Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 

Medical Oncology

  • The department of Medical Oncology in Vydehi Cancer Centre has a dedicated and compassionate team of super-specialists who practice evidence-based cancer care for the management of solid and haematological malignancies in children and adults.
  • From its inception in 2007, the Department of Medical Oncology has been involved in patient care services in almost all divisions of Oncology including Breast, Gastrointestinal, Head & Neck, Lung, Bone, Soft tissue sarcomas, Gynaeconcology, Uro-oncology, Leukemia, Lymphoma and Pediatric tumours.
  • The Department of Medical Oncology is one of the most cost-effective center of South India and provides specialised services in Inpatient and Day care setting and these services include both Allogenic and Autologous Stem cell transplant, HIPEC(Hyper thermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy), Immunotherapy, Targeted treatment , Hormonal treatment ,  Intravesical Chemotherapy and Intrathecal Chemotherapy apart from Conventional Chemotherapy.
  • Complete spectrum of diagnostic services available at our centre that includes PET-CT/ PSMA-PET, Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics.
Professor & HOD

Dr.Shashidhar V Karpurmath

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number


Dr.Manjunath Nandennavar

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Veerendra Angadi

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Santoshkumar S Asangi

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr.Chevireddy Praneetha

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr A Praneeth Kumar

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Geetika Dandamudi

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Mohammed Hafeez

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Nitesh Anand

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Pooja D

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Prakash Shashikant Mishra

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Ranjitha Raj

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Sachet Saxena

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Shruthi Swamy

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Shubha Supriya A

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Vishnu Vardhan Juture

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Yedla Srinivasa Vishnuvardhan

