Home » Anaesthesiology
Welcome to the Department of Anaesthesiology. We are a team of 16 consultants providing state of the art anaesthesia cover for 20 operating rooms. We train 9 Postgraduates every year in both Broad and Super specialities, Intensive care, Acute and Chronic Pain management. We also provide Anaesthesia to laser surgeries and robotic surgeries. Our goals are to provide the highest standards of care, enhanced patient safety, quality education and innovative research. We regularly audit the quality of care by visiting the patients post-operatively. We also train our postgraduate students in the best Anaesthesia simulation (HPS mannequin).
Services provided Over 24 Hours
Pre Anaesthesia assessment clinics
Pain clinics for acute and chronic pain management.
Anaesthesia and sedation in remote locations
Training of undergraduate and post graduate students
Training for Para Medical courses
Research activities
Karnataka State Medical
Council Registration Number
Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Karnataka State Medical
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Surgical and Medical Disciplines receiving anaesthesia cover |
General Surgery |
Orthopaedics |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Ophthalmology |
Medical, Surgical & Radiation oncology |
Plastic surgery |
Paediatric surgery |
Urology |
Nephrology |
Neurosurgery |
Cardio Thoracic surgery |
All the operating rooms are equipped with monitoring facilities such as |
Modern Anaesthesia work station |
Invasive & non-invasive blood pressure monitors |
Pulse Oximeters |
End Tidal CO2 monitoring |
Temperature |
Nerve Stimulator and locator for nerve blocks |
Defibrillators |
Anesthesia Ventilators |
Fibreoptic Bronchoscope |
Operating microscopes for ENT and EYE surgeries |
Blood warmers |
Infusion/Syringe pumps |
Invasive CVP and arterial lines |
Paediatric warmers |
Portable X-ray Machine |
Fully equipped for endoscopic & Interventional Radiology procedures |
All the operating rooms, recovery, post-operative rooms, Intensive care with have central pipeline supply of oxygen, compressed air and vacuum. |
Medical and Surgical ICUS |
Each has 8 beds – 16 beds |
16 ICU Ventilators |
16 ECG, NIBP, Pulse oximeter monitors |
Defibrillators |
Arterial blood gas analyser |
Infusion/ Syringe pumps |
Central Sterilization services with efficient equipment including ethylene oxide sterilization. |
SL.No. | Authors 1st Author & 2nd Author & Corresponding Author |
Title of the paper | Whether published in International National State/ Institutional Journals |
Details of indexing |
Citation of the Journal | Date of Publication |
International/ National | Page No: Volume ISSN No: |
1 | Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal, J.Shilpa | “The effect of multimodal Analgesia on minimal alveolar concentration of Isoflurane for skin incision at constant bispectral index”. | Anesthesia Essays and Researches | Index Copernicus, PubMed Central | 10(3):473-477 | 2016 Sep-Dec | International | 10(3):473-477 2229-7685 |
2 | DR. Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal,APoorwa N Kothari | The Effect of Mutlimodal Analgesia on Intraoperative Morphine Requirement in Lumbar Spine Surgeries | Anesthesia Essay and researches | PubMed,researchagte,aeronline | Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:314-20 | 2017 | International | 2017;11:314-20 0259-1162 |
3 | Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal, MS Vikram | Hemodynamic responses at intubation, change of position, and skin incision: A comparison of multimodal analgesia with conventional analgesic regime | Anesthesia Essay and researches | PubMed Central, | Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:314-20 | 2017 | International | 2017;11:314-20 0259-1162 |
4 | Renuka R,Radhika D Dhanpal. | Efficacy of risk score dependent antiemetic regimens in reduction of post operative nausea and vomiting | Indian Journal of clinical Anaesthesia | PubMed Central, | 2018;5(2):185-189 | April-june 2018 | National | 10.18231/2394-4994.2018.0034 |
5 | Surbhi Gupta, Roshan Joseph Fernandes, Joseph Sushil Rao, Radhika Dhanpal | Perioperative risk factors for pulmonary complications after non cardiac surgery | Journal of Anesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology | DOAJ, Indian Science Abstracts, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS | 2020;36:88-93 | Jan-Mar 2020 | National | 2020;36:88-93 |
6 | Nagalakshmi S Nayak,Kalpana K, Radhika Dhanpal,Lal chand tudu, Jay prakash. | Comparitive study of Analgesic Efficacy of Intrathecal Fentanyl with Ultrasound guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block after Lower Segment Cesearean Section | Anesthesia: Essays and Researches | PubMed Central, | 2021;15:101-6 | January-March 2021 | International | 0259-1162 |
7 | Jay Prakash, Natesh S. Rao, Sanjeev Kumar, Kumar H. Raghwendra, Khushboo Saran, Sandeep D. Redd | Study of Relationship between Central Venous Pressure and Peripheral Venous Pressure during Intraoperative Period in Neurosurgical Patients | Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care | PubMed Central, | J Neuroanaesthesiol Crit Care 2018;5:15–20 | January 2018 | National | 2018;5:15–20 |
