NO TUITION FEE for Pre-Clinical(MD/MS)/Para Clinical(MD) courses except for MD Pathology course for the A.Y.2024-25                

Projects Current & Completed

Projects Current & Completed

  1. Prevalence of asymptomatic pyuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective cross-sectional study
  2. Comparison of essential and toxic elements in patients with euthyroid goiter: a cross-sectional study
  3. Prevalence and anthropometric predictors of metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4. Correlation of P3 fraction with glycated hemoglobin and hemoglobin: a retrospective study
  5. Impact of HbE levels on glycated hemoglbin in individuals with and without diabetes mellitus
  6. Basal and synacthen (ACTH 1-24) stimulated blood steroid profile in apparently healthy and Asian Indian women