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr.Yogitha C

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

    • Day care Chemotherapy services for various solid malignancies like cancers of breast, lung , colon , stomach , prostate , cervix , head and neck etc
    • Day care Chemotherapy services for various hematological malignancies like Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma, Hodgkins Lymphoma , Multiple myeloma etc
    • Inpatient facilities for treatment of various hematologic malignancies like blood cancers (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia’s , Acute Myeloid Leukemia’s, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia’s , Chronic Myeloid leukemia’s )
    • Inpatient facilities for administration of neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapies for bone cancers and soft tissue sarcomas
    • Sophisticated and Dedicated Bone Marrow Transplant ( Stem cell transplant ) unit for performing Allogenic and Autologous transplants
    • Immunotherapy and Monoclonal antibody treatment for various cancers
    • HIPEC (Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) administration for various cancers like ovarian cancers, stomach and colon cancers, pseudomyxoma peritonea.
    • Intrathecal chemotherapy administration for various hematological cancers
    • Hormonal treatment for various cancers like breast, prostate etc.
     Supportive services
    • Bone marrow aspiration /Bone marrow biopsies
    • Intrathecal chemotherapy administration
    • Lumbar punctures / abdominal and thoracic Paracentesis (Ascitic and pleural fluid tapping)
    • Chemo port access , flushing and dressing
     Specialty Clinics
    • Leukemia Clinic- Tuesdays , 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
    • Breast Clinic – Wednesdays , 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
    • Gynaecology-oncology Clinic – Thursdays , 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Outpatient Facilities
  • Outpatient consultation rooms with waiting zone
  • Counselling rooms
  • Minor OT
  • Day care facility
  • Medical Social worker Services
  • Preventive Oncology OPD
Inpatient Facilities 
  • Dedicated Bone Marrow Transplant Unit for both Allogenic and Autologous Stem cell Transplants
  • Medical Oncology wards with dedicated , well trained and compassionate nursing staff with separate male and Female wards
  • Intensive care unit with well-trained Intensivist
  • Paediatric intensive Care Unit with trained pediatricians
  • Interventional Radiology services –
    Image guided biopsies
    b.Central Venous catheters – PORT , PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter)
    c.Nerve blocks for pain palliation
    d.Transarterial Chemoembolisation
    e.Radio frequency ablation
  • Diagnostic facilities
     b.Flow cytometry
       d.Molecular tests like RT PCR
       e.NGS (Next Generation Sequencing)
  • Pain and palliative unit
     b.Nerve Blocks
       c.High frequency ultrasound / microwave heat therapy
  • 24 hours blood and blood components support
  • 24 hours radiology services like ultrasound/CT /MRI/Mammography/ X ray/PET CT Scan.
Publications from the department during the past 05 years: Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2018
S noAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or InternationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of publicationPageno, vol,ISSN no
1.Dr. Shashidhar V   Karpurmath ( First Author )Role of preoperative CA-125 levels in predicting the DFS and OS in epithelial ovarian cancer.InternationalKarpurmath SV, Vivek VS, Nandennavar MI, Angadi V, Sekar A. Role of preoperative CA-125 levels in predicting the DFS and OS in epithelial ovarian cancer. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstetric Gynecology 2018; 7:69-73.1.Google Scholar
2.Pubmed Central
3.Index Copernicus
4. Index Medicus
Jan 201869-73
Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2019
Sl. NoAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or internationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of publicationPageno, vol, ISSN no
1DR Shashidhar V Karpurmath (Second Author) Does Interim PET Scan After 2 Cycles of ABVD Predict Outcome in Hodgkin Lymphoma? Real-World Evidence.InternationalSeshachalam A, Karpurmath SV, Rathnam K, Raman SG, Janarthinakani M, Prasad K, et al. Does Interim PET Scan After 2 Cycles of ABVD Predict Outcome in Hodgkin Lymphoma? Real-World Evidence. JGO. 2019 Dec;1-131.Index Medicus/Medline, 2.Dimensions,
3.Directory Of Open Access Journals,
4.Web Of Science
December 20191-13
2DR Shashidhar V Karpurmath ( Second Author )The correlation of doxorubicin related cardiotoxicity with B-type natriuretic peptide levels in South Indian population.InternationalJacob DRK, Karpurmath DSV, Nandennavar DM, Angadi DV. The correlation of doxorubicin related cardiotoxicity with B-type natriuretic peptide levels in South Indian population. Int J Med Res Rev. 2019 Dec 31; 7(6):452-60.1.Sciencecentral.Com, 2.Index MedicusDecember 2019452-460
3DR Shashidhar V Karpurmath (second author)Comparison of standard short infusion versus prolonged infusion of Doxorubicin in relation to its cardiotoxicity in South Indian population.InternationalJacob RK, Karpurmath SV, Nandennavar M, Angadi V. Comparison of standard short infusion versus prolonged infusion of Doxorubicin in relation to its cardiotoxicity in South Indian population. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 Oct 24;7(11):4298.1.Google Scholar, 1. ISSN, 3.Index CopernicusOctober 20194298
4DR Veerendra Angadi (First Author)Packed red cell blood transfusion practices review in medical oncology unit in a tertiary cancer center, South India.InternationalAngadi V, Nandennavar M, Karpurmath SV, Jacob R, Donekal Y. Packed red cell blood transfusion practices review in medical oncology unit in a tertiary cancer center, South India. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 Nov 27;7(12):4433.1.Google Scholar, 2.ISSN,
3.Index Copernicus
November 20194433
5DR Manjunath I Nandennavar( first author)Double malignancies: a clinicopathological and outcomes retrospective analysis from a tertiary cancer referral centre in South India.InternationalNandennavar MI, Angadi V, Karpurmath SV, Jacob R. Double malignancies: a clinicopathological and outcomes retrospective analysis from a tertiary cancer referral centre in South India. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019 Nov 27; 7(12):4449.1.Google Scholar,
3.Index Copernicus
November 20194449
Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2020
S noAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or InternationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of PublicationPage no. volume, ISSN no
01Shashidhar V KarpurmathPrognostic Significance of Molecular Profile in Non-metastatic Invasive Breast Cancer: A Multicentre Study from IndiaNationalRathnam, K., Niraimathi, K., Shewade, H.D. et al. Prognostic Significance of Molecular Profile in Non-metastatic Invasive Breast Cancer: A Multicentre Study from India. Indian J Gynecol Oncology 18, 36 (2020).ScopusMar  202011
    02DR Shashidhar V Karpurmath ( Second Author)Retrospective analysis of clinical manifestations and treatment outcomes of patients diagnosed with langerhans cell histiocytosis from a tertiary cancer hospital in South India.InternationalJacob RK, Karpurmath SV, Nandennavar M, Angadi V. Retrospective analysis of clinical manifestations and treatment outcomes of patients diagnosed with langerhans cell histiocytosis from a tertiary cancer hospital in South India. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 May 26; 8(6):2128.1.Google Scholar,
3.Index Copernicus
May 20202128
03Shashidhar V KarpurmathComparison of altered fractionation schedule with concurrent chemo-radiation for squmaous cell carcinoma of head and neckInternationalK. MV, Narayanan GS, Vishwanathan B, Karpurmath SV, Narayanan S. Comparison of altered fractionation schedule with concurrent chemo-radiation for squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2020 Jul 24;8(8):2834.1.Google Scholar, 2.Issn,
3.Index Copernicus
Jul 20201-5
04Dr. Shashidhar V   Karpurmath ( First Author )Halving Time of BCR-ABL1 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Is It Better Than Day-90 Value—A Multicenter Study From South India.InternationalKarpurmath SV, Seshachalam A, Selvaraj K, Rajamani P, kumar S, Reddy N, et al. Halving Time of BCR-ABL1 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Is It Better Than Day-90 Value—A Multicenter Study From South India. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia. 2020 May; 20(5):e205-e211.





