Graduation Day 2025 has been rescheduled from Saturday, April 5th, 2025, to *Monday, April 7th, 2025*.Timings and venue remain unchanged.                 


The Anatomy Department at VIMS & RC teaches Anatomy to Under Graduate and Post Graduate students. Under the guidance of the Anatomy department, students learn about the Human anatomy through methods of cadaveric dissection. It teaches them about the different details of human bones.

For students many charts and models are available which helps them understand Embryology and other clinical applications. The department provides students the facilities to study microscopic anatomy of various human organs and systems. The laboratory at the department provides the support for preparing slides for microscopic studies of structure body tissue. The department also preserves dead bodies.

Department also has voluntary body donation programme for education & Research purpose.

Professor & HOD

Dr. M Shashirekha

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number


Dr.Varsha Sriram Mokhasi

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. T Rajini

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Betty Anna Jose

Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number


Dr. Gyata Mehta

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Associate Professor

Dr. Aga Ammar Murthuza

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Associate Professor

Dr. Surendra Babu T

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr. Sooraj Vijay

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number
Senior Resident

Dr. Srilekha N

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Mrs. Sruthi G

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Chandana Prakash

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Mouli Teja R

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Vishnu Sooranahally

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Shankar Kanavalli

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. N Hariharan

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Dr. Reddy Madhuri

Karnataka State Medical Council Registration Number

Facilities including Laboratories & with Latest Important Equipment details / photos

The Department of Anatomy in Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre is well equipped and provides with adequate infrastructure and equipment to accommodate 250 students.

