.doi:10.1016/j.brachy.2019.10.003.Epub 2019 Dec 6.
  20. Tiwari R, Narayanan GS, Narayanan S, Suresh Kumar P. “Long-term effectiveness and safety of image-based, transperineal combined intracavitary and interstitial brachytherapy in treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer” .Brachytherapy Jan-Feb 2020;19(1):73-80.
  21. G, Narayanan G., Rishab Kumar “Change of telomerase activity in peripheral blood of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma pre and post curative treatment” RepPract Oncol Radiother. 2020 Jan-Feb; 25(1): 28–34. Published online 2019 Dec 1. doi: 10.1016/j.rpor.2019.10.011
  22. Naveen B., Geeta S. Narayanan, Sowmya Narayanan. “Necessity of re-planning during the intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for head and neck cancer to ensure adequate coverage of target volume)” International Journal of Medical Research and Review. March-April 2020 (in Vol8 Issue 2 of 2020
  23. Namratha Sai Reddy, Rashmi Shivananjappa, Geeta S. N., Richa Tiwari. Use of 4-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scan to Estimate the Planning Target Volume Margin in Lung Tumors. Asian Journal of Oncology July 2020; 06:3-9.
  24. Mathew Varghese K., Geeta S. Narayanan, Bhaskar Vishwanathan S Shashidhar V. Karpurmath, Soumya Narayanan “Comparison of altered fractionation schedule with concurrent chemo- radiation for squmaous cell carcinoma of head and neck “. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 Aug;8(8): www.msjonline.orgpISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012
  25. Narayanan GS, Ganesh MS, Kumar R. Comparison of treatment response in cervical carcinoma patients infected with human papillomavirus 16 and human papillomavirus 18 who are treated with chemo radiation. J Cancer Res Ther. 2021 Jan-Mar; 17(1):204-210. Doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_177_19.
  26. Rishabh Kumar, Prachi Kala, Geeta Narayanan Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Sowmya Narayanan, Sanjeet Mandal, Evaluation and evolution of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in image-guided adaptive brachytherapy (IGABT) for cervical cancer. Brachytherapy 20 Volume 20, Issue 1, January–February 2021, Pages 112-117
  27. Rishabh Kumar, Geeta S. Narayanan, Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Sowmya Narayanan, Sanjeet Mandal. A prospective comparative Dosimetric study between diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) & T2-weighted MRI (T2W) for target delineation and planning in cervical cancer brachytherapy. Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, Volume 25, Issue 6, November–December 2020, Pages 1011-101
  28. Chatakonda S Snehit, Bhaskar Vishwanathan, Geeta S Narayanan et al. “Comparison of Hyper fractionated Radiotherapy with Concomitant Chemotherapy and Conventional Chemo radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Volumetric Modulated Arc Technique (VMAT)” Acta Scientific CANCER BIOLOGY (ISSN: 2582-4473) Volume 5 Issue 5 May 2021, 1-11
  29. Divyashree N, Geeta S N, Sowmya Narayanan, Bhanumathy G. Dosimetric Comparative study of 3Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy(3D-CRT), Vol umetric-Modulated Arc Therapy (V-MAT) and Hybrid V-MAT(H-VMAT) in Radiotherapy of Cancer of the Esophagus, Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Cancer on 8TH October 2020Suresh Raghunath, Richa Tiwari, Geeta S N et al- Impact of radical dose escalation by endoluminal brachytherapy and induction chemotherapy in definitive treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer. IJC_535_20R13
  30. Surekha Goyal, Richa Tiwari, Geeta S Narayanan, Sowmya Narayanan. A Comparative study evaluating the dose volume parameters in 3-D conformal radiation of left sided whole breast irradiation including regional lymph nodes- a need of resource constrained countries. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2021; 26(6): 1003–1009 Published online 2021 Dec 30. doi: 10.5603/RPOR.a2021.0125
  31. Richa Tiwari, Geeta S. Narayanan, Vaishnavi Perumal Reddy, Bhaskar Viswanathan, Impact of Nodal Boost Irradiation and MR-based brachytherapy on Oncologic Outcomes in High-risk Cervical Cancer: Gynecology Oncol. 2021 Oct; 163(1):110-116. Doi: 10.1016 / j. ygyno. 2021.07.023. Epub 2021 Jul 23GYN-21-699,
  32. Priyanka M. V.P. Dr Prameela C.G., Dr Geeta S.N. Intramuscular injection of human placental extract versus conventional symptomatic approaches in radiation induced oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancers on definitive chemoradiotherapy, A ray of hope? Accepted for publication in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics on 9th November 2022
  33. Veda Varshne D Nath, Geeta S.N., Salman S. Hippocampal sparing in radiation therapy to primary brain tumors and impact on memory function in adults. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical medicine. Volume 9, Issue 4, Winter 2022
  34. M Santhosh Krishna, Bhaskar V, Naveen B, Geeta SN Prospective Cohort Study Analyzing 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy and Salivary Glands Preserving Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy with/without Concomitant Cisplatin Chemotherapy in Head and Neck Malignancies ;1Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research January 2022DOI:10.7860/JCDR/2021/51787.15736
  35. Ramya V.Sowmya N., Richa T.Geeta S. N.; Optimal Choice of Technique for Stereotactic Radiosurgery—A LINAC-Based Dosimetric Study between DCA, DCA-SSO, DCA-SSO-VDR, and VMAT. Asian J Onco Article published online: 2022-07-14
  36. Surekha Goyal, Vedamanasa Ikkurthi, S. N. Geeta. Efficacy of adjuvant radiation in early stage cancers of buccal mucosa: an institutional experience Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

