Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 


A healthy skin for a smart personality

World class skin and cosmetic care at an affordable price for every individual


  1. To train the post graduates in becoming a completely trained dermatologist in all aspects of skin diseases.
  2. To deliver highly professionalized service for all patients.


  1. To train the post graduate to master the skills of clinical examination and to apply the knowledge in the diagnosis of skin and systemic diseases.
  2. To train post graduates to master the diagnostic skills of dermatology, leprosy and STD

I. Introduction
The Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy in the Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre was established in 2002. The main aim of the Department has been to provide excellent tertiary skin care for all classes of patients at affordable prices. It has over a period of time been providing care to people not only in the nearby localities but also to people from far distant regions.

As the institution is located in the Vicinity of IT activity, amidst young and cosmetically conscious people, the latest cosmetic care is also being provided by the department.

The department is attached to the medical college and thus is involved in various academic and research activities. As a part of this activity, it trains medical students of both undergraduate and post graduate (MD, DVD) courses

Scope  of  Services
The department provides a wide range of services by highly trained personnel to the patients ranging from diagnostic, therapeutic and cosmetic problems. Some of the services are listed below.

The department has a well-equipped laboratory in addition to the central lab in the hospital. Various special diagnostic investigations like skin biopsies, staining techniques (for fungus, bacterial, viral and leprosy disorders), DGI, patch testing, etc. are being carried out.


Besides providing inpatient care this department also provides other specialized therapeutic services for common skin conditions like acne, hair loss, pigmentation, allergies, fungal infections, psoriasis, vitiligo and leprosy in the form of Laser, Phototherapy, Punch graft, Microdermabrasion/ dermabrasions, Electrocautery, Radiofrequency, Cryotherapy, Dermoscopy and other minor surgical procedures (Acne surgery, Mole excision, Cyst excision, Nail Surgery).

Cosmetic and Laser Services


Cosmetic procedures like facial rejuvenation, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion and chemical cautery are also being carried out.


  • Skin biopsy
  • Nail biopsy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrocautery
  • Radiofrequency
  • Acne scar revision surgeries
  • Cellular and tissue graft surgeries for vitiligo
  • Nail surgeries
  • Ear lobe repair
  • Excision of birth marks
  • Cysts excision
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy

Skin rejuvenation

  • Anti-ageing procedures
  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Micro needling
  • Botulinum toxin injection
  • Dermal fillers

Hair fall treatment

  • Trichoscopy
  • Trichogram
  • Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy
  • Growth factor concentrate (GFC) therapy

Laser Services

Lasers have revolutionized the field of dermatology, offering precise, effective, and minimally invasive treatments for a wide range of skin conditions.

Applications in Dermatology

Lasers are versatile tools in dermatology, used to treat various skin issues, including:

  • Pigmented lesions: Removal of age spots, freckles, and tattoos.
  • Vascular lesions: Treatment of spider veins, rosacea, and port-wine stains.
  • Hair reduction: Long-term reduction of unwanted hair.
  • Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation: Improving skin texture, reducing wrinkles, and treating acne scars.

Futura RF 50 CO2 laser- CO2 lasers are a cornerstone technology in dermatology, widely used for various skin treatments. It is a non-invasive procedure that is specially made of carbon dioxide, to remove the outer layers of damaged skin. It has dual mode of action, ablative and fractional modes. Ablative laser has been used for Mole removal, Skin tag removal, Wart removal, Syringomas, Xanthelasmas, Cyst excision, Removal of benign tumours. And Fractional mode has been used for Acne scars, Facial rejuvenation, Facial hyperpigmentation, Traumatic scars, Stretch marks, Nail diseases.

 Akira Q Switched NdYag Laser– Q-switched lasers are an integral part of dermatological treatments, especially for conditions like pigmented lesions, tattoos, and certain vascular lesions. The “Q-switching” technique involves producing short bursts of high-energy laser pulses. This rapid and intense delivery of energy allows for precise targeting of the intended tissue while minimizing damage to surrounding skin. It has been used in Hyper pigmentation, Melasma, Tanning, Tatto removal, Skin rejuvenation, Lip hyperpigmentation and Vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, and hemangiomas)

 Sakura premier diode laser- Laser hair reduction is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light to target and damage hair follicles, thereby reducing the growth of unwanted hair. It is a safe, painless, effective way to reduce unwanted body hair permanently. It has been used in Hirsutism, Hypertrichosis. It is commonly used to reduce unwanted hair on areas such as the face, arms, legs, underarms and back. 