The following is the list of equipment that the department has

1. Monocular Students microscope
2. Binocular microscope
3. Projection microscope
4. Dissection Microscope
5. CCTV with Color monitor
6. Paraffin bath
7. Hot water bath with temperature control
8. Microtome (Sledge)
9. Microtome (Rotary)
10. Hot plate
11. Slide warmer
12. Magnetic stirrer
13. Cyclo mixer
14. Distillation plant
15. Double Demonstration eye pieces
16. Slide cabinets with capacity of 1000 each
17. Balance
18. Histology charts
19. Glass wares
20. Refrigerator
21. Diamond pencil
22.7 Colour marking pencil
Dissection Hall
1. Band saw
2. Cold storage
3. X-ray view box
4. Dissecting instruments
5. Charts
6. Students lockers
7. Skeleton
8. Unmounted Wet specimen
9. Unmounted Dry specimen
10. Embalming machine
1. Specimen wet mounted & catalogued
2. Specimen dry mounted & catalogued
3. Models
4. Charts
5. Skeleton
6. X-ray viewing lobby
7. Disarticulated sets
Anthropometric instruments
1. Mandibulometer
2. Goniometer
3.Osteometric board
Sl.No Authors Title of the paper Whether published in International/National/State/Institutional Journals/th> Details of indexing Citation of the journal Date of Publication Pageno vol, ISSN no
1 S. Santhosh, R Showi, C Sreekanth Analysis of foranima of the middle cranial fossa with special emphasis on morphology & morphomentry of foramen ovale – An observational study INTERNATIONAL International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery DOAJ International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1):AO44-AO47.DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2022/50751.2731 Jan, 2022 AO44-AO47. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1) ISSN no 2277=8543
2 Zeenathalam Nadaf, Betty Anna Jose, Aga Ammar Murthuza A Morphometric study of Humerus to determine sexual dimorphism in Indian population INTERNATIONAL International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery.S DOAJ International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1):AO06-AO09.DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2022/50751.2731 Jan, 2022 AO06-AO09. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1) ISSN no 2277=8543
3 Arun Prakash Mani, Sunil Kumar Rayan, Thilak S A, Aga Ammar Murthuza (Corresponding Author) A Cross-sectional study on the assessment of diabetis risk among the first-year dental students of a dental college in south Kerala NATIONAL National Journal of  Physiology Pharmacy Pharmacology. Embase Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol. 2021; 11(12): 1332-1336 DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2021.11.06201202102072021 Nov. 2021 2021;11(12):1332-1336. ISSN 2320-4672
4 SurendraBabuThangachi, Varsha Sriram Mokhasi, Aga Ammar Murthuza Analysis Of Oxidative Stress Markers In Chronic Consumption Of Monosodium Glutamate On Liver Of Wistar Albino Rats International Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Embase Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 2021, pp. 116-9,doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2021.v14i11.43103 Nov. 2021, vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 2021, pp. 116-9, ISSN 0974-2441
5 SurendraBabuThangachi, Varsha Sriram Mokhasi, Biochemical Evaluation Of Chronic Consumption Of Monosodium Glutamate On Liver Of Wistar Albino Rats International Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Embase Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 14, no. 10, Oct. 2021, pp. 99-102, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2021.v14i10.42819. Oct. 2021, vol. 14, no. 10, Oct. 2021, pp. 99-102, ISSN 0974-2441
6 Gyata Mehta, Varsha Mokhasi, Morphometric study of Foramina Transvers aria in cervical vertebrae and its clinical significance International Journal of Anatomy radiology & Surgery DOAJ International Journal of Anatomy radiology & Surgery2021, 10(1):A001-A005 DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2021/4526:2586 Jan-21 10(1):A001-A005 ISSN no 2277=8543
7 Athul Antony Simon, M Shashirekha, Varsha Mokhasi, Aga Ammar Murthuza  “Bonwill’s Triangle – The Uncharted Anatomic Geometry”, International International Journal of Current Research, Indexed in Copernicus International Journal of Current Research,12, (10), 14159-14161. 30th October, 2020 14159-14161. ISSN no 0975-833X
8 Betty Anna Jose, Varsha Mokhasi, S. A Subramani, M Shashirekha, MTHFR C67T polymorphism and risk of non syndromic clefts in the South indian population National Journal of Anatomical society of India Scopus Journal of Anatomical society of India, 2020;69(1):15-20. Apr-20 2020;69(1):15-20. ISSN no 32778