.Student: Dr Malik

Guide: Dr Geeta S. Narayanan

Bhaskar V, Kavitha R, Mohd Abdul Malik; “Role of Radiation therapy as a sole modality of treatment in Recurrent Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma- a case report” International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 11 Issue 1: (2012) 37-40.

2.Student: Dr Kavitha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Bhaskar V, Ganesh M.S. ,Kavitha R; “Actinomycosis masquerading as soft tissue tumor of thigh- A rare case report” International journal of clinical and diagnostic research, vol 1, issue 1, Nov- Dec (2013)1(1);1

3.Student: Dr Kavitha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Bhaskar V, Ganesh M.S. Kavitha R; “Chronic arsenic exposure and skin cancer  – a case report” International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 2, Issue 3: (2013) 95-99.

4.Student: Dr Salman

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.


5.Student: Dr Anukul

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Anukul Dutta, ,  Pranitha S L,  Geeta Narayanan Ewing’s Sarcoma of Rectum – A Rare Case Report “ International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN(online): 2767-8342Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023 Page No: 0000-0000 DOI: https ://doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i5-00, Impact Factor: 6.597.

6.Student: Dr Anukul

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Anukul Dutta, Pranitha SL. Geeta SN “A Case Report on Carcinoma Lung with Changing Histology Over the Period of Time” Journal of MAR Oncology (Volume 5 Issue 6).

7.Student: Dr Kashyap

Guide: Dr Geeta S.N.

Kashyap M. Pranitha SL, Geeta SN. S. Narayanan,”A Case Report on Brachytherapy in Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS)”International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342Volume 03 Issue 06 June 2023Page No: 1049-1052 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i6-02, Impact Factor: 6.597.

8.Student: Dr Lavanya

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Lavanya K. Uthappa, Geeta S. Narayanan, Kiran Kumar B. R “Recurrent Malignant Melanoma Eyelid -A Case Report and Review of Literature International Research Journal of  Oncology Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 85-89, 2023; Article no.IRJO.98278.

9.Student: Dr Monica

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

P Monica, Geeta S Narayan, B R Kiran Kumar “Recurrent dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: A case report and review of literature “Indian J Case Reports, online first.

10.Student: Dr Natasha

Guide: Dr Bhaskar V

Laishram Natasha, Geeta S Narayanan “Sarcomatoid Thymic Carcinoma: A Case Report” International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022Page No: 758-761 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v2-i8-08, Impact Factor: 5.36

11.Student: Dr Shreya

Guide: Dr Prameela

Shreya Chatterjee, Pranitha Slr. Geeta SN. S. Narayanan “A Case Report on the Palliative Role of Intraluminal Brachytherapy (IIBT) in Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma” International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies. ISSN (print): 2767-8326, ISSN (online): 2767-8342 Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2023Page No: 808-811 DOI: https: //doi .org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v3-i5-03, Impact Factor: 6.597

12.Student: Dr. Mamatha

Guide: Dr. Arpitha

Mamatha, Pranitha, Geeta, Arpitha: A rare case of proliferating trichilemmal tumor treated with radiotherapy in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI:, Impact factor: 6.597.

