Home » Pathology
The Department of Pathology, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences provides both, laboratory services to in-patients and out-patients; and academic activities in the form of teaching of undergraduate students of medical, dental, nursing and paramedical courses and also postgraduate students in Pathology, Nursing and other medical courses.
Teaching facilities
Undergraduate teaching for
a. MBBS (Phase II CBME 12 month course)
b. BDS (III, IV terms; 12 month course)
c. BSc Nursing
Postgraduate teaching in
a. MD Pathology (3 year course)
b. MSc Nursing
Undergraduate and postgraduate teachings are through a customized program of theory lectures, tutorial classes and practical classes. Periodic theory and practical internal assessments are conducted and student performance monitored. The department maintains and regularly upgrades teaching material for these students – these are in the form of anatomic , pathologic specimens, microscopic slides, wall mounted charts, hand-outs and MS PowerPoint presentations.
The departmental museum houses in excess of 470 specimens, along with corresponding catalogues for student perusal. The specimens are constantly upgraded with assistance from the museum curator. A separate set of Unmounted specimens are available exclusively for MD Pathology training and evaluation.
Postgraduate training sessions for MD Pathology course are held on a regular basis. Weekly sessions include subject seminars, journal clubs, interesting case discussion, KCIAPM and EQAS slide discussion, Dissertation reviews and slide reviews, along with informal discussions of cases on a daily basis. Students are rotated through the sections- Haematology, Blood Bank, Cytology and Histopathology (including Neuropathology and Oncopathology) to maximize exposure. Also the students are posted to other departments like Biochemistry, Microbiology and Autopsy room. District residency program (DRP) postings are also there. Periodic internal assessments in theory and practical are held, so also day-to-day monitoring of work performance. Postgraduate students have access to over 151 books in the departmental library and more than 300 e-books collected by the staff. It is ensured that the students regularly attend as well as present posters and oral papers in the CME and Conferences. Postgraduate students in other specialty are also provided with introductory and course-oriented programs in the fields of Histopathology, Cytology and Haematology Blood bank.
Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Cervical smears Cytology – Conventional and LBC
Body fluid cytology
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology – routine
Ultrasound / CT guided FNAC and reporting.
Cell block study
Second opinion on slides.
CBC- automated
Peripheral blood smears reporting
Bone marrow aspiration smear and Bone marrow biopsy reporting
Coagulation studies.
ESR automated
Second opinion/ Reviews.
Urine chemistry and microscopy – manual & automated
Semen analysis – routine (automated) and Sample preparation for IUI procedure.
ANA screening – Immunofluorescence microscopy – ds-DNA, c- ANCA & p-ANCA.
Sl.No | Name of Equipment | Serial No | model/Make/Year of Make |
1. | Autostainer | GT7843H2308EP | GEMINI AS |
2. | Embedding Station | HS3808A2308EP | EPREDIA |
3. | Cold Plate | HS3795B2308EP | EPREDIA |
4. | Cryostat | S23020431EP | HM 525NX UV |
5. | Centrifuge | 2JLN41076 | R.8plus /21278-1Transcal |
1 | SYSMEX XN 1000-1 | SYSMEX | 51509 | VH-3004 |
2 | SYSMEX XN 1000-2 | SYSMEX | 51510 | VH-3005 |
3 | SYSMEX UF 4000 | SYSMEX | 26673 | |
4 | SYSMEX UC-3500 | SYSMEX | 13137 |
Sl. No | Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author | Title of the paper | Whether Published in International National State/ Institutional Journals Name of the Journal | Citation of the journal | Details Of indexing | Date of Publications | Page No: Volume ISSN No: |
1. | Dr. Sumana.B.S: 2nd author | Dipstick screening for urinary Tract Infection in adolescent school girls; evaluation of self-screening ability | National Journal Journal of Clinical diagnosis and Research | Emerging sources citation index (Web of science) Directory open accesses journals (DOAJ) | December 2019 | ||
2. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | IHC The needof hour in classifying lung tumours effectively on guided biopsies | National journal Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology | Index Copernicus | October-Dec 2019 | Volume 6, pISSN 2394-6784 eISSN 2394-6792 | |
3. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | Study of radiologically assisted FNAC in abdominopelvic lesions | International journal International journal Of contemporary Pathology | Index Copernicus | Accepted for publication manuscript No1590/IJOCP 2019 | pISSN 2394-790x eISSN 2395-1184 | |
4. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | Her-2/ neu Revisited The role of Her2/ neu in colorectal carcinoma- A three year study on colonic biopsies | National Journal Indian journal of Pathology Research and practice | Index Copernicus | May –June 2019 | 325-333;Vol 8(3) pISSN 2278-148x eISSN2455-5320 | |
5. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 1st author | Red cell distribution width as a screening test in the diagnosis of beta thalassemia trait | MedPulse International Journal of Pathology, | Index Copernicus | 05/08/2019 | Accepted Date: 11/09/2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.26611/10151139 Print ISSN: 2550-7605, Online ISSN: 2636-4697, Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2019 pp 158-162 | |
6. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 3rdauthor | The prevalence, etiology and patterns of thrombocytopenia among geriatric age group | International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology | Index Copernicus | 2019; 2(1): 361-364 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/pathol.2019.v2.i1f.94ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 www.patholjournal.com 2019; 2(1): 361-364 Received: 04-11-2018 Accepted: 08-12-2018 | |
7. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 3rdauthor | Clinicopathological correlation of thrombocytopenia | International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 0 | 2019; Index Copernicus | 2019; 2(1): 357-36 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/pathol.2019.v2.i1f.93ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 www.patholjournal.com 2019; 2(1): 357-360 Received: 01-11-2018 Accepted: 05-12-2018 | |
8. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 1st author | Role of red cell distribution width in diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia | MedPulse International Journal of Pathology, | 23/08/2019 Index Copernicus | Volume 11 Issue 3 -September 2019 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.26611/1015113 | |
9. | Dr. Shivarudrappa.A.S 2nd Author | A Retrospective Study of Histopathological Changes in Electrocution in Tertiary Hospital. | Indian journal of forensic medicine and pathology National Journal | Index Copernicus Google Scholar | 2017 Vol 10 2 April-June page no134-38 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp.0974-3383 ISSN: Print E-ISSN0974-3391 | |
10. | Dr. Shivarudrappa.A.S 3rd author | Incidental histopathological diagnosis of choroid plexus papilloma in medico legal autopsy- a series of 3 cases | International journal of contemporary pathology National Journal | Index Copernicus Google Scholalar | July -December 2017, Vol 3, No. 2 page no 16-18 | DOI: 10.5958/2395-1184. 12016.00014.6ISSN-2394-5806 (Print), e- ISSN-2320-5962 | |
11. | Dr Sumana B.S:3rd author | An International journal A Retrospective Study of Histopathological Changes in Electrocution in Tertiary Hospital. | Indian journal of forensic medicine and pathology National Journal | Index Copernicus Google Scholar | 2017 Vol 10 2 April-June page no134-38 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp.0974-3383 ISSN: Print E-ISSN0974-3391 | |
12. | Dr. Prathima L: First& Corresponding | Diagnostic Accuracy of Manual Liquid Based cytology in Fine Needle Aspiration samples | Indian Journal Of Pathology: Research& Practice | Index Copernicus | 2017;6:428-30 | ||
13. | Dr. Shashikala:2nd author | Spectrum of tumour and tumour like lesions of Bone in a tertiary care hospital in North Karnataka,India | Indian journal of Pathology and oncology | Index Copernicus | 2017 December | Pg- 875-879 Vol:6 ISSN-2394-6784 | |
14. | Dr. RadhaR.K 1st Author | A histomorphological study of the non-neoplastic polypoidal masses of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and nasopharynx | International journal of Contemporary pathology National Journal | Google Scholar EBSCO | July-December 2016, Vol.2, No. 2 Page no07-12 | DOI: 10.5958/2395-1184. 12016.00024.3ISSN-2394-790X (Print), ISSN-2395-1184 | |
15. | Dr. Radha R K:1st Author &Corresponding Author | An International journal A Retrospective Study of Histopathological Changes in Electrocution in Tertiary Hospital. | Indian journal of forensic medicine and pathology National Journal | Scopus, Index Copernicus Google Scholar | 2017 Vol 10 2 April-June page no134-38 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. | |
16. | Dr. Radha R K:1st Author &Corresponding Author | A histomorphological study of the neoplastic polypoidal masses of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and nasopharynx | Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology National journal | Directory open accesses journals (DOAJ) Index Copernicus ,Google Scholar EBSCO,INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INDEX | 2017; vol.4(1) January-March:39-44 | Impact factor 2.3 DOI:- 10.1823/6792. 12017.00009ISSN-2394-6784(Print), e-ISSN-2394-6792 | |
17. | Dr. .Radha R K: Corresponding Author | Incidental histopathological diagnosis of choroid plexus papilloma in medico legal autopsy- a series of 3 cases | International journal of contemporary pathology National Journal | International | July -December 2017, Vol 3, No. 2 page no 16-18 | DOI: 10.5958/2395-1184. 12016.00014.6ISSN-2394-5806 (Print),e- ISSN-2320-5962 | |
18. | 1 Dr.Gaythri:1st author and corresponding author | Histopathological study of malignant bone tumours in a tertiary care centre in Karnataka, India | National journal Indian journal of Pathology: Research and practice | Index Copernicus | |||
19. | 1st Author Dr. Sameera | Expression of P53 and EGFR in Glioblastoma | Indian Journal of medical research | Pubmed indexed | Dec 2017:146(6):738-745. | Indian J Med Res. 2017 Dec; 146(6): 738–745 doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1179_15 ISSN 0971-5916 PMCID: PMC5926345 PMID: 29664032 | |
20. | Dr Shailaja Kupati:1st and corresponding author | Study of Genitourinary malformations in perinatal autopsies | Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology | Index Copernicus ,Google Scholar EBSCO,INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INDEX | April-June 2017;4(2):254-259 | mpact factor 2.3 DOI:- 10.1823/6792. 12017.00009 | |
21. | Dr. Sumana.B.S: 2nd author | Expression of SOX@and EGFR in ameloblastoma,Odentoameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma | National Journal Journal of Clinical diagnosis and Research | Emerging sources citation index (Web of science) Directory open accesses journals (DOAJ) | JULY 2018 | Vol 12(7):ZC48-ZC52 | |
22. | Dr. Shilpa.L: Corresponding author | Histopathological Evaluation of nonneoplasic and neoplastic lesions of cervix | National Journal: Indian journal of Pathology Research and practice An International Journal | Index Copernicus | June 2018 | DOI:http;//dx.doi.org/10.21088//ijprp.21088/ijprp.2278.148X.7618.16758-763: Volume 7(6): | |
