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1. Dhua S, Manashree S, Tilak BG. The Clinical Outcome of Perforator Based Sural Artery and Propeller Flaps in Reconstruction of Soft Tissue of Extremities International · Pub Med
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World J Plast Surg. 2019 Jan; 8(1):3-11.
2. Dhua S, Suhas TR, Tilak BG. The effectiveness of autologous platelet rich plasma application in the wound bed prior to resurfacing with split thickness skin graft vs. conventional mechanical fixation using sutures and staples International · Pub Med
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3. Dhua S, Shifa R. Improvement in functional and esthetic outcome in postburn contracture of neck following split skin grafting using goniometer National · Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),
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4. Dhua S, Niharika M. A study of silver Sulfadiazine in burn wound dressings in the management of burn injuries In Progress In Progress
5. Thyagaraj.J Our early experience in immediate total breast reconstruction with deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap International · Pub Med
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6. Thyagaraj.J Thoracodorsal artery perforator flap in immediate breast reconstruction: a series of twenty cases International · Pub Med · Scopus International Surgery Journal  Int Surg J. 2020 Jan; 7(1):205-209
7. Thyagaraj.J Anterior Tonsillar fossa approach to Elongated Styloid Process · Pub Med
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