9 Gyata Mehta, Geetharani BG, Varsha Mokhasi, Contribution of Axillary Nerve in the innervation of Long head of Triceps Brachii: a cadaveric study International Int J Anat Res Indexed in Copernicus Google Scholar Int J Anat Res 2020;8(1.3):7350-7355. 05-Mar-20 2020;8(1.3):7350-7355. ISSN no 2321-8967
10 Gyata Mehta, Varsha Mokhasi, Swapnali Shamkuwar.. Learning embryology: fun or fear? Students’ perspective International Int J Anat Res Indexed in Copernicus Google Scholar Int J Anat Res 2019;7(4.2):7127-7131. Nov-19 2019;7(4.2):7127-7131. ISSN no 2321-8967
11 Geetha rani B.G, Varsha Mokhasi, Tamsir Rong Morphometric analysis of cruciate ligaments. International Int J Anat Res Indexed in Copernicus Google Scholar . Int J Anat Res 2019;7(4.3):7149- 7154. 05-Dec-19 2019;7(4.3):7149- 7154. ISSN no 2321-8967
12 Betty Anna Jose, Varsha Mokhasi, S. A Subramani, M Shashi Rekha, Non-Genetic factors contribute to the incidence of non syndromic clefts in the craniofacial region International Int J Anat Res Indexed in Copernicus Google Scholar Int J Anat Res 2019; 7(3.2):6851- 6858. Aug-19 2019; 7(3.2):6851- 6858. ISSN no 2321-8967
13 Betty Anna Jose, Padmini Hannah Noone Estimation of Femur Length from Fragments – A study on adult femora Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology EMBASE, Scopus Indian journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2019; 13(1):97-100. Jul-19 2019; 13(1):97-100. ISSN no 0973-9122
LIST OF PUBLICATONS: DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY DURING 2020-23 Inter National National Indexing  Details Google Citation If  Any Impact Factor If Any
SL.NO Authors, Title of the Article, Journal Name: Year of Publication Vol: ISSUE : Page No:
01 Surendra Babu Thangachi, Varsha Sriram Mokhasi, Yogesh Kanna Sathyamoorthy, Venkata Bharat Kumar Pinnelli, Sreekanth Chiruthanur, Phyllanthus Emblica Extract Protects the Rat Liver Cells Against the Toxicity of Monosodium Glutamate: Experimental Evidence, Iranian Journal of Toxicology. 2022; 16(3):203-210. Inter National SCOPUS 0.68
02 S. Santhosh, R Showi, C Sreekanth, Analysis of foranima of the middle cranial fossa with special emphasis on morphology & morphomentry of foramen ovale – An observational study, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1):AO44-AO47.DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2022/50751.2731 Inter National DOAJ
03 Zeenathalam Nadaf, Betty Anna Jose, Aga Ammar Murthuza, A Morphometric study of Humerus to determine sexual dimorphism in Indian population, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1):AO06 – AO09. DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2022/50751.2731 Inter National DOAJ
04 Arun Prakash Mani, Sunil Kumar Rayan, Thilak S A, Aga Ammar Murthuza, A Cross-sectional study on the assessment of diabetis risk among the first-year dental students of a dental college in south Kerala, Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol. 2021; 11(12): 1332-1336 DOI:10.5455/njppp.2021.11.06201202102072021 National Embase
05 SurendraBabuThangachi, Varsha Sriram Mokhasi, Aga Ammar Murthuza, Analysis Of Oxidative Stress Markers In Chronic Consumption Of Monosodium Glutamate On Liver Of Wistar Albino Rats, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 2021, pp. 116-9, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2021.v14i11.43103 Inter National Embase SJIF Impact factor 8.087
06 SurendraBabuThangachi, Varsha Sriram Mokhasi, Sabina Chenoly, Biochemical Evaluation Of Chronic Consumption Of Monosodium Glutamate On Liver Of Wistar Albino Rats, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 14, no. 10, Oct. 2021, pp. 99-102, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2021.v14i10.42819. Inter National Embase SJIF Impact factor 8.087
07 Gyata Mehta, Varsha Mokhasi, Morphometric study of Foramina Transversaria in cervical vertebrae and its clinical significance International Journal of Anatomy radiology & Surgery2021, 10(1):A001-A005 DOI:10.7860/IJARS/2021/4526:2586 Inter National DOAJ
08 Athul Antony Simon, M Shashirekha, Varsha Mokhasi, Aga Ammar Murthuza, “Bonwill’s Triangle – The Uncharted Anatomic Geometry”, International Journal of Current Research,12, (10), 14159-14161. Inter National Indexed in Copernicus  
09 Betty Anna Jose, Varsha Mokhasi, S. A Subramani, M Shashirekha, MTHFR C67T polymorphism and risk of non syndromic clefts in the South indian population, Journal of Anatomical society of India, 2020;69(1):15-20.   NATIONAL SCOPUS 0.29
10 Gyata Mehta, Geetharani BG, Varsha Mokhasi, Contribution of Axillary Nerve in the innervation of Long head of Triceps Brachii: a cadaveric study Int J Anat Res 2020;8(1.3):7350-7355. Inter National Indexed in Copernicus Google Scholar