23. | Dr. Shilpa.L: Corresponding author | Histopathological study of the architectural patterns of in situ carcinoma in cases of invasive breast cancer | Indian journal of Pathology Research and practice An International Journal | Index Copernicus | June 2018 | DOI:http;//dx.doi.org/10.21088//ijprp.21088/ijprp.2278.148X.7618.16797-804: Volume 7(6): | |
24. | Dr.Gaythri: 1st author and corresponding author | Spectrum of Tumour and Tumour-like lesions of Bone in a Tertiary Care Hospital in North Karnataka, India | National Journal Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology | Index Copernicus | 2018 | ISSN no. 2394-6784 | |
25. | Dr. Sumana.B.S: 2nd author | Dipstick screening for urinary Tract Infection in adolescent school girls; evaluation of self screening ability | National Journal Journal of Clinical diagnosis and Research | Emerging sources citation index (Web of science) Directory open accesses journals (DOAJ) | December 2019 | ||
26. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | IHC The needof hour in classifying lung tumours effectively on guided biopsies | National journal Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology | Index Copernicus | October-Dec 2019 | Volume 6, pISSN 2394-6784 eISSN 2394-6792 | |
27. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | Study of radiologically assisted FNAC in abdominopelvic lesions | International journal International journal Of contemporary Pathology | Index Copernicus | Accepted for publication manuscript No1590/IJOCP 2019 | pISSN 2394-790x eISSN 2395-1184 | |
28. | Dr.Vidya K: Corresponding Author | Her-2/ neu Revisited The role of Her2/ neu in colorectal carcinoma- A three year study on colonic biopsies | National Journal Indian journal of Pathology Research and practice | Index Copernicus | May –June 2019 | 325-333;Vol 8(3) pISSN 2278-148x eISSN2455-5320 | |
29. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 1st author | Red cell distribution width as a screening test in the diagnosis of beta thalassemia trait | MedPulse International Journal of Pathology, | Index Copernicus | 05/08/2019 | Accepted Date: 11/09/2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.26611/10151139 Print ISSN: 2550-7605, Online ISSN: 2636-4697, Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2019 pp 158-162 | |
30. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 3rdauthor | The prevalence, etiology and patterns of thrombocytopenia among geriatric age group | International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology | Index Copernicus | 2019; 2(1): 361-364 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/pathol.2019.v2.i1f.94ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 www.patholjournal.com 2019; 2(1): 361-364 Received: 04-11-2018 Accepted: 08-12-2018 | |
31. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 3rdauthor | Clinicopathological correlation of thrombocytopenia | International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 0 | 2019; Index Copernicus | 2019; 2(1): 357-36 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/pathol.2019.v2.i1f.93ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 www.patholjournal.com 2019; 2(1): 357-360 Received: 01-11-2018 Accepted: 05-12-2018 | |
32. | Dr. Divya Nagaram: 1st author | Role of red cell distribution width in diagnosis of iron deficiency Anemia | Med Pulse International Journal of Pathology, | 23/08/2019 Index Copernicus | Volume 11 Issue 3 -September 2019 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.26611/1015113 | |
33. | Dr.Sumana..B.S: 2nd author | Immunohistochemical expression of Ki67 and p53 in primary breast carcinoma and combined Ki67-p53 status phenotype in hormone receptor positive breast carcinoma | international Journal of Clinical diagnosis and Research | – | Emerging sources citation index (Web of science) Directory open accesses journals | March 2020 | Vol-14(3) EC21-EC28 |
34. | Dr.Prathima: 1st authour | Risk srtatification of patients with Gastrointestinal srtomal tumours by histopathological and immunihistochemical analysis | JCDR | DOAJ Index Copernicus | Nov 01 2020 DOI 10.7860/JCDR/2020/44950.14234 | Vol.14(11)EC15-18 | |
35. | Dr.Sumana..B.S: 2nd author | Immunohistochemical expression of Ki67 and p53 in primary breast carcinoma and combined Ki67-p53 status phenotype in hormone receptor positive breast carcinoma | interational Journal Journal of Clinical diagnosis and Research | Emerging sources citation index (Web of science) Directory open accesses journals | March 2020 | Vol-14(3) EC21-EC28 | |
36. | DrPrathima: 1st author | Risk srtatification of patients with Gastrointestinal srtomal tumours by histopathological and immunihistochemical analysis | JCDR | DOAJ Index Copernicus | Nov 01 2020DOI 10.7860/JCDR/2020/44950.14234 | Vol.14(11)EC15-18 | |
37. | Dr. Shilpa L: 2nd author and corresponding author | Histopahological Spectrum of Mediastinal lesions in a tertiary carecentre-a two year Retropsective study. | International Journal of Health and Clinical Research | DOAJ | August 2021 | 9-12: Volume 4(15). | |
38. | Dr Radha.R.K 1 st Author &Corresponding Author | Cytological Evaluation of Neck lymph nodes for metastatic disease | An international journal of GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESERCH ANALYSIS | Radha.R.K etal | Index Copernicus,Google Scholar EBSCO ,INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INDEX ,Indian citation index | 2021 April | . Vol -111/issue 01/January 2022 :1-3 |
39. | Dr Prathima 3rd Author | Cytological Evaluation of Neck lymph nodes for metastatic disease | An international journal of GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESERCH ANALYSIS | Radha.R.K etal | Index Copernicus,Google Scholar EBSCO ,INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INDEX ,Indian citation index | 2021 April | . Vol -111/issue 01/January 2022 :1-3 |