5.Science Citation

Index Expanded

May 2020e205-e211
Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2021
S noAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or InternationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of PublicationPage no. volume, ISSN no
01DR Manjunath I Nandennavar (First Author)Are taxane based regimens better than non-taxane fluoropyrimidine based regimens in advanced gastric cancer? Findings from an observational multicentre studyInternationalNandennavar MI, Rathnam K, Murugesan J, Raman GS, Elangovan V, Chinnakali P, et al. Are taxane based regimens better than non-taxane fluoropyrimidine based regimens in advanced gastric cancer? Findings from an observational multicentre study, South India. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jan 29;9(2):423.

1.Google SCHOLAR,



January 2021423

DR Shashidhar v Karpurmath

(Second author)

Role of Interim PET Scan after 2 Cycles of ABVD in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma: Retrospective Multicenter Study from South India.InternationalKarpurmath SV, Rathnam K, Seshachalam A, Srinivasan A, Scott J, G. RS, et al. Role of Interim PET Scan after 2 Cycles of ABVD in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma: Retrospective Multicenter Study from South India. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol. 2021 Oct;42(05):415-25.




October 2021415-425
Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2022
Sl. NoAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or InternationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of PublicationPage no.volume,ISSN no
01Shashidhar V KarpurmathAn initial experience of computed tomography-guided trans superior vena caval biopsy: a novel approach for precarious mediastinal lesionsInternationalRajasekaran M, Pandey S, Ashwathappa S, Mandakulutur GS, Karpurmath SV, Nandennavar MI. An initial experience of computed tomography-guided trans superior vena caval biopsy: a novel approach for precarious mediastinal lesions. Pol J Radiol. 2022 Apr 25;87:e233-e237.

Index Copurnicus

Pubmed Central


Apr 2022




Veerendra Angadi

(first author)

Clinicopathological features and prognostic factors in endometrial carcinoma: a retrospective analysis from a tertiary cancer centreinternationalAngadi V, Praisy E, Tatineni T, Karpurmath SV, Nandennavar MI. Clinicopathological features and prognostic factors in endometrial carcinoma: a retrospective analysis from a tertiary cancer centre. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2022 Aug 29; 10(9):1925.

1.Google SCHOLAR,



Sep 2022



03Manjunath I Nandennavar (first author)A Retrospective Study Of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) From A Tertiary Cancer Hospital In South India.InternationalNandennavar M, Nadella A, Priyanka Gv. A Retrospective Study Of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (Dlbcl) From A Tertiary Cancer Hospital In South India. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2022 Sep 1; 73–4.

