Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 


The department of Nephrology was started in 2005, with vision of providing quality Nephrology services to needy patients at affordable cost. The department provides a comprehensive nephrology services, including

  1. Nephrology Consultation
  2. Hemodialysis services to Inpatients as well as outpatients
  3. Peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
  4. Renal Transplantation

Nephrology consultation is available from 9AM to 4PM on all working days.
Hemodialysis unit run by Fresenius Medical Care (Dialysis Service) India Pvt. Ltd in co-ordination with Vydehi Hospital is well equipped with state of the art ten brand new Fresenius 4008s machines, one 5008 model brand new CRRT machine and one multifiltrate model CRRT Fresenius machine.  The department provides 24/7 hemodialysis facilities to the needy patients. There are also facilities for ICU dialysis in Medical ICU, Neurosurgical, and CTVS ICUs. Also there is separate machine dedicated to HCV infected patients. We are providing quality hemodialysis at a affordable cost.

There are facilities for peritoneal dialysis catheter implantation and as well as training facilities for CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory peritoneal Dialysis).

The department of nephrology is recognized for conducting Renal Transplantation by Government of Karnataka. The department has conducted couple of successful Renal Transplants.

Professor & HOD

Dr.Girish P Vakrani

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
Assistant Professor

Dr.Archana Chiniwalar

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ankita D Patil

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Nephrology Dept. Video

  • Equipped with 10 new Fresenius 4008s model hemodialysis machines, one 5008 model brand new HDF machine and one multifiltrate model CRRT Fresenius machine.

  • Mobile Dialysis Service.

  • Hemoperfusion

  • Plasmapharesis

  • APD Cycler
  • Kidney Biopsy
  1. Vakrani GP, Priyashree R, Nambakam T, Kumar KYY.Clinicopathological Outcomes in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: A Retrospective Cohort StudyJ Clin of Diagn Res.2024; 18(1):OC23-OC26. DOI:
  2. Sanjana, Vakrani  G P, Priyashree R, Goud D V. Prevalence and Clinicopathological Characteristics of Non-Diabetic Renal Disease (NDRD) in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-A Retrospective Study. IJFMR.2023 Sept-Oct;5(5):1-8.Website:
  3. Vakrani Girish P; Tanuja Nambakam; Saba  Sania. Safety and efficacy of low-dose glucocorticoid regimen in the induction phase treatment of class 4, 5 lupus nephritis: a retrospective study. Journal of The Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation 22(3):p 148-153, Jul–Sep 2022. DOI:4103/jesnt.jesnt_3_22
  4. Vakrani, Girish P, Tanuja Nambakam. Kidney biopsy in elderly patients. Journal of The Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation 22(2):p 111-116, Apr–Jun 2022. | DOI: 10.4103/jesnt.jesnt_28_21
  5. Vakrani GP, Yashavantha KKY, Dileep M, Kunal M, Sanjay P.Non Parasitic Chyluria and Nephrotic Range Proteinuria: A Case Report J Clin of Diagn Res.2021; 15(12):OD01-OD02.


  1. Vakrani G P, Subramanyam NT. Outcome of Covid-19 in patients requiring Haemodialysis- A Retrospective Observational Study. JCDR. 2021 Nov;15(11):23-25. DOI:7860/JCDR/2021/51889.15613
  2. Vakrani G P, Subramanyam NT. Correlation of Oxford MEST-C Scores with Clinical-Biochemical Variables in IgA Nephropathy-A Retrospective Study. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. Accepted for publication on 12.1.2021.
  3. Vakrani G P, Subramanyam NT. Retrospective Study on Acute Kidney Injury among Cholera Patients in an Outbreak in Whitefield, Bengaluru. International Journal of Nephrology. June 2021: Volume 2021:1-7.
  4. Subramanyam NT,  Vakrani GP. Assessment of seven year long results of kidney biopsy. Int J Adv Med. 2019 Jun;6(3):822-827
  5. Subramanyam NT, Vakrani GP.Obstructive Uropathy with Renal Failure.J Clin of Diagn Res.2018; 12(5):OC28-OC30. DOI:
  6. Subramanyam NT,  Vakrani GP.  Hemodialysis catheter related blood stream infections. Int J Res Med Sci. pISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012, 2018 Feb;6(2):562-566.