Our dermatology department stays at the forefront of technological advancements. We continually integrate new laser devices and techniques to enhance treatment outcomes, ensuring our patients receive the most up-to-date and effective care available.

Health check-up’s/health packages

The department takes an active role in organising camps and taking part in various camps for the screening and detection of various skin disorders especially leprosy, and educating people on various disorders like Vitiligo, Leprosy and STD’s and AIDS.

The institution has a variety of health care packages like Master Health Check-up, Executive Check-up etc. Our department also caters to those patients who desire a dermatology consultation.


Dr.Bhanu Prakash

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number


Dr.Dr S C Rajendran

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Associate Professor

Dr.Shishira R Jartarkar

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr.Dasaradhi Sreeja

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Assistant Professor

Dr. Akash

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Assistant Professor

Dr.Pavithra J R

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr Hemavathy B K

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

Senior Resident

Dr. Pournami P

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr.Jeevith C Reddy

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number

S noAuthor 1st, 2nd and corresponding authorTitle of paperNational or internationalCitation of the journalIndexing detailsDate of publicationPageno, vol,ISSN no
1.Bhanu PrakashOcular side effects of systemic drugs used in dermatology.INDIAN  Indian Journal of DermatologyPUBMED COPERNICUS GOOGLE SCHOLAR201964(6), p.423.
2.Mamatha P.*, Sheena Arora, Abhijeet VardhanIncidence of non-venereal lesions of the male genitalia: a study of 248 male cases at a tertiary care centre.INTERNATIONALInternational Journal of Research in DermatologyCopernicus Google scholar CROSS PET LOCKSS20206(2), p.187.
3.Mamatha P, Neha V, Jartarka SR, Sampath S, Madireddy RRTrichoscopic findings in various alopecias at tertiary referral center: A cross-sectional study..InternationalJurnal of dermatology and dermatologic surgeryDOAJ202226:25-30.
4.Mamatha P.*, Sheena Arora, Abhijeet VardhanClinical and epidemiological study of non-venereal genital diseases in females.INTERNATIONALInternational Journal of Research in DermatologyCopernicus Google scholar CROSS PET LOCKSS20206(3), p.323.
5.Nikhil N., Mamatha P., Hanumanthayya K.A study of clinical and dermoscopic features in alopecia areata at a tertiary referral center.INTERNATIONALInternational Journal of Research in DermatologyCopernicus Google scholar CROSS PET LOCKSS20206(6), p.744
6.SHISHIRA R JMalocclusion: An adjunctive aid in individual identifiction.INDIANJournal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology,PUBMED SCOPUS202024(1), p.138.
7.Mamatha P, Kareddy S, B SpoorthyDermatosis neglecta in Inpatients of a tertiary Care centre : A case series.INDIANIndian journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic DermatologyDOAJ2021Accepted for publication
8.Shishira R JartarkarManjunath KadnurP MamathaSwayam S MishraB SpoorthyA comparative study of therapeutic efficacy of intralesional measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and intralesional Vitamin D3 in the treatment of recurrent warts.INTERNATIONALJournal of Dermatology and Dermatologic SurgeryDOAJ202125(1), p.14.
9.Shishira R Jartarkar , Manjunath kadanur,Harini S, Shalini S et alA single blind active controlled study to compare the efficacy of microneedling and microneedling with % FU in the treatment of stable vitiligoINTERNATIONALDermatology y review 2021DOAJ2021 
10.Manjunath Kadanur, Shishira R Jaratarkar et alA clinicomycological study of dermatophytosis and their in vitro sensitivity to antifungal agentsINDIANIndian journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic DermatologyDOAJ2021 
11.Swayamsidda Mishra, Manjunth Kadanur Shishira R JaratarkarCorrelation of serum uric acid , C reative protein and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio in psoriasis. A case controlled studyInternationalTurkish archives of dermatology , venerologyDOAJ SCOPUS EMBASE2021 
12.Shishira R Jartarkar et alIntralesional vitamin d in multiple recurrent plantar warts – a single blind, prospective , placebo controlled study.InternationalSurgical and cosmetic dermatology. Accepted for publication.DOAJ SCOPUS2021 
13.Mamatha P, K HanumanthayyaComparative Study on Combination of Microdermabrasion with 35% Glycolic Acid Peel versus 35% Glycolic Acid Peel Alone for Facial Melanoses of Indian Skin TypesInternationalInternational Journal of Scientific StudyPubmed Google Scholar2021Volume:3, Issue: 5
14.Shishira R Jartarkar et alArtificial Intelligence in Hair and Nail DisordersInternationalJOURNAL OF DRUGS IN DERMATOLOGYDOAJ20221049-1052
15.Shishira R Jartarkar et alSolitary Neurofibroma over Lower Lip: A Rare Manifestation.InternationalJOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS AND AESTHETIC SURGERYPubmed1/6/22189-192
16.Shishira R Jartarkar et alIntralesional measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in recurrent common warts: A placebo- controlled study.InternationalOUR DERMATOL ONLINEDOAJ17/8/2211-15
17.Shishira R Jartarkar et alArtificial intelligence in DermatopathologyInternationalJOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGYPubmed3/9/221- 5.
18.Shishira R Jartarkar et alArtificial intelligence: Its role in dermatopathology.INDIANINDIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, VENEROLOGY AND LEPROLOGYPubmed1/12/22 
19.Kadnur M, Jartarkar SR, et alA clinico-mycological study of dermatophytoses and their in-vitro sensitivity to antifungal drugs. INDIANINDIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOPATHOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC DERMATOLOGYPubmed27/10/2254-8