1. Google scholar

2. Pubmed central

3. Index Medicus

Sep 202273-74

Manjunath Nandennavar

(first author)

An Experience Of Primary Amyloidosis From An Indian Tertiary Cancer Institute In South India.InternationalNandennavar M, Vishnu Priyanka G, Angadi V, V K S. An Experience Of Primary Amyloidosis From An Indian Tertiary Cancer Institute In South India. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2022 Dec 1; 61–3.

1. Google scholar

2. Pubmed central

3. Index Medicus

Dec 202261-63
Number of Yearly research publications* by the teaching staff in 2023
Sl. NoAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or InternationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of PublicationPage no.volume, ISSN no

Shashidhar V Karpurmath

(first author)

Tandem High dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation in germ cell tumour – Experience from a Tertiary care centre from South IndiaInternationalV. Karpurmath Shashidhar, Praisy E, I. Nandennavar Manjunath, Angadi V, Koshy Jacob R. Tandem High Dose Chemotherapy With Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation In Germ Cell Tumor— Experience From A Tertiary Care Center From South India. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2023 Jan 1; 81–3.

1. Google Scholar

2. Pubmed Central

3. Index Medicus

Jan 202381-83

Nitesh Anand,

A Veerendra, Manjunath N, Shashidhar V K

A case series of hodgkins lymphoma with rare progression in the brainInternationalNitesh Anand, A Veerendra, Manjunath N, Shashidhar V K. A Case Series Of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma With Rare Progression In The Brain. International Journal Of Scientific Research

1. Indian Citation Index

2.  NCBI

3. Pubmed Central

4. Open J Gate




8. Index Medicus.

Sep 2023 
03A Veerendra,        Nitesh Anand,    Sachet Saxena, Manjunath N, Shashidhar V K

Clinical profiles and outcomes of young versus elderly patients with multiple myeloma : a retrospective observational study from a tertiary cancer center in south India


InternationalA Veerendra, Nitesh Anand, Sachet Saxena, Manjunath N, Shashidhar V K. Clinical profiles and outcomes of young versus elderly patients with multiple myeloma: a retrospective observational study from a tertiary cancer centre in south India Cancer Research, Statistics And Treatment.


2. SCIMAGO Journal Ranking



25 Sep 2023 

Dr A Praneeth Kumar,

Dr Manjunath, Dr Vishnu Priyanka

Myeloproliferative hyper eosinophilic syndrome: chronic eosinophilic leukaemiaInternationalPraneeth Kumar (2023). Myeloproliferative Hypereosinophilic Syndrome – Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia. MAR Oncology & Hematology (2023) 6:3.

1. Google Scholar

2. Pubmed Indexed ARTICLES




05Dr Vishnu Vardhan Juture, Dr Gorla Vishnu Priyanka, Dr Sashidhar VKA Rare presentation of Wilms Tumor in 2 Yr old childInternationalDR VISHNU VARDHAN JUTURE, DR GORLA VISHNU PRIYANKA, DR SASHIDHAR VK. 2023. A Rare presentation of Wilms Tumor in 2 Yr old child. MAR Oncology & Haematology (2023)


