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Hospital Administration

The Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre is the 1st college under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences to offer MD (Hospital Administration) Post Graduate degree which is recognized by then Medical Council of India (MCI), now National Medical Commission (NMC). The department plays vital role in total operations and management of the hospital services as well as all the organizations established within the 100 acres of Vydehi campus.

The Department of Hospital Administration is managed by highly reputed faculty having vast administrative and teaching experience. The faculty are acknowledged with prestigious awards in various National and International forums.

The Post-Graduates of the department are given full responsibility and are encouraged to actively participate in the day-to-day operation of the 1600 bedded hospital and management of the organization. The Residents play a vital role in preparation, engagement and assessment of the accreditation programmes like NABH, NABL, NAAC, etc. The Post-Graduates are posted in about 33 departments during their 3 years post-graduation programme. In addition, the department has a control room manned by the Resident round the clock which acts as an extension of the Administrative office after office hours under the supervision of the Chief Administrative Officer to look after the hospital. The Post-Graduates also actively participate in various committees and their inputs are given due consideration which helps in betterment of the organization.

Overall, the exposure provided at the Vydehi Institute of Medial Sciences and Research Centre prepares the residents to manage different hospital settings/ health care facility/ organization.

Professor & HOD

Dr.Koppala Ravi Babu

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Associate Professor

Dr. Sherry P Mathew

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Assistant professor

Dr. Siral Hegde

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Assistant professor

DR.M Abhishek Raj

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr. Yeshwanth M N

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr. Manish J

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Well-equipped lecture halls and latest IT facilities are provided to all faculty and residents to facilitate teaching and learning. A well-stocked in-house department library is present. These facilities are in addition to the central training infrastructure, Central Library, Lecture theatres, Central IT and Computer facility and Centre for Medical Education and Technology.

S no Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author Title of paper National or international Citation of the journal Indexing details Date of publication Page no, vol, ISSN no
1 Dr. Koppala Ravi Babu, Manoj Kumar Gupta Perception of International patients regarding cross border movement for medical services in India International ISSN 1927-6990, ISSN 1927-7008, SCIEDU PRESS, PROQUEST, EBSCO Jun-19 Vol.8, No.3
2 Dr Koppala Ravi Babu, Dr. Sherry P Mathew Need for Aged Care Hubs International ISSN 2470-6205, ISSN 2470-6213 Jun-20 Vol.5, No.3
3 Dr. Sherry P Mathew End of Life Care: Healthcare Provider’s Mind-set, Needs and Barriers International Index Copernicus ICV2019:129.24, Feb-21 Vol-15(2): IC01-IC06
4 Dr. Padmini Kumari B Dr. G Vijay Kumar Dr Koppala Ravi Babu, Utilisation of the equipments in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Services in a tertiary Care Centre- A Retrospective Study International World Cat, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) May-21 Vol. 7; No.5:270
5 Dr Koppala Ravi Babu, Dr. Amrutha Reddy A. Challenges Faced by Healthcare Start-Ups International Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, etc. Aug-21 Vol. 9; No.8,
6 Dr. Sherry P Mathew Dr. Vishnu Sunil Assessment and patients perception of the impact of accreditation on the quality of public healthcare delivery in primary and secondary healthcare settings International Index Copernicus Sept. 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 3,Print-ISSN: 2394-2762, Online-ISSN:2394-2770
7 Dr. Padmini Kumari B Dr. G Vijay Kumar Dr Koppala Ravi Babu, Evaluation of Quality Assurance of Activity against Accreditation Norms of the Imaging Services in a Tertiatry Care Teaching Hospital International Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, etc. Sep-21 Vol.11; Issue:9,
8 Dr Koppala RaviBabu, Dr Amrutha Reddy Real Time Challenges faced by Hospital administrators International Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, ISSN:2319-7668. April-22 Vol.24, ser.II  p-44-50  
9 Dr Koppala Ravi Babu Dr Ernakula Ramanjaneyulu Dr Gnanasekar T Dr Siral Hegde A study on utilization of health applications and its awareness among people. International Index Copernicus DOI:10.5530/ijmedph.2024.2.11 April – June 2024 Vol 14, Issue 2.
  1. Dr Koppala Ravi Babureceived “101 FABULOUS GLOBAL HEALTH CARE LEADERS” award given by WORLD HEALTH AND WELNESS CONGRESS in association withECONOMIC TIMES held on 14th February 2020 in Mumbai.
  2. Dr Koppala Ravi Babu, Received “MOST INFLUENTIAL HEALTHCARE LEADER” award presented by GOLDEN AIM CONFERENCE & AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE & LEADERSHIPon March 3rd 2024, held at Bangalore.

The Department runs a 3 years post graduate course and awards an M.D degree in hospital Administration MD (HA). The training program consists of interactive lectures, seminars, workshops, project and case studies, journal club, field visits etc. The department is actively involved in the administration and management of Vydehi Hospital, a 1600 bedded tertiary care teaching hospital. Resident Administrators manage the control Room round the clock as duty officers and coordinate with various hospital activities. The curriculum is a follows:

  1. General administration
  2. Health administration
  3. Hospital administration & hospital planning
  4. Administration of clinical & non-clinical services
  1. Dr Koppala Ravi Babu was invited as SPEAKER in HEALTH ACCORD 2.0, FUTURISTIC APPROACH TO HEALTHCARE, a national level conference held at GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, Hyderabad.