Home » Community Medicine » Publications
Sl no | Author 1st, 2nd and corresponding author | Title of paper | National or international | Citation of the journal | Indexing details | Date of publication | Pageno, vol,ISSN no |
1. | Dr Kalliguddi S, Dr Sharma S, Dr Chaitali Gore | Knowledge, attitude, and practice of breast self- examination amongst female IT professionals in Silicon Valley of India. | International | Family Med Prim Care | Pubmed | 2019 | Vol.8:568-72 ISSN:2249-4863 |
2. | Dr Preethika Palani, Dr Chaitali Gore, Dr Chaitali Gore | Eating Disorders and its Correlates among Medical Students in Bengaluru, India | National | Annals of Community Health | Doaj, index medicus | Jan-Mar 2020 | Vol.8(1):11-14 ISSN:2347-5455 |
3. | Dr Chaitali A Gore, Dr A. Gajare Rupali, | Mental Health Status of People of Maharashtra Due to Corona Virus Disease-19 Pandemic. | Natioial | IndiaAnnals of Community Health.Jan-Mar 2020;8(1):11-14. | Doaj, index medicus | Jul-Sep 2020 | Vol.8(3): 6-10 ISSN:2347-5455 |
4. | Dr Aparna Narayana Gollu, Dr Chaitali Gore | Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of Medical Students Regarding HPV Infection and HPV Vaccination. | International | Asian Pac J Cancer Care | Doaj | 2021 | Vol.6 (1), 41-46 ISSN:2588-3682 |
5. | Gore CA, Mangala S, Ammar M. A | Study on feedback by undergraduate medical students for the foundation course under competency-based medical education: An institution-based cross-sectional study. | International | MRIMS J Health Sciences | Doaj | 2021 | Vol.9(4):164-8. |
6. | Prasad P, Gore C, Suresh S, R Pavan. | Prevalence of anaemia among female undergraduate medical students | International | Paripex – Indian journal of research | Index medicus | 2022 | Vol.11(10):15-7 |
7. | Shivalli S, Hondappagol A, Akshaya KM, Nirgude A, Varun N, Reddy RHR, Sharath BN | Does mobile phone instructional video demonstrating sputum expectoration improve the sputum sample quality and quantity in presumptive pulmonary TB cases? Protocol for a prospective pragmatic non-randomised controlled trial in Karnataka state, India; | International | BMJ Open | Scopus, the science citation index expanded., pubmed central, embase (excerpta medica), doaj and google scholar | 2020 | 10:e032991. doi:10.1136/bmjopen2019-032991 |
8. | Dr AmeyJoshi, Dr Raveendra H R Reddy, Dr Raveendra H R Reddy | The prevalence of stress, stressors and coping mechanisms and the socio-demographic factors associated among the auto-rickshaw drivers in Bengaluru city. | International | J Family Med Prim Care | Pubmed, scopus indxed, directory of open access journals, indian science abstracts | 13 October 2021 | 10:2546-51. https://www.jfmpc.com/text.asp?/10/7/2546/322751 |
9. | Tejashree A, Mahes PA, Karthik MK, Nirmala, Azeem A, Reddy RHR, Chengappa R, Burigina SN. . | Era of TB elimination: Growing need to understand diversities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages! | National | Indian Journal of Tuberculosis | Ugc care. Scopus. Web of science (scie) | 2022 | Vol.69(1) :79-84 |
10. | Udaykumar P, Kumar Saurabh, Chandralekha N, Reddy RHR, Badarudeen MN, Burugina SN.., | Daily monitoring of diabetic treatment amongst TB-DM patients under NTEP: Does it improve the treatment outcomes? | .International | Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health | Scopus, web of science, emerging sources citation index, and embase | 2022 | Vol. 17, 101118 |
11. | Dr Lavadi R, Dr Mangala Subramanian, Dr Lavadi R | A study on internet addiction among among medical students in a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore, India | International | Int J Community Med Public Health | Index medicus for south east asia | 2021 | Vol.8: 2995-8 |
12. | Dr Indumathi K, Dr Mangalal Subramanian, | Effectiveness of Information Education Communication on Drug Compliance among hypertensives in rural field practice area of Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Bengaluru | National | Ann Community Health | Directory of open access journals | 2021 | Vol.9(1): 131-135. |