2. Pubmed Indexed Articles




Ongoing clinical trials
  1. Phase-I studies- A Phase 1, Open Label, Dose Escalation, Dose Expansion, Multicentre, First in Human (FIH) Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral AUR107 in Patients with Relapsed Advanced Malignancies. Principal investigators-Dr.Shashidhar.V.K, Co-Investigators-Dr.Manjunath.N, Dr.Veerendra Angadi
  2.  Phase1, Open Label First in Human Study Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Antitumor Activity of HPK1 Inhibitor GRC 54276 Alone and in Combination with Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody Pembrolizumab or Anti-PD-L1 Atezolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid Tumors and Lymphomas. Principal Investigator- Dr.Manjunath.I.N, CO-Investigators-Dr.Shashidhar.v.Karpurmath, Dr.Veerendra Angadi
  3. NAGA trial: A phase III, multi centre RCT –Neoadjuvant vs adjuvant chemotherapy in gastric Adeno carcinoma. Principal investigators-Dr. Shashidhar. V.K, Co-Investigators-Dr. Manjunath. N, Dr. Veerendra Angadi
Completed clinical trials
Indication of trialPhase of  TrialRole In TrialYear
A phase IIb/III,Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicentre, Study of CA-170 in combination with Chemotherapy in patients with Stage IV Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell lung Cancer.Phase IIIPrincipal Investigator2023
An open label, Multi-Centre, Randomized, Two-Treatment, and Multi dose, parallel, Comparative Bioavailability Study of Bertezomib Injection 3.5mg/0.2ml and VECADE 3.5mg powder for solution for injection at a dose of .3mg/m2 in Multiple Myeloma Patients.Phase-IIICo- Investigator2021
A multi-centre, Double-Blind, randomized parallel Group, Active controlled, Two Part, Phase-III, Global Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics, Effiacy,and Safety of BP 02 (Trastuzumab) in Comparison with Herceptin- EU in patients with Her2-positive Early Breast Cancer and Metastatic Breast Cancer.Phase-IIICo- Investigator2019-2022
Prospective , multi-center, randomized,double-blind,two-arm,parallel group, active control, comparative clinical study to evaluate efficacy and safety of R-TPR_045/Xgeva for prevention of skeletal related events in patients with bone metastases from solid tumours.Phase-IIICo- Investigator2018-2019
Metastatic Breast CancerPhase-IIIPrincipal Investigator2017-2018
A prospective , Multicenter, randomize, double blind, phase III study to compare the efficacy and safety of Biosimilar Bevacizumab of Enzene Biosciences LTD versus Innovator Bevacizumab both in combination with CAPEOX in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal CancerPhase-IIIPrincipal Investigator2016-2017
A randomized open label single dose two treatment three sequence partial replicate cross over multicenter bioequivalence study of Capecitabine 500 mg tablets with Xeloda in adult cancer patients under fed conditions- Completed US FDA inspection for the same.Phase-IIIPrincipal Investigator2018-2019
ICMR Project study
  • To validate the utility of Chemotherapy Risk Assessment Scale for High Age patients (CRASH score) in predicting chemotherapy toxicity in elderly cancer patients.
    Research proposal accepted by ICMR under STS (Short term Studentship) for the year 2020.
Shashidhar V Karpurmath , Professor & HOD
Awards and Laurels
  • Shashidhar V Karpurmath won the 1st prize ORAL PRESENTATION in the HAEMATO-ONCOLOGY section in REAL WORLD EVIDENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2019.
  • Cleared ESMO certification exam in 2019.
  • Awarded as the BEST PHYSICIAN of 2019 in RESEARCH CATEGORY at Vydehi.
  • Got approval for conducting ICMR project as guide to MBBS student in the year 2020 titled “To validate the utility of Chemotherapy Risk Assessment Scale for High Age patients (CRASH score) in predicting chemotherapy toxicity in elderly cancer patients”.
International Conferences
  1. ESMO update for practicing oncologists 2018, Lugano, Switzerland.
  2. Attended the per mentorship programme in Frankfurt Germany at UKGM (GIESSEN university) in SEPTEMBER 2016.
National Conferences
  1. Attended REAL WORLD EVIDENCE national conference at Chennai in August 2019 as faculty.
  2. Attended and completed ‘STRUCTURED OPERATIONAL RESEARCH TRAINING INITIATIVE’ course conducted by THE UNION (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) in collaboration with WHO.
  3. Was invited as a speaker at APEX PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY on the occasion of WORLD CANCER DAY 2021- delivered a talk titled ‘IS DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER ALWAYS A DEATH SENTENCE’.
  4. Was appointed as subject expert as part of Local Inspection Committee from RGUHS regarding inspections in KIDWAI     Memorial Institute Of Oncology, March 2021.
  5. Was appointed as subject expert as part of Expert Committee regarding promotion of the faculty in medical Oncology at KIDWAI 2019, M.S.Ramiah 2019, Manipal Academy of Higher Education 2019.
Presentations in the last 5 years
  1. Invited as a guest speaker in ‘SPOTLIGHT ON PRECISION ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE ‘held at Chennai on 25thmay 2024.
  2. Attended module 3 of SORT IT (Structured operational research training initiative) held at Cachar cancer centre, Silchar Assam in May 7-12, 2024 an initiative of ICMR –NIE.
  3. Invited as a speaker in the 2ndInternational global cancer consortium conference held at KMC Manipal on Jan 7th