The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Anatomy aims at providing competency based medical education of the gross and microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a basis for understanding the clinical correlation of organs or structures involved and the anatomical basis for the disease presentations.


At the end of the course the student should be competent in

Comprehending the normal disposition, clinically relevant interrelationships, functional and cross sectional anatomy of the various structures in the body.

  1. Identifying the microscopic structure and correlate elementary ultra-structure of various organs and tissues and correlate the structure with the functions as a prerequisite for understanding the altered state in various disease processes.
  2. Comprehending the basic structure and connections of the central nervous system to analyse the integrative and regulative functions of the organs and systems. He/She should be able to locate the site of gross lesions according to the deficits encountered.
  3. Demonstrating knowledge of the basic principles and sequential development of the organs and systems, recognise the critical stages of development and the effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards. He/She should be able to explain the developmental basis of the major variations and abnormalities.


At the end of the course the student should be competent in

*      Identifying and locating all the structures of the body and mark the topography of the living anatomy.
*      Identify the organs and tissues under the microscope.

  1. Understanding the principles of karyotyping and identify the gross congenital anomalies.
  2. Understanding principles of newer imaging techniques and interpretation of Computerised Tomography (CT) Scan, Sonogram etc.
  3. Understanding  clinical basis of some   common   clinical procedures i.e., intramuscular & intravenous injection, lumbar puncture and kidney biopsy etc.


From the integrated teaching of other basic sciences, student will be able to comprehend the regulation and integration of the functions of the organs and systems in the body and thus interpret the anatomical basis of disease process. Students 

Early Clinical Exposure (ECE)

Students are exposed to clinical setup in I MBBS. The teaching of Anatomy is done with the help of clinical cases. This helps the student to correlate between Anatomy and clinical situatuions.


Students are trained in learning by themselves where teachers act as a facilitators.

Academic Activities by the faculty 
Authored book in Anatomy1
Total Number of international Publications63
Papers Presented in international Conferences1
Total number of students paper presentation15
Total number International Conference attended2
Papers Presented in national Conference10
Guest Speaker1
  • Dr Prakash. Associate Professor was selected as the member of Medical Education Development, Journal published from Italy.
  • Dr Prakash, Associate Professor was selected as Vice-President of Anatomical Society of India (ASI) for the year 2011.
  • Aga Ammar Murthuza, Best Lecturer in Anatomy awarded by Karnataka Educational Awards.
  • Varsha Mokashi, Best Professor of the year. National teachers award by Press Council of India on 29.09.2022.
  • Aga Ammar Murthuza –Best teacher award, General staff meeting, VIMS & RC.

Any donation from us gives us immense sense of happiness when we are alive we try giving as much as possible for the needy.

Once we reach the end of “journey of life” we become from “Somebody” to some “body”. And this body is of no use to us. After our death the mortal remains generally will be burnt or buried which perishes in to ash or mud. Instead of this we can donate our body for educational purpose.

Anatomy is a department, where medical students who are going to be future doctors are going to learn the geography of the human body. Even after so much of technological advancement we are still not able to create human body like how nature has given us.

In this regard we can donate our body for education purpose for the future doctors.



  1. Click here to download the form.
  2. Fill the form and photocopy it.
  3. Send the photocopy to us with your photograph attached to the following address

Department of Anatomy,

Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre

#82, EPIP area, Nallurahalli,

Whitefield Bangalore – 560 066.

If you have not resisted early also, if death occurs in the family you can bring the Body and donate to the college, provided there is a certification of death by registered Medical Practitioner without certification of dead bodies will not be accepted to avoid legal hassles.


  1. Only natural death, where multi-organ failure happens, such bodies are useful.
  2. If you want to donate eyes it should be done with in four hours after death. After the death a moist cotton has to be kept on the eyelids after closing the eyes.
  3. After death body has to reach our department within 8 hours after death.If informed to the hospital number. Institute will provide the transport to bring the body to the institute.
  4. Certification of death is must to avoid Legal complications.
  5. If the death occurs on holiday or Sunday also transport is possible as hospital services are 24×7.
  6. Once the body reaches anatomy department we will give you a body receipt certificate. With this the death certificate from corporation can be obtained.


When brain is dead and the heart is still beating so that blood circulation is still continued the organs like Kidney, heart, liver etc. can be donated. The person need to be certified brain dead by atleast four doctors.