40. | Dr Shailaja K 1st author | Study of histopathological findings in sudden unexpected natural deaths in tertiary care hospital | Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology | Shailaja etal | Directory open accesses journals | Apr- June 2021 | Vol-14, No 4, pg: 103-107 |
41. | , Dr Gayathri T, 2nd author | Study of histopathological findings in sudden unexpected natural deaths in tertiary care hospital | Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology | Shailaja etal | Directory open accesses journals | Apr- June 2021 | Vol-14, No 4, pg: 103-107 |
42. | Dr Shashikala V 3rd author | Study of histopathological findings in sudden unexpected natural deaths in tertiary care hospital | Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology | Shailaja etal | Directory open accesses journals | Apr- June 2021 | Vol-14, No 4, pg: 103-107 |
43. | , Dr Prathima S 4th author | Study of histopathological findings in sudden unexpected natural deaths in tertiary care hospital | Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology | Shailaja etal | Directory open accesses journals | Apr- June 2021 | Vol-14, No 4, pg: 103-107 |
44. | Dr Radha.R.K 1st Author& Corresponding author | Histomorphological study of colonoscopic biopsies in patients presenting with chronic diarrhea | IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Reserch | Radha.R.K etal | Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO | 2021;6(3):P1 -7 | ISSN no 2581-5725 DOI 2581-5725/@2021 |
45. | Dr Prathima 4th author | Histomorphological study of colonoscopic biopsies in patients presenting with chronic diarrhea | IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Reserch | Radha.R.K etal | Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO | 2021;6(3):P1-7 | ISSN no 2581-5725 DOI 2581-5725/@2021 |
46. | Dr Radh.R.K 1st Author& Corresponding author | Cytological evaluation of neck lymphnodes for metastaic disease | Global journal for research analysis | Radha.R.K etal | Indian citex Index Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO Citex medicus | 2022vol11 issue 01 jan1-3 | DOI 10.36106/gjra ISSN no2277-8160 |
47. | Dr Prathima S. 3rd author | Cytological evaluation of neck lymphnodes for metastaic disease | Global journal for research analysis | Radha.R.K etal | Indian citex Index Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO Citex medicus | 2022vol11 issue 01 jan1-3 | DOI 10.36106/gjra ISSN no2277-8160 |
48. | Dr Radha.R.K 2nd author | Incidental findings of liver disease A study at inTertiary care center | Indian journal of forensic medicine and pathology National Journal | Nevedita et al | Scopus Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO, International scientific index | 2022 Vol 15 (4) October-december- page no243-247 | 10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. |
49. | Dr Prathima 3rd author | Incidental findings of liver disease A study at inTertiary care center | Indian journal of forensic medicine and pathology National Journal | Nevedita et al | Scopus Index Copernicus Google Scholar EBSCO, International scientific index | 2022 Vol 15 (4) October-december- | 10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 page no243-247 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. |
50. | Dr Gayathri T 2nd author . | Histopathological Spectrum of Pulmonary Lesions in Autopsies- A Two Year Retrospective Study | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Husnain et al | Scopus | October-december-10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. 2022 Vol 15 (4) |
51. | , Dr ShailajaKupati,3rd author | Histopathological Spectrum of Pulmonary Lesions in Autopsies- A Two Year Retrospective Study | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Husnain et al | .Scopus | October-december-10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. 2022 Vol 15 (4) |
52. | Dr Shashikala V, 4th author | Histopathological Spectrum of Pulmonary Lesions in Autopsies- A Two Year Retrospective Study | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Husnain et al | Scopus | October-december-10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. 2022 Vol 15 (4) |
53. | Dr Prathima S.5th author | Histopathological Spectrum of Pulmonary Lesions in Autopsies- A Two Year Retrospective Study | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Husnain et al | Scopus | ) October-december-10.2108:IJFMP 0947.3383.154226 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. 2022 Vol 15 (4 |
54. | Dr. Gayathri T, 1st author | BIRADS Lexicon and its Histopathological Corroboration in the DIagnosis of Breast Lesions | International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology | Pubmed | June 2022 | Volume 7, Issue 6, pg 73-79 | |
55. | , Dr.Prathima S, 2nd author | XanthogranulomatousOophoritis- A master disguise | International Journal of Scientific Research National journal | National Journal | September 2023 | Volume 12, Issue 9, Pg 2277/8179 DOI 10.36106 IJSR | |
56. | Dr. Gayathri T 3rd author | Xanthogranulomatous oophoritis: A master disguise | International journal of Scientific Research | Pubmed central | September 2023 | Volume 12, Issue 9, Pg 2277/8179 DOI 10.36106 IJSR | |
57. | Dr. Prathima 2nd author | Histopathological Spectrum of skin lesions in a tertiary care centre. | International Journal of Science and Research National Journal | Volume 13 issue to Feb 2024 | ISSM 2319-7064 SJIF(2022) 7.942 | ||
58. | Dr Shilpa L 3rd author | High Malignancy Risk and its Predictors in South Indian Patients with Bethesda II Thyroid Nodules | Cureus International journal | Pubmed | Feb2024 | Journa DOI 10.779/ CUREUS | |