13.Student: Dr. Mathangi

Guide: Dr. Haseeb

Matangi, Kashyap M, Geeta S. Narayanan: A Case Report on Myoepithelial carcinoma of breast treated with Multimodality approach in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI: ; Impact factor :6.597.

14.Student: Dr. Chandana

Guide: Dr. Geeta

Chandana T, Lavanya Uthappa, Geeta S Narayanan: Abdominal Incision Metastasis from Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cervix after Wertheim’s Hysterectomy-A Case Report and Review of Literature in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies DOI: Impact factor – 6.597

  1. Change of telomerase activity in peripheral blood of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients’ pre and post treatment.
  2. To compare response of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) high risk genotypes in   patients with invasive carcinoma of cervix treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy1. Dosimetric Comparative study of rectum and bladder doses using volume based planning and ICRU reference points during Intracavitary Brachytherapy in cervical cancer.
  3. Comparison of altered fractionation schedule with concurrent chemo radiation for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
  4. Comparative study of Target volume delineation using CT-MRI fusion with CT alone in radiotherapy planning of Head and neck cancers.
  5. Evaluation of set up errors using IGRT with IMRT for pelvic tumours.
  6. Evaluation of setup errors through Image Guidance for Head and Neck cancers
  7. Evaluation of the role of IGRT in Cranio-Spinal irradiation
  8. Comparison of treatment for Ca. Breast with and without Respiratory Gating
  9. Dose verification of IMRT plans using EPID dosimetry and ARGUS dosimetry.
  10. Analyzing the locoregional control and overall survival in Gastric cancer patients treated with surgery followed by chemo radiation versus chemotherapy followed by surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy.
  11. The Dosimetric evaluation of use of bolus in IMRT of superficial tumors
  12. Comparison of treatment calculation algorithms for IMRT planning and its influence on dose specification
  13. Comparison of Dosimetric protocol for MU calculation and verification
  14. Evaluation of the efficacy of Enhanced Dynamic Wedge over Physical wedge for various treatment sites.
  15. Assessment of response after chemo radiation in cervical cancer using MRI.
  16. Role of MRI in preoperative staging in patients diagnosed with rectal cancer.
  17. Preoperative endoscopic ultrasound in staging rectal cancer.
  18. Comparison of preoperative radiological staging with postoperative pathological staging in rectal cancers.
  19. Radio sensitivity of unrespectable medullary carcinoma thyroid, analyzing the response for radiation therapy and tumor characteristics.
  20. Analyzing the locoregional control and overall survival in Gastric cancer patients treated with surgery followed by chemo radiation versus chemotherapy followed by surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy.
  21. Analyzing the different fractionation schedules in intracavitary brachytherapy for cervical cancer.
  22. Keloids and radiation therapy.
Sl.No. Name Name of the award Details Awarding authority Place Date
1. Dr Priyanka MV Quiz winner State conference radiation oncology Association of radiation oncologists of India, Karnataka chapter Coorg 9th November 2019
2. Dr Jaswanthi 2nd Best oral paper National brachytherapy conference Indian Brachytherapy Society Mangalore 1st September 2019
3.   Dr Sai Snehith   Best E poster in solid tumors Real World Evidence Conference Real world Evidence Chennai 24th August 2019
4.   Dr Sai Snehith   Quiz Topper   Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019
5.   Dr Parikshith   Quiz Second Prize   Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019
6.   Dr Gurubasappa Quiz Third Prize Conference on International symposium on emerging trends in radiotherapy, Pathways to the future Christian Medical College, Vellore. Christian Medical College, Vellore. 8th and 9th March 2019
7. Dr Kiran Kumar B.R. Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – Can we predict the subset of head and neck acncer patients who will benefit from Tracheosttomy Indo-Oncology Summit Bhubaneswar 4th February 2018
8. Dr Kiran Kumar B.R. Best Treatment Plan Award, International conference Radiation treatment plan had to be generated by using given constraints Federation of Asian Organizations for Radiation Oncology Bali-Indonesia 6th September 2018
9. Dr Suresh Raghunath Best Oral paper, 1st Prize, National Conference Presented – Endoluminal brachytherapy following induction chemotherapy and definitive chemo radiation in locally advanced esophageal cancer Indian Brachytherapy Society Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 12th August 2018
