Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 


The Department of Psychiatry is a part of the medical hospital of VIMS & RC since 2001-02. It provides comprehensive care for all mental disorders across the life span. It functions like a General Hospital Psychiatry unit (GHPU) with co-ordination & referrals from and to all other departments. It also imparts training to undergraduates & post-graduates in Psychiatry. It has well qualified staff that has varied interests and vast experience. Apart from Psychiatrists, the department consists of Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric nurses & Social workers and thus follows a multidisciplinary approach for patient care & training. It also has an entire Rehabilitation wing attached that offers appropriate services.

The Department of Psychiatry in Vydehi Hospital is committed to provide exemplary clinical care, consultation services and treatment, both to inpatients and outpatients, along with crisis and emergency services. We venture to offer integrated, comprehensive psychiatric services that empower individuals to change their lives.

Teaching Facility:

Our clinical mission will integrate biological, psychological, and social approaches in the care of our patients and their families, as it provides the foundation for our teaching and research missions. The department seeks to provide outstanding education and training in Psychiatry to undergraduate medical students and post-graduate trainees and has a very good team of teachers with good experience.

Every week seminars, journal club, case presentation are held both at departmental level and at interdepartmental level.

The postgraduates in the department will have clinical exposure in General Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Rehabilitation Psychiatry & Neurology.

Postgraduate lectures are taken every week by faculty. Research activities form an important part of the curriculum for the students.

Professor & HOD

Dr.Kiran Kumar Kadarappa

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Yamini D

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Sudharshan Raghunathan

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Tanvi Pandura Desai

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr. Megha C N

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Clinical Psychologist

Mr Baby Augustine

B.Sc ,M.Sc Clinical Psychology
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Name of the Equipment
1.Electroconvulsive Therapy Machine with computerized EEG & ECG monitoring.
2. Multi channel biofeedback
3.Multi channel digitalized biofeedback – Relax 701
4.Quadramind for : Sex Therapy, Electro sleep, Brain polarizer & Aversion therapy
5.State of the art minor OT for ECT.
6.Psychometric and psycho diagnostic equipment

Facilities: / Service Provided:
Service Provided
1. Emergency Psychiatry care
2. Acute Psychiatry care
3. Consultation liaison psychiatry
4. Sub-acute and chronic Psychiatry care
5 .Psychosocial Rehabilitation services
Acute Care & Emergency services both for male and female
General Psychiatry Ward separate for Male and female
De-addiction services
High Risk Suicide prevention services
Facility for Special wards available
Well Equipped Consultation Rooms
Consultation with highly qualified and experienced faculty
Therapy – Biological, Psychological & Behavioral
Psycho-social interventions
Crisis intervention services

Special Clinics: 2-4 pm

MondayMemory and Dementia Clinic
TuesdayDead Diction Clinic
WednesdayChild Guidance Clinic
ThursdayHeadache Clinic
FridayMarital and Psycho Sexual Clinic
S no Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author Title of paper National or international Citation of the journal Indexing details Date of publication Pageno, vol,ISSN no
1. Raghul Raj, Fiaz Ahmed Sattar, Kiran Kumar K. Metabolic syndrome in patients with Schizophrenia: Relationship with socio-demographic & clinical variables. National Raj R, Sattar FA, Kumar KK. Metabolic syndrome in patients with Schizophrenia: Relationship with socio-demographic & clinical variables. Telangana J Psychiatry 2020;6(1):25-33. Index Copernicus, Crossref, IP-Indexing, Google Scholar, J-gate,, Researchgate June 2020 Page No: 25-33, ISSN: 2455-8559
2. Malini Govindan, Fiaz Ahmed Sattar, Kiran Kumar K. Quality of life in Bipolar affective disorder: Relationship with demographic and clinical variables. National Govinadan M, Sattar FA, Kumar KK, Swapna B, Venugopal VP. Quality of life in Bipolar affective disorder: Relationship with demographic and clinical variables. Telangana J Psychiatry 2020;6(1):47-57. Index Copernicus, Crossref, IP-Indexing, Google Scholar, J-gate,, Researchgate June 2020 Page No: 47-57, ISSN: 2455-8559
3. Ramya Shruthi D A Study on Sexual Functioning in Patients Who Have Undergone Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG). National Shruthi DR, Kumar S S, Shetty SP, Desai N, Sathyanarayana Rao T S. A Study on Sexual Functioning in Patients Who Have Undergone Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG). Journal of Psychosexual Health 2019;1(2) 122–28. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) EBSCO   Google Scholar   Indian Citation Index (ICI)   J-Gate August, 2019 Page No: 122-128 ISSN: 26318318
4. Kiran Kumar K. (4th Author) A Survey among Teachers of Psychiatry to Improve the Quality of Undergraduate Training: Outcomes from Karnataka. National Kishor M, Mysore AV, Isaac MK, Vinay HR, Kumar KK. A Survey among Teachers of Psychiatry to Improve the Quality of Undergraduate Training: Outcomes from Karnataka. Indian J Psychol Med 2020;42:299-303. PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, GALE, Indian Citation Index (ICI) 25-Apr-2020 Page No: 299-303; ISSN: 0253-7176 Online ISSN: 0975-1564
5. Kiran Kumar K. (4th Author) Psychological impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-frontline healthcare workers: results of a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in India. National Thakar S, Singh S, Dalton AE, Kumar KK. Psychological impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-frontline healthcare workers: results of a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:2829-38. National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO), Journal TOCs, ScopeMed, Journal Index J-Gate June 2021 Page No: 2829-2838 pISSN 2394-6032 |eISSN 2394-6040

Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Professor  & HOD is currently

  1. Associate Editor of Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (Official publication of Indian Psychiatric Society, South Zonal Branch)
  2. Associate Editor of Journal of Psychiatry Spectrum (Official Publication of Indian Psychiatric Society –Karnataka Chapter)


A: Original Articles:

  • Chandrashekar M, Sattar FA, Bondade S, Kiran Kumar K. A comparative study of different modalities of treatment in nicotine dependence syndrome. Asian J Psychiatry, 2015, Oct, 17; 29–35.
  • Fiaz Ahmed Sattar, Swapna Bondade, Kiran Kumar K. Clinical profile of female suicide attempters. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2015, Nov (92), 15741-5.
  • Kiran Kumar K., Sattar FA, Veluswamy P, Bondade S. A Descriptive Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated With Non- fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempts. Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(2):205-215. doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i02.014
  • Kiran Kumar K., Fiaz Ahmed Sattar, Swapna Bondade, Shashank Ballur, Danish Hussain. Factors associated with suicide methods among non-fatal suicide attempters in a general hospital: Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(4):491-505. doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i04.05.
  • Kiran Kumar K., Sattar, Fiaz Ahmed; Bondade, Swapna1; Hussain, Md. Munnawar S.; Priyadarshini, Mridula. A Gender-Specific Analysis of Suicide Methods in Deliberate Self-Harm. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 33(1):p 7-21, Jan–Mar 2017. | DOI: 10.4103/0971-9962.200098
  • Raj R, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K, Metabolic syndrome in patients with Schizophrenia: Relationship with socio-demographic & clinical variables. Telangana J Psychiatry 2020;6(1):25-33.
  • Govinadan M, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K, Swapna B, Venugopal VP, Quality of life in Bipolar affective disorder: Relationship with demographic and clinical variables. Telangana J Psychiatry 2020;6(1):47-57.
  • Kishor M, Mysore AV, Isaac MK, Vinay HR, Kiran Kumar K. A Survey among Teachers of Psychiatry to Improve the Quality of Undergraduate Training: Outcomes from Karnataka. Indian J Psychol Med 2020;42:299-303.
  • Thakar S, Singh S, Dalton AE, Kiran Kumar K. Psychological impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-frontline healthcare workers: results of a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:2829-38.
  • Mukesh BM, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K. Prevalence of psychiatric co morbidities in children and Adolescents with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and its Association with socio demographic variables- a cross sectional study. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol 12, Issue 1, Jan 23.
  • Ankit Gupta, Niharika Singh, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K., Dr. Swapna B.  Personality profile in early-onset and Late-onset typologies of alcohol dependence syndrome. INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. Volume – 12. Issue – 06, June – 2023.
  • Girish Babu DS, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K.  Childhood adversities and first onset of depression in a general hospital Psychiatry unit. INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. Volume – 12. Issue – 06, June – 2023.

B: Case Report:

  • Kiran Kumar K, Swapna Bondade, Fiaz Ahmed Sattar, Niharika Singh. Malignant Catatonia and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in relation to disulfiram overdose. Indian J of Psychological Med. 2015
  • Swapna Bondade, Kiran Kumar K., Danish Hussain: Arnold-Chiari malformation and agenesis of the corpus callosum in a case of brief psychotic disorder. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2018; 2: 42–5.

C: Letter to the Editor:

  • Vaidyanathan A, Monteiro J, Avinash BL, Swapna B, Sattar FA, Kiran Kumar K. Physical comorbidities in patients visiting the psychiatric outpatient department in a tertiary hospital in India. Asian J Psychiatry. 2017 Feb;25:136-137.

 D: Book & Book Chapters:

Kishor M, Vinay HR, Kiran Kumar K, Lakshmi VP, Naresh N. Glimpses of Psychiatry for Doctors and Medical Students. Revised Edition. Mysore. Tara Printing Press and Publication. 2014. ISBN coded book. ISBN No: 978-81-926360-7-8.