59. | . Dr Shilpa L 2nd author | High Diagnostic Accuracy of Thyroid stimulationghormone(TSH) Receptor antibodies in distinguishing Graves Disease and subacute Thyrotoxicosis in the Indian population | Cureus International Journal | Naga nitin et al | pubmed | Cureus 16 (e54303 DOI 10.7754/cureus54343) | DOI 10.7754/cureus54343 |
60. | Dr .Radha R.K, 1st author and corresponding author | Histopathological Spectrum of Kidney Lesions in an Autopsy 2 years study at Tertiary Care Hospital. | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Radha.R.K et al | Scopus | . 2024 Vol 17 (1) January-March- Page no 19-23, 0974.3383.17124.3 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp |
61. | Dr . Prathima S 2nd author | Histopathological Spectrum of Kidney Lesions in an Autopsy 2 years study at Tertiary Care Hospital.. | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology National Journal | Radha.R.K et al | Scopus | 2024 Vol 17 (1) January-March- Page no 19-23, 0974.3383.17124.3 | DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijfmp. |
62. | Dr.Gayathri T, 2nd author | . An Unusual Case Report- An Adult OF Chronic Myeloid Leukemia presenting as Acute Myeloid Leukemia M7(Megakarocytic Blast Crisis) | International Journal of Science and Research National journal | Swathi et al | www.ijsr.net Google scholar | Volume 13 issue 2 Feb 2024 | Doi http:// dx.doi.org10./10.21275/SR24201183620 |
63. | Dr.Kavya N, 3rd author | . An Unusual Case Report- An Adult OF Chronic Myeloid Leukemia presenting as Acute Myeloid Leukemia M7(Megakarocytic Blast Crisis) | International Journal of Science and Research National journal | Swathi et al | www.ijsr.net Google scholar | Volume 13 issue 2 Feb 2024 | Doi http:// dx.doi.org10./10.21275/SR24201183620 |
64. | Dr. Prathima 4th author | S. An Unusual Case Report- An Adult OF Chronic Myeloid Leukemia presenting as Acute Myeloid Leukemia M7(Megakarocytic Blast Crisis) | International Journal of Science and Research National journal | Swathi et al | www.ijsr.net Google scholar | Volume 13 issue 2 Feb 2024 | Doi http:// dx.doi.org10./10.21275/SR24201183620 |
65. | Dr Devasmita Gain 1st author | Cytomorphological patterns of AFB positive tubercular lymphadenitis: A cross sectional study | National journal of lab medicine | Devasmita et al | . | 2024 Jan, Vol-13(1): PO56-PO59 | Original Article DOI: 10.7860/NJLM/2024/63914.2822 |
66. | Dr Radha.R.K 3rd author . | Semen analysis revisited- qualitative assessment of sperms using cytochemical stains-?the new norms of male infertility workup | International Journal Journal of pathology of Nepal | Vishnu et al | DOAJ | Acepted April 24 2023;13(2):2066-70 | DOI: 10.3126/jpn.v13i2.38197. |
67. | Dr Prathima 4th author . | Semen analysis revisited- qualitative assessment of sperms using cytochemical stains-?the new norms of male infertility workup | International Journal Journal of Pathology of Nepal | Vishnu et al | DOAJ | 2023;13(2):2066-70 | DOI: 10.3126/jpn.v13i2.38197. |
Sl. No | 1st year -2021 | 2nd year -2022 | 3rd year -2023 | 4th year 2024 | ||||
National journals NO. | Foreign journals NO. | National journals NO. | Foreign journals NO. | National journals NO. | Foreign journals NO. | National journals NO. | Foreign journals NO | |
1. | 11 | NIL | 07 | NIL | 02 | 0 | 11 | 0 |
Modified time table and curriculum is being followed as per the New CBME guidelines. AETCOM sessions of second year and whenever required in other years are also there. Electives in the department is being planned for interested students
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate student in Pathology is to provide the students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and causes of disease, in order to enable him/her to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of disease.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
At the end of training he/she should be able to integrate the causes of disease and relationship of different etiological factors (social, economic and environmental) that contribute to the natural history of diseases most prevalent in India.
Academic Milestones
UG teaching: Commenced in the year of 2003
PG teaching: Commenced in the year of 2008
Academic activities
Projects Current and Completed
Completed the project
Completed research in 2024 February Indian council of medical research-National centre for disease inormatics and reserch ICMR -NCDIR
Incidental Gallbladder cancer and other Premalignant gall bladder conditions in India towards early detection of gallbladder cancer 2019 -2024 -5 year study IN VIMS&RC as Co-researcher Dr. Radha.R.K. Associate Professor along with Dr Ganesh Professor and HOD Oncology under the Guidance
Professor Dr Prasenjit Das AIIMS New Delhi Co-investigator: Dr Radha.R. K Professor, Dr Kavya Assistant professor
On-going Projects:
Co-investigator: Dr Prathima S
Co-investigator: Dr Prathima S
Co-investigator: Dr Sumana BS.
Principal Investigator: Dr Sameera. K
PG Dissertation
16.Her2-neu in breast carcinoma and their correlation with established prognostic factors – Dr. Rishiraj Baruah, Dr.Sumana B S,Guide
Dr A S Shivarudrappa.2017
17.Spectrum of gastrointestinal malignancies in a tertiary care center – Dr. Manasa K, Guide Dr A S Shivarudrappa.2016
18.Correlation of bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy finding in hematological disorders – Dr. Rashmi G Basavraj, Dr A S Shivarudrappa.2016
19.Correlation of FNAC and histopathological examination of thyroid lesions- Dr. Kiran Verma, Dr A S Shivarudrappa.2016
20.Diagnostic role of reporting thyroid cytology by Bethesda system – Dr Prasit Kumar Ghosh, Dr Sumana B.S.2016
21.Correlation of serum Prostate specific antigen with histomorphology in prostatic lesions- Dr. Tejshee Bhushan,Guide Dr Sumana B.S2016
22.Correlation of FNAC and biopsy of Lymph nodes – Dr. Ankita Mehta, GuideDr Prathima S.2017
23. Dr.Santosh-An Immunohistochemical study of Ki 67 antigen levels in pso riasis-a comparative analysis with normal skin.