10. Dr Mansi Shah Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – MRI based image guided volumetric brachytherapy for cervical cancer Oncology2018 Kochi 30th September 2018
Other achievements
⮚Elected as President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka state chapter, Bangalore on 2nd March 2018 for a tenure of 2 years CME’s/ Workshop/National Seminars/ Conference with Credit hours awarded by KMC
SlNo CME/Workshop etc., Details From Date To Date Credit points
1 Course 6th AROI-ICRO (INTAS) radiobiology course for south zone Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta Professor and Head Dept of Radiation Oncology All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 14th July 2018 Nil
2 Symposium Topic:Overview of Stereotactic radiosurgery for CNS and spine lesions Guest Speaker: Dr Aditya Gupta Director – Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery Co-director- Cyber knife Centre, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon 9th February 2018 Nil
3 CME PRODVANCE, a Career Orientation Initiative for young radiation oncologists of India 12th November 2016 13th November 2016 3 credit hours
4 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Gastric and OG junction cancers: Update 4th February 2016 1 credit hour
5 Course Radiobiology course for south zone Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta Professor and Head Dept. of Radiation Oncology All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 5th December 2015 Nil
6 State level Conference Topic: Advances in Radiation treatment, IMRT and beyond 14th February 2015 2 credit hours
7 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Oncology updates for general practioners 4th February 2015 1 credit hour
8 CME (Part of Oncology) Topic: Oncology perspective for medical graduates and postgraduates 15th November 2014 2 credit hours
9 Workshop Topic: Preventive Gynec Oncology 26th June 2014 Nil
10 Late Dr D.K. Audikesavulu Oration Lecture Speaker: Dr Luca Cozzi, Head of Research Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland and Scientific Consultant to Varian Medical Systems 4th February 2014 Nil
11 CME (Part of Oncology) VICON 11, Study day for postgraduates 27th August 2011 Nil
Awards/recognition/ prizes received by the Faculty/ Students
Sl.No Name Faculty/ student Name of the award Details Awarding authority Place Date
1 Dr Geeta S. Narayanan Faculty President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India, Karnataka state chapter Elected as President of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka state chapter AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 2nd  March 2018
2 Dr Bhaskar Vishwanathan Faculty Best oral paper- Role of iron oxide and Gadolinium nanoparticles as radio sensitizer in cancer treatment. National Conference Best scientific paper in category above 40 yrs age Indian Cancer Congress Bangalore 9th November 2017
3 Dr Kiran Kumar B.R. Student Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – Can we predict the subset of head and neck cancer patients who will benefit from Tracheosttomy Indo-Oncology Summit Bhubaneswar 4th February 2018
4 Dr Kiran Kumar B.R. Student Best Treatment Plan Award, International conference Radiation treatment plan had to be generated by using given constraints Federation of Asian Organizations for Radiation Oncology Bali-Indonesia 6th September 2018
5 Dr Suresh Raghunath Student Best Oral paper, 1st Prize, National Conference Presented – Endoluminal brachytherapy following induction chemotherapy and definitive chemo radiation in locally advanced esophageal cancer Indian Brachytherapy Society Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 12th August 2018
6 Dr Mansi Shah Student Best oral paper, 3rd prize, National conference Presented – MRI based image guided volumetric brachytherapy for cervical cancer Oncology2018 Kochi 30th September 2018
7 Dr Rashmi S. Student Best Oral paper 2nd prize organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states Presented, Contouring guidelines for Internal Mammary nodes in locally advanced breast cancer GOKARMA, AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters Goa 15th April 2017
8 Dr Vaishnavi Student Winner of quiz competition organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states Competition for post graduates in Radiation Oncology GOKARMA, AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters Goa 15th April 2017
9 Dr Rashmi, Dr Johan Student 1st runner up of quiz competition organized jointly by Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa states Competition for post graduates in Radiation Oncology GOKARMA, AROI, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa state chapters Goa 15th April 2017
10 Dr Rishab Kumar Student Dr M C Pant gold medal in national conference Presented- Evaluation of ADC maps in image guided brachytherapy of cervical cancer National Conference , AROI Bhubaneswar 26th November 2016