  4. Attended as an invited faculty for the 8thedition of year in review breast cancer conference at Mumbai 22nd Jan 2023.
  5. Attended the CMOG ( Collaborative Medical oncology Group ) meeting at Bengaluru on 13/03/2022
  6. Invited as Guest Speaker in the CME conducted by G V N Cancer Centre and IMA Trichy at Trichy on 05/06/2022 and delivered his lecture on the topic – Oncology-Physician Rapport in Shared care Model
  7. Invited as faculty and participated as a panelist in the “Cancer Pain Management “CME held on 15/10/2022 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre.
  8. Invited as faculty and participated as guest speaker and gave a talk in a national webinar on “Recent advances in Lung Cancer Management “ in the CME – Recent Advances in Pulmonology on 06/12/2022, conducted by the Department of Pulmonology,  Vydehi Institute Of Medical Sciences and Research Centre .
  9. Halving time of BCR-Abl1 levels –Is it a better Bet than day 90 Bcr-Abl1 in chronic phase Chronic Myeloid leukemia patients .Presented in Real world Evidence – National conference conducted at Chennai in august 2019.
  10. Presented the Data on GIST in conference conducted by collaborative Medical Oncology Group at Vijayawada in 2018.
  11. Presented –Should different types of Breast Cancer be staged differently in National conference Breast con 2018, held at Kasturba Medical College Manipal.
  12. Presented the Hospital data at NCDIR meeting held at Bengaluru and also took part in the meeting for consensus on POCSS form for Hematological malignancies for Hospital Based cancer Registries in 2018
  13. Presented in Indian Cancer Congress 2017 held in Bengaluru in a Genitor-Urinary session.
  14. Presented in Molecular Tumor Board of CML – International Conference held in Chennai in 2016.
  15. Presented a poster in ISMPO-ISO conference held in Mumbai in 2015.
  16. Attended the CMOG (Collaborative Medical oncology Group) meeting at Bengaluru on 13/03/2022
  17. Attended the “Cancer Pain Management “CME held on 15/10/2022 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre.
  18. Attended the national webinar on “Recent advances in Lung Cancer Management “ in the CME – Recent Advances in Pulmonology on 06/12/2022,conducted by the Department of Pulmonology, Vydehi Institute Of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
  19. Attended REAL WORLD EVIDENCE national conference at Chennai in August 2019 as faculty.
Recognized by University for additional roles & responsibilities
  1. Appointed as External Member of Board of Studies for Medical Oncology at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) from 2020 to 2024
  2. Appointed as part of Local inspection committee as subject expert for Inspection at Kidwai cancer centre as per the appointment order RGU/AC2/AFF/MED/LIC/2020-21 dated 26/02/2021
  3. Appointed to monitor the research activities pertaining to 2 Medical Oncology  Research projects for the year 2018-19 as per the appointment order RGU/ADV-RES/BR/001/2018-19 dated 15/09/2020
  4. Appointed as External examiner for the DM Medical Oncology practical exams at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetha, Kochi; Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical College, Indore;  Madras Medical College, Chennai; Madurai Medical College, Madurai; Kasturba Medical College, Manipal from 2017 to 2024
  5. Appointed as Internal examiner for the DM Medical Oncology practical exams at Kidwai memorial Institute of Oncology in the year 2017 and 2018
  6. Appointed as Internal examiner for the DM Medical oncology practical Examinations at Vydehi Institute of medical Sciences and Research Centre in the years 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 and  2023
  7. Has been appointed as part of Committee as Subject expert in Medical Oncology  for the selection / promotion for the faculty of Medical Oncology at Kidwai memorial Institute of oncology, Kasturba Medical College and at MS Ramaiah Medical College from 2019 to 2024
Projects undertaken in the last 5 years
  1. To validate the utility of Chemotherapy Risk Assessment Scale for High Age patients (CRASH score) in predicting chemotherapy toxicity in elderly cancer patients
  2. As a guide to MBBS student ,Ongoing project , research proposal accepted by ICMR under STS (Short term Studentship) for the year 2020
  3. Multi-Centre study was undertaken and completed as part of SORT IT (Structured Operational Research Training Initiative) by THE UNION (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) in collaboration with WHO in 2018-19 – Halving Time of Bcr-Abl1 compared to conventional Day 90 Bcr-Abl1 in chronic myeloid leukemia patients in chronic phase.
  4. Worked as Co-investigator for Neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation therapy in T4 resectable oral cavity cancer project undertaken in the Department of oncology at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre  2017-2019
  5. As a guide to DM Medical oncology Post graduate for the project -Comparison of standard short infusion versus prolonged infusion of Doxorubicin in relation to its cardiotoxicity in South Indian population in 2017-2018
  6. As a coinvestigator to the project -Novel single day premedication regimen for prevention of paclitaxel induced hypersensitivity reaction 2017