The aim of teaching the undergraduate student in Dermatology, S.T.D. and Leprology is to impart such knowledge and skills that may enable him to diagnose and treat common ailments and to refer rare diseases or complications/unusual manifestations of common diseases, to the specialist.


  • At the end of the course of Dermato-S.T.D. and Leprology, the student shall be able to:
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge of common diseases, their clinical manifestations, including emergent situations and of investigative procedures to confirm their diagnosis.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of various modes of therapy used in treatment of Dermatology diseases.
  • Describe the mode of action of commonly used drugs, their doses, side-effects/toxicity, indications and contra-indications and interactions.
  • Describe commonly used modes of management including the medical and surgical procedures available for the treatment of various diseases and to offer a comprehensive plan of management for a given disorder.


  • The student should be able to:
  • Interview the patient, elicit relevant and correct information and describe the history in a chronological order.
  • Conduct clinical examination, elicit and interpret physical findings and diagnose common disorders and emergencies.
  • Perform simple, routine investigative and office procedures required for making the bed-side diagnosis, especially the examination of scrapings for fungus, preparation of slit smears and staining for AFB for leprosy patients and for STD cases.
  • Take a skin biopsy for diagnostic purposes
  • Manage common diseases recognizing the need for referral for specialized care, in case of inappropriateness of therapeutic response.
  1. Shishira has been elected as treasurer of Bangalore Dermatological Society 2023-25.
  2. Shishira has been awarded for best paper presentation in ISPD 2018 and Mid Dermacon 2021.
  • 2ndBiennial IAL National Conference of Leprosy was conducted from the 5th to 7th January 2024 at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bengaluru. A National event held bi-annually to bring together all the major stakeholders to re-dedicate to the cause of leprosy. Theme for the conference was “Leprosy free India- Way forward” keeping in view the current goals of the global and Indian leprosy programme. 

Chief patron was Mrs. Kalpaja D A, Chairperson of Vydehi Group of Institutions.

Chief guest of the conference was Prof. Takahiro Nanri, Executive Director of Sasakava foundation, Japan.

Guest of honor was Dr. Shreedhar Venkatesh, our beloved principal VIMS&RC.

Conference was attended by 530 delegates from all over the country and abroad from various reputed institutions and also representatives from WHO. The total number of scientific papers, award papers and E-posters were 250. Conference was graced by Dr. G P Talwar, the inventor of MIP vaccine in leprosy, he was given the “Lifetime Achievement Award”. He is just 97 years young. Though the Pre-conference workshop was planned for 100 PGs, it was attended by more than 230 postgraduates from all over the country, it was an overwhelming response.