11 Dr Surekha Reddy Student Best oral paper, 2nd prize, state level conference Presented – Aspiration Pneumonitis AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Hubballi 16th April 2016
12 Dr Rajshree Student Best oral paper, 2nd Prize in state level conference Presented – Pilot study comparing response during treatment in Carcinoma Cervix with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by concurrent  chemo radiation vs. concurrent chemo radiation alone: An Institution experience AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 14th February 2015
13 Dr Swathi Student Best poster , 1st prize in state level conference Presented- Comparison of Dosimetric characteristics of physical wedges and enhanced dynamic wedges AROI, Karnataka state Chapter Bangalore 14th February 2015
14 Dr Malik Student Topper in University for MD, Radiotherapy Topper in University for MD, Radiotherapy Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore May 2014
National Programs Dr Geeta S. Narayanan
  1. 6th Annual National Conference of the Indian Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (IMSOS) from 6th to 8th March 2020 at the Chancery Pavilion Bengaluru.
Panelist- Panel Discussion on Metastasis and Myeloma
  1. Invited speaker, Topic: “ICRU 89” on 31stAugust 2019 (Conference Day 1) with the allotted time slot of 11:20am to 11:45am organized by IBSCON (Indian Brachytherapy Society) 2019 at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  2. Invited speaker, Topic: Changing concepts of radiation following BCS, organized by Bangalore Oncology Group on 10thJuly 2019 at President Hotel, Bangalore
  3. Chairperson for the dedicated CME on “Management of Uncommon Tumours in Head and Neck” on 16 February 2019, at Hotel Chancery Pavilion, organized by Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre
  4. Faculty for the ICRO (Indian College of Radiation Oncology) teaching Programme on 22nd and 23rd Dec 2018 at SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Rajasthan Chapter).
  5. Chairperson, 40thAnnual conference by Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROICON) 2018. The topic is Genitourinary Oncology. Time: Hall-B, 11:45 am – 01:00 pm on 30th November 2018
  6. Faculty for the ICRO (Indian College of Radiation Oncology) teaching Programme on 1st & 2nd Sept. 2018 at V.N. Cancer Centre, GKNM Hospital Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
 Webinar /CME’s/Symposium organized by the department
Sl.No CME/Workshop etc., Details  Date
1 Symposium Topic: Overview of Stereotactic radiosurgery for CNS and spine lesions Guest Speaker: Dr Aditya Gupta Director – Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery Co-director- Cyber knife Centre, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon 9th February 2018
2 Course (National seminar) 6th AROI-ICRO (INTAS) radiobiology course for south zone Course Director: Dr Manoj Kumar Gupta Professor and Head Dept. of Radiation Oncology All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 14th July 2018
3 Master class (State level) In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka State Chapter. Topic: Head and Neck Cancer Speaker: Dr Cessal Thommachan Kainickal Additional Professor, Head & Neck oncology ,Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum 3rd February 2019
4 CME In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka State Chapter. Topic: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Speaker : Dr Mahesh Kottapalli, Infectious Disease Associates of Dallas, USA ABIM Board Certified in Internal Medicine and infectious diseases Affiliated with Infectious Disease Society of America 8th May 2019
5 Webinar In association with Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI), Karnataka State Chapter 1. Review of Radiation therapy after breast conservation surgery: Dr Geeta S. Narayanan, Professor and Head, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, VIMS & RC (15 minutes) 2. Our experience of respiratory gated radiation therapy in breast cancer: Dr Richa Tiwari, Assistant professor, Radiation Oncology, VIMS & RC (10 minutes) 3. Total skin Electron therapy (TSET): Clinical perspectives by Dr Salman, 2nd year post graduate, Radiation Oncology, Dosimetric considerations by Ms Ramya, Assistant professor, Dept. of Radiation Physics, VIMS and RC (10 minutes) 4. Management of oliogometastases, Two case scenarios: Dr Suryaprakash, Assistant professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, VIMS and RC (20 Minutes) 18th June 2021
In addition, department has contributed to World Cancer Day activities every year conducted on 4th February

The department runs following courses

M.D. Radiotherapy

The course was started in 2009
Present intake – 8 seats per year

M.Sc. Radiation Physics

The course was started in 2011
Present Intake – 5 seats per year

BSc Radiotherapy Technology

The course is started this year
Present Intake – 5 seats per year