  7. Ongoing project as PI – One of the participating centres for the phase III, multi centre RCT –NAGA (Neoadjuvant vs adjuvant chemotherapy in gastric adeno ca).
  8. Manjunath Nandennavar , Professor
International Conferences
  • Attended ICC conference in Delhi, 2013 and Bangalore, 2019 as a delegate.
Invited as faculty / speaker – National conferences
  1. Attended the CMOG ( Collaborative Medical oncology Group ) meeting at Bengaluru on 13/03/2022
  2. Attended the “Cancer Pain Management “CME held on 15/10/2022 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre.
  3. Attended the national webinar on “Recent advances in Lung Cancer Management “in the CME – Recent Advances in Pulmonology on 06/12/2022, conducted by the Department of Pulmonology, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre.
  4. Attended REAL WORLD EVIDENCE national conference at Chennai in August 2019 as faculty.
  5. .Presented ‘Comparison of outcomes of 5FU vs. Taxane based chemotherapy regimens in metastatic stomach cancer: results from a tertiary cancer center in south India’ in Real world Evidence – National conference conducted at Chennai in august 2019.
Projects undertaken in the last 5 years
  1. As a guide to MBBS student, Ongoing project, research proposal accepted by ICMR under STS (Short term Studentship) for the year 2023.
  2. Multi-center study was undertaken and completed as part of SORT IT (Structured Operational Research Training Initiative) by THE UNION (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) in collaboration with WHO in 2018-19 –Comparison of outcomes of 5FU vs. Taxane based chemotherapy regimens in metastatic stomach cancer: results from a tertiary cancer center in south India.
  3. As a PI in Phase1, Open Label First in Human Study Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Antitumor Activity of HPK1 Inhibitor GRC 54276 Alone and in Combination with Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody Pembrolizumab or Anti-PD-L1 Atezolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid Tumors and Lymphomas.
  4. As a CO PI in Phase-I studies- A Phase 1, Open Label, Dose Escalation, Dose Expansion, Multicenter, First in Human (FIH) Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral AUR107 in Patients with Relapsed Advanced Malignancies
  5. As a CO PI in NAGA trial: A phase III, multi centre RCT –Neoadjuvant vs adjuvant chemotherapy in gastric Adeno carcinoma. Principal investigators
Recognized by University for additional roles & responsibilities
  1. Appointed as external examiner for the DNB Medical Oncology practical exams at Madurai Meenakshi mission institute in February 2024.
  2. Appointed as Internal examiner for the DM Medical oncology practical Examinations at Vydehi Institute of medical Sciences and Research Centre in the years 2019,2020,2021,2022 and 2023.
  3. Has been appointed as part of Committee as Subject expert in Medical Oncology for the selection / promotion for the faculty of Medical Oncology at MS Ramaiah medical college in 2024.
  4. Veerendra Angadi , Assistant Professor  
National Conferences
  1. Attended ISMPO ISO conference in Nov 2015. Presented POSTER presentation on Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy-Rare demyelinating disorder in a patient with SLL.
  2. VICON 2014, Vydehi Institute of Medical sciences and Research centre, Bangalore.
  3. Pediatric oncology CME programme at Shankara cancer Hospital, Bangalore.
  4. CME on Gastric and OG Junction cancers: Update.
Clinical Research Experience
  1. A Phase 1, Open Label, Dose Escalation, Dose Expansion, Multicentre, First in Human (FIH) Study Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral AUR107 in Patients with Relapsed Advanced Malignancies. Co-Investigator.
  2. A phase IIb/III, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter, Study of CA-170 in combination with Chemotherapy in patients with Stage IV Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell lung Cancer. Co-Investigator.
  3. A Phase1, Open Label First in Human Study Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Antitumor Activity of HPK1 Inhibitor GRC 54276 Alone and in Combination with Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody Pembrolizumab or Anti-PD-L1 Atezolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid Tumors and Lymphomas. Co-Investigator.
  4. An open label, Multi-Centre, Randomised, Two-Treatment, Multi dose, parallel, Comparative Bioavailability Study of Bertezomib Injection 3.5mg/0.2ml and VECADE 3.5mg powder for solution for injection at a dose of .3mg/m2 in Multiple Myeloma Patients. Co-Investigator.
  5. A multi-centre, Double-Blind, randomized parallel Group, Active controlled, Two Part, Phase-III, Global Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics, Effiacy,and Safety of BP 02(Trastuzumab) in Comparison with Herceptin- EU in patients with Her2-positive Early Breast Cancer and Metastatic Breast Cancer. Co-Investigator.
  6. Prospective , multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, two-arm, parallel group, active control, comparative clinical study to evaluate efficacy and safety of R-TPR_045/Xgeva for prevention of skeletal related events in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors. Co-Investigator.
  • Dr. Vishnu Priyanka J- 5th Rank in 2023
  • Dr. Swaroopa Chundru- 3rd Rank in 2021
  • Dr. Mehlam Kausar- 4th Rank in 2020
  • Dr. Sai Vivek V- 2nd Rank in 2019