24. Distribution and pathological features of periampullary lesions. Dr. Kadiri anusha, Guidedr. Niranjan. J.2019
15. Histopathological spectrum of non-infectious papulosquamous lesions of skin. Dr. Spoorthi Srinivas,Guide Dr. Shivarudrappa A S.2019
26. Diagnostic utility of aspiration cytology in evaluation of lateral neck swelling. Dr. Anita kumari,Guide Dr. Prathima S.2019
27. The role of testicular fine needle aspiration in male infertility. Dr. Sameeranandan reddy,Guide Dr. Niranjan. J.2019
28. Study of platelet indices and its role in evaluation of thrombocytopenia. Dr. Khushboo saran, GuideDr. Vidya .K.2019
29. Significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels in cancer patients and correlation with clinicopathological parameters. Dr.Harini V R,Guide
Vishnupriya.vGuide, Dr. Vidya. K.2020 Dr. Sumana B S.2020
30. Assessment of human sperm dna integrity by modified aniline blue method and its correlation with routine semen analysis in infertility evaluation. Dr.
31. A clinical and histopathological study of spectrum of lesions in urinary bladder: Dr. Tarun mittal, Dr. Guide Niranjan j.
32. Histopahological spectrum of thyroid lesions and its correlation with ultrasonography and thyroid profile: Dr. Nimisha gupta, Dr. Prathima. S 2020
33. Stromal cd10 expression in invasive breast carcinoma and its correlation with clinicopathological parameters and molecular subtypes- an
immunohistochemical study. Dr. Kavya N, Guide Dr. Sumana.B.S 2021
34. Application of cytological grading system in palpable breast lump with histopathological correlation: Dr. Shruthi Reddy, Guide Dr. Shilpa L2021
35. Categorization of thyroid fnac using bethesda system for reporting with clinico radiological correlation. Dr. Gollapalli Keerthy Sudha,Guide Dr. Vidya.K
clinicopathological features. Dr. Pooja A S, GuideDr. Shilpa L.2022
Uzma ,Guide Dr. Vidya K 2023
Dr. Deepa,Guide Dr. Prathima S.2023
PG THESIS 0n going
UG Projects
student: akansha swain (2ND YEAR MBBS)
Guide: Dr Radha R K
histopathological biopsy results.
Student: A Sai Thanmaye (2nd year, MBBS)
GUIDE: Dr. Gayathri T
Student: Akansha Rao (2nd yr MBBS)
Guide: Dr Shailaja K
Student: Nitya R (2nd yr MBBS)
Guide: Dr Prathima S
Student: Dr Shwetha Ramesh
Guide: Dr Sumana B S
Student: Nitya Menon
Guide: Dr Shilpa L
Student: Vasudha
Guide: Dr Shilpa L
Central Diagnostic Laboratory (CDL) is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Date of award | Awarding agency/ Society | Area of contributions | National/ International/ State etc., |
1 | Dr. Sumedha Vats | 2012 | KCIAPM | 3rd place for her poster presentation on ‘Giant cellular Thymolipoma’ in the Annual state conference of KCIAPM in 2012. | State Association |
2 | Dr. Shefali H.Karve | 2014 | KCIAPM | Best paper presentation: Her-2-neu overexpression in colorectal carcinoma. | State Association |
3 | Dr. Nimisha G, | 2018 | KCIAPM | 2nd position for her oral paper presentation on ‘Study of radio logically assisted fine needle aspiration cytology in abdominopelvic lesions’ at state conference of KCIAPM in 2018. | State Association |
4 | Dr. Shailaja Kupati, | 2018 | KCIAPM | oral presentation among top 5 at the KCIAPM conference, Bangalore in the year 2018. | State Association |
5 | Mrs. Premalatha, Senior Technician, | 2019 | Beckman coulter | won 1st prize in quiz conducted for Technicians during the CME on ‘Hematology update’ by Beckmann Coulter at Columbia Asia Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore on 25th April, 2019. | International |
6 | . Dr. Supriya Tiwari, | 2019 | KCIAPM | as Social Media Committee member with KCIAPM at the state conference conducted at Bagalkot in the month of September, 2019. | State Association |
7 | Dr.Kavya and Dr.Keerthy | Jan 2020 | ESIC Med college | second prize in 9TH ANNUAL KCIPAM POST GRADUATE QUIZ conducted in ESIC Medical collage Bangalore on 31st JAN2020. | National |
8 | Dr. Shailaja K. | 2021 | KCIAPM | Session topper award in the state KCIAPM conference in 2021 for Oral paper | State Association |
9 | Dr. Keerthy Sudha | July 2021 | RGUHS | 5th Rank in the MD Pathology exams in the exams conducted in July 2021 | State Rank |
10 | Dr.Keerthy and Dr. Shruthi . | 2020 | Sri Ramachandra University | 1st prize in the quize conducted by SPARC, Sri Ramachandra University in 2020. | National |
11 | Dr. Swathi R | 2022 | ESIC Mdical College & PGIMSR | 2nd place for her poster presentation: Ig G4 related disease: Chennai | National |
No. of Awards/recognition received by the college Faculty 3 years
Sl. No | 1st year 2019 | 2nd year 2020 | 3rd year 2021 |
1. | 02 | 02 | 02 |
Conferences, CMEs and paper and poster presentations
SNo | Authors | Topic | Conference | |
1 | Dr Sumana B.S | Unusual pathologic presentation of functional parathyroid adenoma – study of 4 cases | 41st Annual KCIAPM conference, September 2014, Bangalore | |
2 | Dr Kiran Verma, Dr Shivarudrappa | Poster Presentation: A case of ambiguous genitalia with benign mature teratoma of ovary | IAC KCCON, Feb 2015, Bellary | |
3 | Dr Rashmi G. S. Basvaraj, Dr C. J. Prakash | Poster presentation: Cytology of conjunctival nodule diagnosed as Mantle cell lymphoma – a rare case | IAC KCCON, Feb 2015, Bellary | |
4 | Dr Prasit Kumar Ghosh, Dr Indu M | Poster presentation: Malakoplakia of the urachus- masquerading as malignancy | 33rd Annual National CME in Pathology, June 2015, Belgavi | |
5 | Dr Tejshee Bhushan, Dr Rekha Singh, Dr C. J. Prakash | Poster presentation: A rare case of primary leiomyosarcoma of larynx | 33rd Annual National CME in Pathology, June 2015, Belgavi | |