  • Kiran Kumar K. Author of Chapter “Importance of Peer Support and Networking” in   a book titled “Perspectives in Psychiatry Training” Edited by Dr. Suhas Chandran and Dr. Kishor M. (ISBN: 978-93-5391-222-2).
  • Kiran Kumar K. Author of Chapter “Psychopharmacology” in a book titled “Essentials of Psychiatry for Dermatology and Aesthetic Practice” Edited by Dr. Ashwini P.K. and Dr. Kishor M. (ISBN: 978-81-948549-6-8).

 E: Presentation in Conferences: 

E.1 Free Papers and Poster Presentations: 

  • International: Clinical profile of female suicide attempters-hospital based study: Free paper at IASP 2012.
  • Trends in the methods used for suicide: A hospital-based study: Oral free paper ANCIPS 2013
  • Case series of Kleine Levin Syndrome: e-poster session ANCIPS 2013
  • Pattern of Inpatient Psychiatric Referrals within the General Hospital. Oral free paper ANCIPS 2013
  • Personality profile and sensation seeking in Alcohol dependence syndrome: e-poster session ANCIPS 2013
  • Prevalence of Psychiatric morbidity in eastern part of Bangalore House to House survey. Free Paper, ANCIPS 2013.
  • Headache and Psychiatric co-morbidity: Clinical aspects: Oral Free paper ANCIPS 2014
  • Prevalence of Psychiatric Morbidity In male population in Primary Care – House To House Survey. Free Paper, ANCIPS 2014.
  • Pattern of emergency psychiatry referrals in general hospital setup: e-poster session ANCIPS 2014.
  • Clinical profile of Dhat Syndrome: A Hospital Based Study. Free Paper, ANCIPS 2015.
  • Tension type headache and Psychiatric co-morbidity in a tertiary care hospital: Clinical aspects. Free Paper, ANCIPS 2016.
  • Psychiatric Co-morbidity in patients with Epilepsy. Free Paper, ANCIPS 2016.
  • Familial trichotillomania: a case series Poster Presentation by Dr. Sharnita P., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K., won the 3d prize for her Poster at KANCIPS-2017.
  • A Unique Case of Benzodiazepine Dependence: Poster Presentation by Dr. Mukesh M., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K., won the 2nd Prize at PG CME-2017.
  • Depression in a patient with cryptic hypothalamic glioma an atypical presentation by Dr. Bindiya J., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K., E-Poster KANCIPS 2020.
  • Relationship between somatization disorder & Vitamin B12 Levels- Oral Free Paper presentation by Dr. Bindiya J., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K., IPSOCON-2021.
  • Undifferentiated schizophrenia in a patient with porencephalic cyst- a case report presentation by Dr. Roshni., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K., IPSOCON-2021.
  • Childhood Adversities and Onset of Depression in a General Hospital Psychiatry Unit. Free Oral Paper at ANCIPS 2023 by Dr. Girish Babu DS., Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K.
  • “COMPULSIVE SELF-MUTILATION IN A CASE OF OCD” A Case Report by Dr. Ankit Gupta at ANCIPS 2023, Guide: Dr. Kiran Kumar K. 

E.2 Symposium

  • Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS):
  • 2013 ANCIPS Symposia: “Tracking the impact of childhood psychosocial adversity”. Dr. F. A. Sattar, Dr. Swapna B, Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Dr. Pallavi Joshi A.
  • 2015 ANCIPS Symposia: “Mental Illness- Recovery and Social Inclusion: An Indian Perspective”. Dr. F.A. Sattar, Dr. Rohini T, Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Dr. Md. Munnawar Hussain.
  • 2016 ANCIPS Symposia: “Suicide in Elderly-Scenario 2050”. Dr. F.A.Sattar, Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Dr. Vijay Kumar KG, Dr. Poonam M, Dr. Md. Munnawar Hussain.

E.3 Case Presentations:

  • Art and Psychiatry: An interesting case at IPS-Karnataka Chapter: June 2010
  • A case of Kleine Levin Syndrome at IPS-Karnataka Chapter: March 2011

E.4 Invited Guest Lectures:

  • Consultation Liaison Psychiatry an overview for General Practitioners.
  • Sleep disorders an overview for shift workers in IT professionals.
  • Management of stress- For GHP’s.
  • Management of Depression in General practice for GHP’s.
  • Eating disorders and obesity in IT professionals.
  • Stress management for MBBS Students & NEET aspirants.
  • AETCOM module for MBBS students.

The Department of Psychiatry conducts and takes part in various academic activities in VIMS & RC.

  1. Academic Society meetings on every third Friday of the month.
  2. Regular inter-departmental PG programmes.
  3. Attending and presenting cases at the monthly case conference of Indian Psychiatric Society –Karnataka Branch.
  4. Attending various PG CME programmes organized by the Indian Psychiatric Society.
  5. Lecture series for the Psychiatry PG students in the department.
  6. Regular Seminars / Journal club and case conferences to PG’s in the department.
  7. Regular Seminars to Internee Medical Officers.