  1. Vakrani GP, Subramanyam NT.Acute Renal Failure in Dengue Infection.J Clin of Diagn Res.2017; 11(1):OC10-OC13. doi: 7860/JCDR/2017/22800.9289.
  2. Vakrani GP, Subramanyam NT.  Study of Acute Kidney Injury.  IJCMR.  Volume 3 | Issue 11 | November 2016 |  ISSN (Online): 2393- 915X; (Print): 2454-7379
  3. Girish Pamappa Vakrani, Nambakam Tanuja Subramanyam, Pawan Kumar  Perugu. Study of Renal failure in Malaria.   J Evolution Med Dent Sci/ EISSN- 2278-4802, PISSN- 2278-4748/ vol. 5/ issue 01/ jan. 04, 2016 DOI:14260/jemds/2016/2.
  4. Subramanyam, Nambakam Tanuja; Vakrani, Girish P1; Veena, R; Shashidaran, . Peripheral venous malformations and pulmonary hypertension: A case report and literature review. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 3(1):p 101-105, Jan–Jun 2015. DOI:4103/2321-4848.154957.
  5. Rangarajan D, Ramakrishnan S, Patro KC, Vakrani G, Badrinath S. A study of impact of cost-effective nutritional supplement in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Indian J Nephrol. 2014 Jul;24(4):222-5. DOI: 4103/0971-4065.132995
  6. Vakrani, Girish P.; Subramanyam, Nambakam T.1; Babu, Harish. Perinephric Hematoma Following Renal Biopsy: A Case Report and Literature Review. Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 3(2):p 158-160, May–Aug 2015. DOI4103/1658-631X.156432
  7. Girish P Vakrani, S Ramakrishnan, Dilip Rangarajan (2013): Acute renal failure in diabetes mellitus (Prospective study). J Nephrol Ther 2013, 3:3. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0959.1000137.
  8. Girish P Vakrani, S Ramakrishnan, Dilip Rangarajan (2013): Membranous nephropathy and Graves’ disease: A case report and literature review. J Nephrol Ther 2013, 3:2. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0959.1000133.

Acute Kidney Injury is defined as sudden onset Kidney failure. Patient presents with increase in Creatinine and reduced urine output. AKI may be caused because of Infection, Sepsis, Poisoning commonly.

Symptoms in patients:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Reduced urine output
  • Pedal oedema
  • Breathlessness on exertion

Patients with these symptoms should consult Nephrologist immediately and get treated.

In severe AKI, patients may require hospital admission and dialysis.


Cysts in kidneys are seen in many conditions and also in varied age group of people.

Most of the cystic kidney diseases are hereditary. Most commonly seen are polycystic kidney disease in Adults and acquired cystic kidneys. Cystic kidney disease can be seen congenitally. Once cystic kidney disease is diagnosed, patient’s family members should be screened for cysts in kidney and may also require genetic testing.

Cystic kidney diseases are diagnosed incidentally on abdominal scan for some other reason.  Patients with this disease can present with Hypertension, Kidney failure, Increase in Uric Acid and Electrolyte disturbances. Patients with severe renal failure may require dialysis.


Nephrotic syndrome means losing protein in Urine. Most common in children, usually identified by their mother. Nephrotic syndrome can also be seen in Adults. Patients with Nephrotic syndrome present with pedal oedema and Facial puffiness. Patients with these features need to consult Nephrologist and undergo laboratory evaluation and may require Kidney biopsy. Cause of Nephrotic syndrome can be identified by Biopsy and in most cases it is treatable.


Diabetes mellitus is most common cause for Chronic Kidney disease. Uncontrolled diabetes can affect multiple organs in body. Kidneys are also affected where patient present with recurrent urinary tract infection, pedal oedema, facial puffiness, reduced urine output. Patient with diabetes have to consult physician and have strict control of blood sugars.

Regular checks of kidney function test and urine analysis are advised.


Kidneys are sometimes affected during pregnancy due to various causes. Causes include Urinary tract infection, Glomerular diseases, hypertension during pregnancy. Post-delivery causes include blood loss during delivery, infections and vascular diseases.

Regular ante-natal visits and check of blood pressure is advised for all pregnant women. Control of blood pressure during pregnancy is advised. Severe kidney injury may require dialysis.


Poisoning with Paraquat, Organophosphorous compound, Rat killer paste can cause kidney damage requiring dialysis. Dialysis may also help in removing posion content from blood.


Chronic kidney disease means irreversible damage of kidneys. The two main causes of chronic kidney disease are Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. Diabetes causes damage to many organs including the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, eyes and nerves. Hypertension can be a leading cause of chronic kidney disease, heart disease and strokes. Many other conditions can harm the kidneys. These include:

  1. Glomerulonephritis a disease that causes inflammation in the kidneys
  2. Inherited diseases like polycystic kidney disease which causes many cysts to form in the kidneys.

Risk factors for chronic kidney disease.

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of chronic kidney disease
  • Old age

Chronic kidney disease causes fluid overload status, muscle cramps, hypertension, anemia, weak bones-mineral bone disorder, anorexia, altered sensorium, pruritus, insomnia, nocturia, poor nutritional health.

  • Control of Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension.
  • Avoid obesity; adhere to healthy diet and regular exercise program
  • Avoid smoking, alcoholism, and excess salt
  • Avoid taking pain relievers/NSAIDS

Chronic kidney disease may progress slowly over a long time. If it is diagnosed and treated early, it can be slowed down or could be stopped. It will need treatment like dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Participation in world patient safety week conducted during the period 17 Sep to 25 September 2023 for the 3rd year students.

One of the posters made by students

Winners of the poster and slogan contest

  1. Nephrology Consultation
  2. Hemodialysis- OPD, 24/7 hemodialysis for the patients including CRRT, HDF.
  3. Mobile dialysis service.
  4. Peritoneal Dialysis
  5. Kidney biopsy
  6. Dietician Counseling
  7. Renal Transplantation and post- transplant follow-up
  8. Tunnelled dialysis catheter insertion