6 | Dr Prathima S | Paper Presentation: Impact of the Bethesda System of reporting Thyroid cytopathology | International conference in male genitourinary pathology, July 2015, Bangalore | |
7 | Dr Manasa Reddy K, Dr. A.S Shivarudrappa | Poster presentation: Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma in tuberous sclerosis | International conference in male genitourinary pathology, July 2015, Bangalore | |
8 | Dr Arpita Singh Dr Indu M | Poster presentation: A rare case of acute erythroid leukaemia in a female patient | International conference in male genitourinary pathology, July 2015, Bangalore | |
9 | Dr Ankita Mehta Dr Rojaramani Dr Prathima S Dr C.J. Prakash | Poster presentation: Ovarian Squamous cell carcinoma arising from mature cystic teratoma – a rare entity | International conference in male genitourinary pathology, July 2015, Bangalore | |
10 | Dr Manasa Reddy K, Dr A.S. Shivarudrappa, Dr C.J Prakash | Paper Presentation: Spectrum of gastrointestinal malignancies in Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre | 42nd Annual KCIAPM Conference, September 2015, Mangalore | |
11 | Dr Rashmi G. S. Basvaraj, Dr A.S. Shivarudrappa | Paper Presentation: Correlation of bone marrow aspirate and biopsy findings in diagnosis of haematological disorders – a study of 100 cases | 42nd Annual KCIAPM Conference, September 2015, Mangalore | |
12 | Dr Kiran Verma, Dr. A.S. Shivarudrappa | Paper Presentation: A correlation study of FNAC and histopathology in 100 cases of thyroid | 42nd Annual KCIAPM Conference, September 2015, Mangalore | |
13 | Dr Rishiraj Baruah, Dr Sumana B.S Dr A.S. Shivarudrappa | Poster Presentation: Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid – a complex entity | AIICME, Jan 2016, Bhubhaneshwar | |
14 | Dr Angkita Kalita, Dr Prathima S | Paper Presentation: Diagnostic utility of FNAC in intra-abdominal lesions | CYTOCON, Jan 2016, Mysore | |
15 | Dr Prasit Kumar Ghosh, Dr Sumana B.S, Dr A.S. Shivarudrappa | Paper Presentation: Diagnostic accuracy of the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytological aspirates with histopathological correlation – one year study | International CME in Pathology, Feb 2016, Goa | |
16 | Dr Tejshee Bhushan, Dr Sumana B.S, Dr A.S. Shivarudrappa | Paper Presentation: Correlation between prostate specific antigen and prostate pathology | International CME in Pathology, Feb 2016, Goa | |
17 | Dr Ankita Mehta, Dr Prathima S | Paper Presentation: Diagnostic efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology of lymphadenopathy with histopathological correlation | International CME in Pathology, Feb 2016, Goa | |
18 | Dr. Angkita Kalita, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Diagnostic accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in valuation of intraabdominal lesions. | ||
19 | Dr. K Jaya Swathi, Dr. Sumana B S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Spectrum of lesions detected by fine needle aspiration cytology in head and neck lesions.
| International CME in Pathology, Histopathology and Cytology 2018, February, Goa | |
20 | Dr. Anusha K, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Histopathological spectrum of periampullary lesions. | ||
21 | Dr. Spoorthi,, Dr. Cheena Garg, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Spectrum of non haematological paediatric tumors in a tertiary care center.
| International Conference of Pediatric Pathology, BMC RJ, 27th& 28th April 2018. | |
22 | Dr. Sameeranandan Reddy, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Diagnostic correlation of ovarian neoplasms by frozen section and paraffin section.
| National CME in Pathology , Karpaga Vinayaga medical college, Kanchipuram, Nov 2018 | |
23 | Dr. Anita, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Cyto-morphological spectrum of space occupying lesions of liver | IAC- KCCON, SDUMC, Kolar, February 2018 | |
24 | Dr. Harini V R, , Dr. Sumana B S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Significance of modified Masood’s scoring system in cytological diagnosis of palpable breast lumps.
| IAC KC-CON 2018 March 2nd& 3rd 2018 | |
25 | Dr. Khushboo Saran, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Histomorphological spectrum of transbronchial biopsy of lung.
| ||
26 | Dr. Vishnupriya, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Prathima S | Histomorphological spectrum of meningiomas: a Retrospective study.
| International conference on dermatopathology and soft tissue tumor, MVJ medical College, March 2019 | |
27 | Dr. Nimisha G, Dr. Prathima S | Study of radiologically assisted fine needle aspiration cytology in abdominopelvic lesions.
| ||
28 | Dr. Kavya, Dr. Sumana B S | Histopathological spectrum of Non neoplastic lesions of upper GI endoscopy
| International conference on dermatopathology and soft tissue tumor, MVJ medical College, March 2019 | |
29 | Dr. Tarun Mittal, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions of upper GI endoscopy
| International conference on dermatopathology and soft tissue tumor, MVJ medical College, March 2019 | |
30 | Dr. Angkita Kalita, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Adrenal Myelolipoma: An uncommon Benign Neoplam. | ||
31 | Dr. K Jaya Swathi, Dr. Sumana B S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Unexpected and sudden death due to colloid cyst of the third ventricle in young male.