Academic laurels and Achievements of DM Medical Oncology Residents

Sl. NoSS PG NameEvent /ConferencePrize /PresentationTopicDate / Month &Year
IDr. Subha Supriya
 1ISMPO / ISOCON 2022Oral presentationRare case report on Synovial Sarcoma in Infancy.



 2GI CONOral presentation MANECMay 2023,
 3Nuclear Medicine UpdatesCMENuclear Medicine UpdatesDEC 23
 4Best of ASCOOral presentation MARCH 2024
IIDr. Shruthi Swamy
 1AMOI1ST PRIZEOncology Premier League Quiz June 2022
 2AMOI1ST PRIZEDebate on Can Triple therapy be made SOC in MCSPC



 3ISMPO / ISOCON 2022Oral presentationInstitutional experience of PCNSL at a tertiary care centre



 4ISMPO / ISOCON 2022Oral presentationThiotepa based auto MT in PCNSLOctober 2022
 5ISMPO / ISOCON 2022Oral presentation Review article on Triplet Therapy in MCSPCOctober 2022
 6AMOI1ST PRIZEGrand Quiz(Oncology Premier League Finals)November 2022
 7AMOI3rd prizeOncology Premier League QuizAugust 2023
 8Best of ASCOOral presentationCONTACT study phase III trial- Atezolizumab+ Cabozantinib in  MRCCMARCH 2024
IIIDr. Praneetha
 3RWEOral PresentationIs FLOT really superior?? A Real world experience from a tertiary cancer centre in India in locally advanced gastric cancerApril,2023
 4ISMPO- ISOCONOral PresentationChronic Myeloid Leukemia in a 3year old child- a rare case reportOct,2022
IVDr. Nitesh Anand
 1AMOI1ST PRIZE Debate on Can Triple therapy be made SOC in mCSPC September 2022
VDr. Sachet Saxena