NO TUITION FEE for Pre-Clinical(MD/MS)/Para Clinical(MD) courses except for MD Pathology course for the A.Y.2024-25                



  1. Histopathology: Routine reporting of specimens received from Operation Theater and from the out-patient departments. Regular Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stains and also ‘special’ histochemistry stains like Ziehl-Neelsen, Wade-Fite, Congo Red, Reticulin, Perl’s and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) are employed. All reports are provided using the latest terminology and diagnostic criteria – oncology reports include staging using the AJCC staging systemaccording recent CAP& WHO approved reporting protocols relevant grading systems and prognostic indicators are used; for instance Gleason scoring for prostate cancer, modified Bloom- Richardson grade for breast cancer etc
  2. Immunohistochemistry: It is undertaken to detect specific antigens in paraffin tissues for a specific diagnosis which helps in prognostication, targeted therapy & monitoring response to therapy. Involves thorough review of complex and difficult cases/Lymphomas/Metastatic Tumors. Reporting done as per the latest CAP & WHO approved reporting protocols
  3. The cytology reporting includes body fluid cytology, cervical smear cytology using Papanicolaou (PAP) stain and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) using H&E and PAP ,May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG) stain. Histochemical stains are also employed as and when required. Pap smears are reported according to the 2014 Bethesda system. The pathologists in the department perform Fine Needle Aspiration both as routine procedures and also under radioiogic guidance.
  4. In the field of hematology, Leishman stained slides of peripheral smears and bone marrow aspiration smears are reported. Haematology section is well equipped with automated analyzers for CBC, Reticulocyte, body fluids, ESR and Coagulation studies.
  5. Clinical Pathology section is equipped with Urine auto analyser, Semen analysis (automated and manual) and Immunofluorescence microscope for ANA testing.

Central Museum

VIDA – Ultra Modern Museum using a blend of E-Platform & Regular specimens,  Charts & Photographs along with other exhibits. There are both E-Catalogues as well as hard copies for ready reference.

The museum contains HD displays, audio visual exhibits & computerized software driven facility for students and other visitors

Wet Specimens 142; Dry specimens 22   Charts 168 Photographs 20

Departmental Museum

No of specimen 470

No of charts-168

Sl.No Name of Equipment Serial No model/Make/Year of Make
1. Autostainer GT7843H2308EP GEMINI AS
2. Embedding Station HS3808A2308EP EPREDIA
3. Cold Plate HS3795B2308EP EPREDIA
4. Cryostat S23020431EP HM 525NX UV
5. Centrifuge  2JLN41076  R.8plus /21278-1Transcal


1 SYSMEX  XN 1000-1 SYSMEX 51509 VH-3004
2 SYSMEX  XN 1000-2 SYSMEX 51510 VH-3005
3 SYSMEX UF 4000 SYSMEX 26673  
4 SYSMEX UC-3500 SYSMEX 13137