| NPSICON April 2017, NIMHANS, Bangalore | |
32 | Dr. Anusha K, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | A case of cervical leiomyoma in young female. | Golden Jubilee CME, 14th& 15th July 2016, St John;s Medical College, Bangalore, | |
33 | Dr. Spoorthi, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | A rare case presentation of Angiomyomatous hamartoma of inguinal lymphnode.
| Golden Jubilee CME, 14th& 15th July 2016, St John;s Medical College, Bangalore, | |
34 | Dr. Harini, Dr. Sumana B S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Diagnostic dilemma: Transitional cell carcinoma v/s Malignant Brenner tumour Ovary.
| International CME in Pathology, Histopathology and Cytology 2018, February, Goa | |
35 | Dr Sameeranandan reddy, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | A case of solid pseudo papillary tumor of pancreas diagnosed on FNAC
| IAC- KCCON, SDUMC, Kolar, February 2018. | |
36 | Dr Anitha | Early metastasis of testicular seminoma to urinary bladder: A rare entity | Breast Cancer Conference at Bangalore Medical College 2017 | |
37 | Dr Khusboo | A Tonsillar Cartilagenous Choriostoma | ||
38 | Dr Nimisha | Malignant oncocytoma of parotid gland: A rare malignancy | ||
39 | Dr Vishnupriya | Giant congenital melanocytic nevus: A rare entity. | Annual conference in JNMC, Belgaum 2018. | |
40 | Dr. Kavya N | Mucosal schwann cell hamartoma – a rare case report | Annual conference in JNMC, Belgaum 2018. | |
41 | Dr. Tarun Mittal, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Lymphangioma of Ovary – A rare case presentation | International CME in Pathology, Histopathology and Cytology February, Goa | |
42 | Dr.Supriya Tiwari, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Maignant Phyllodes with osteochondrosarcomatous differentiation | International conference on dermatopathology and soft tissue tumor, MVJ medical College.March 2019 | |
43 | Dr. Sameena E, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S, Dr. Niranjan J | Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma as a nasal mass | International conference on dermatopathology and soft tissue tumor, MVJ medical College.March 2019 | |
44 | Dr. Keerthi Sudha G, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Prathima S | Spectrum of Histo-pathological lesions in nephrectomy specimen in a tertiary care centre – A two year retrospective study | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
45 | Dr. Shruthi, Dr. Shilpa L, Dr. Prathima S | Histopathological spectrum of Ovarian lesions | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
46 | Dr.Supriya Tiwari, Dr. Prathima S | Does endometrium have an answer to infertility? | 46 th Annual conference KAPCON 2019, SNMC, Bagalkot | |
47 | Dr. Sameena E, Dr. Shashikala V, Dr. Prathima S | Hansen’s – is it really at the verge of elimination? A study of clinical and histopathological correlation in Hansen’s disease in a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore | 46 th Annual conference KAPCON 2019, SNMC, Bagalkot | |
48 | Dr. Keerthi Sudha G, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Niranjan J, Dr. Shivarudrappa A S | Recurrent Rosai Dorfman Disease | CME on histotechniques and Immunohistochemistry. March 2019, Sri Jayadeva Institute Bangalore | |
49 | Dr. Shruthi Reddy, Dr. Shashikala V, Dr. Shailaja K, Dr. Prathima S | Inguinal endometriosis- A rare entity | 2019 March, JNMC Belgaum | |
50 | Dr. Pooja A S, Dr.Shilpa L, Dr. Sameera K, Dr. Prathima S | Plasmablastic Lymphoma – A rare aggressive tumor of the oral cavity in a seropositive patient | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
51 | Dr. Safina Taskeen, Dr. Radha R K, Dr. Shashikala V | Thoracic pleural endometriosis. | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
52 | Dr. Manikya M, Dr. Vidya K, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Abhinay I | Intramuscular cavernous hemangioma with osseous metaplasia | 4th international paediatric and perinatal pathology conference 2020: Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai, 6th– 8th February 2020. | |
53 | Dr. Pooja A S, Dr. Shilpa L, Dr. Prathima S | Histopathological spectrum of mediastinal lesions in a tertiary care centre- 2 year retrospective study | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
54 | Dr. Safina Taskeen, Shashikala V | The diagnostic accuracy of intraoperative frozen section to routine paraffin section | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
55 | Dr. Manikya M, Dr. Prathima S, Dr. Bhanuprakash | Keratitis – Ichthyosis- Deafness(KID)syndrome associated with rickets: A rare case | Christian Medical College, Vellore. January 15-16, 2021 | |
56 | Dr. Manikya M, Dr. Prathima S | Risk stratification of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours by histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis | 47 th Annual conference KAPCON :October 2020 | |
57 | Dr Aayesha S, Dr Shilpa L, Dr Shailaja K, Dr Prathima S | Infantile Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma | Diamond jubilee CME in Pathology at st. johns medical college. 9th-10th August 2023 | |
58 | Sreekanth N L, Dr. Prathima S.
| Erythema Induratum of Bazin – a rare cutaneous manifestation of TB. | 4th Annual Conference of Hyderabad Academy of Pathologists. ESIC Medical College and Hospital. March 2024 | |
60 | . Dr Catherine A, Dr Gayathri T, Dr Shailaja K, Dr Prathima S
| FIPL1-PDGFRA associated Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia | 4th Annual Conference of Hyderabad Academy of Pathologists. ESIC Medical College and Hospital. March 2024 |