13. | Dr C Pradeep, Dr B M Nivedita, Dr B M Nivedita | A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Medical Ethics among Interns and Post graduates in Medical College, Bengaluru.. | National | Paripex-Indian Journal of Research | Index copernicus, pubmed | May 2019 | Vol.8(5):22-23 |
14. | Dr Mayani Nivedta B, Dr Pradeep C, | A cross-sectional study on preference of tubectomy over vasectomy among eligible couples in Bengaluru, Karnataka. | International | Int J Community Med Public Health | Index copernicus, index medicus, pubmed | 2020 | Vol.7(1):269-273 |
15. | Dr C Pradeep, Dr B M Nivedita | An observational study on study skills among medical undergraduates, Bengaluru | National | Annals of Community Health | Directory of open access journals,index medicus | Sep 2021 | Vol.9(3):125-128 |
16. | Dr A Anurag, Dr M Shilpa, Dr Shilpa | Assessment of adherence to therapeutic regimen and lifestyle modification among patients with cardiovascular disease. | National | Annals of Community Health | Directory of open access journals,index medicus | March 2021 | 5455 eISSN 2341-5714 VOLUME 9 Pages: 244-47 |
17. | Dr S Hemavarneshwari, Dr Rizwana B Shaikh | Strategy to Sensitize Private Practitioners on RNTCP through Medico-Social Workers in Urban Field Practice Area of a Medical College in Bengaluru, Karnataka | National | Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. | Pubmed | Apr 2019 | Vol.66:253-258 |
18. | Hemavarneshwari, Snigdha R, Deeksha C,Chandana Hari, | Assessment of insomnia during COVID pandamic:A study among general population. | International | Int J of Dental and medical sciences Research | Pubmed Directory of open access journals | Oct 2022 | Vol.4(5):543-54 |
19. | Dr Vindhya. P, Dr Acharya S | Knowledge ,attitude and practices among diabetic patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore, Karmataka | Internatioinal | Int J Community Med Public health | Index copernicus,index medicus | Aug 2020 | Vol.7(8):3100-4 |
20. | Dr Padmaja R Walvekar, Dr Bhuvana Gajula | A study on maternal body weight as a predictor od birth weight of newborn | Internatioinal | International Journal of community medicine and public health | Index copernicus,google scholar | sept-oct 2020 | Vol.6(4): 1360-1363 |
21. | Raghuveer P, Haleema M. | Perceived social support among pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of a tertiary care hospital. | International | Index Copernicus, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, Web of Science, DOAJ | Journal of education and health promotion | 2023 | Vol.12(1):88 |
22. | Mandal A, Subramanian M Reddy SS, Gouda N | Elder Abuse and its association with mental well-being and the associated socio-demographic factors – A community based Cross-sectional study in Bengaluru, India | International | Index Copernicus,Google Scholar | Natl journal of community med | Oct.2023 | Vol.14(10): 635-42 |
23. | Nirgude AS, Haleema M. | Epidemiological Profile of Unintentional Childhood Injuries in Urban Area of Mangaluru Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State, India | National | Scopus , Google scholar | National journal of community medicine. | 2024 February; | Vol. 15(2):121-126. |
24. | Nithya R, Harshappradha R, Haleema M, Chaitali G. | Opportunistic Screening for Hypertension and Obesity among Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangalore, India | National | Google scholar, Index copernicus | India. J clin biomed sci | 2024 | Vol. 14(1): 8-12 |
25. | Acuth KS, Mangala Subramanian, Pradeep C | Prevalence of Prediabetes and its associated risk factors among people in rural field practice areaof VIMS &RC, Bangalore | International | Index Copernicus, Google Scholar | Int j community med public health | 2024 | Vol. 14(1):1-5 |