8 | Jay Prakash, Shailesh Kumar, Girishkumar Sodar, Neha Sadhoo, Brijesh GC, Natesh S Rao. | Attenuation of Cardiovascular Responses to Laryngoscopy and Intubation: A Comparative Study between i.v. Esmolol Hydrochloride and Fentanyl Citrate | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2019;6(3):713-720 | PubMed Central, | 2019;6(3):713-720 | 2019 | National | 2019;6(3):713-720 |
9 | G Veena, Anshu Pangotra, Shailesh Kumar, Jay Prakash, Natesh s Rao, Shio Priye, | Comparison of Perineural and Intravenous Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to Levobupivacaine in Ultrasound Guided Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block: A prospective Randomized Trial. | Anesthesia: Essays and Researches | Pubmed central, Copernicus, | 2021: xx:xx:xx-xx | May -jun 2021 | International | 2021:xx-xx:1-6 |
10 | Swati Bisht, Sunitha Kuruvadi Sreeramalu, Gopal Sadanand. | Use of dexmedetomidine as adjuvant in oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Copernicus, WHO Google Scholar GALE DOAJ |
2016;5(2): 106-108 |
Jan 2016 | National |
2016;5(2): 106-108 2278-4748 |
11 | Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Natesh S Rao | The efficacy of Fentanyl as adjuvant in Ultrasound guided oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471 | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(1):101-105 |
Jan – March 2017 | National |
4(1):101-105 2349-8471 |
12 | Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Sadanand Gopal | A comparison between Etomidate and Propofol for sedation in colonoscopy |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(2):295-299 |
April-June 2017 | National |
4(2):295-299 2349-8471 |
13 |
Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Rashmi Dubey
Nalbuphine as an intrathecal adjuvant is a good alternative to Fentanyl
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(1):89-93 | Jan – March 2017 | National | 4(1):89-93 2349-8471 |
14 |
Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Sadanand Gopal
Etomidate versus Propofol as induction agent in patients undergoing Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreaticogram (ERCP)
Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia p-ISSN No: 2394-4781
Index Copernicus, Google scholar, Open Academics Journals Index, CiteFactor, Infobase index | Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia 4(1):122-127 | March 2017 | National | 4(1):122-127 2394-4781 |
15 | Swati Bisht, Sampreeta S Reddy | Ultrasound guided pre-emptive erector spinae plane block as a part of Enhanced Recpvery After Surgery (ERAS) in abdominal surgeries | Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology | Scopus, Crossref, DOAJ, ROAD | Reddy et al. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 28(1):51-54(2020) | 6 Feb 2020 | International | 28(1):51-54(2020) |
16 | Sampreeta S Reddy,Swati Bisht, | A Comparative study of Dexmedetomidine as Adjuvant to 0.5%Bupivacaine in Erector Spinae Block for Perioperative Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy | Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia.2021;8(2):233-237 | March – April 2021 | National | Ijaa.2349.8471.8221.34 |
17 | Shivaprakash Shivanna, Shio Priye, Dipali Singh, Sathyanarayan Jagannath, Syed Mudassar, Durga Prasad Reddy. |
Efficacy of methylprednisolone and lignocaine on propofol injection pain: A randomized, double-blind,prospective study in adult cardiac surgical patients
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
DOAJ, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal . | 60(11):66-69 | Nov 2016 | National | 60(11):66-69 0019-5049 |
18 | Dipali Singh, Sathyanarayan Jagannath, Shio Priye, A syed Mudassar. | The Comparison of Dexmedetomidine,Esmolol, and Combination of Dexmedetomidine and esmolol for attenuation of sympathomimetic response to laryngoscopy and intubation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. | Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. | PubMed Central, | 2019;22(4) | Oct – Dec 2019 | National | 22(4):353-357 |
19 | Sunitha Sreeramulu,Prashanth Prabhu,Sadanand Gopal, | Comprison between PVC tube and ILMA tube for intubation through intubating Laryngeal Mask airway in Mallampati 3 and 4 patients. | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. | PubMed Central, | 2014(7) ;1 | Sep 2014 | National | 2014(7)1;709-715 |
20 | Prakash J, Kumar N, GC Brijesh, Prabhu J. Prashanth, et al. | Comparison of Two Different Doses of Clonidine Hydrochloride as an Adjuvant to Epidural Bupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2018;5(11):1862-1871 |
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
2018;5(11):1862-1871 | 2018 | National | 2018;5(11):1862-1871 |
21 | Brijesh GC, Naveen kumar, Shailesh Kumar,Jayprakash,Bijay kumar,Prashanth Prabhu. | A Randomised controlled study evaluating the efficacy of dexamethasone in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting and its effect on Blood glucose. | Indian journal of Anaesthesia Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | 2019;6(part III) | 2019 | National | 2019;(6)2077-2082 |
22 | Singh RK,Mahendra M,Ananthakishan,Prakash J,Prabhu JP. | Study of Effect of Nerve Root Blockade Before the Onset of Noxious Stimuli on Postoperative Pain Control after Thpracolumbar Spinal urgery. | International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery. | PubMed Central, | 2019(11)4; | Oct -Dec 2019 | International | 2019(11)4;277-282 |
23 | JayPrakash, J.Prashanth Prabhu et al | Comparison of Epidural Levobupivacaine and Bupivacaine in Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb surgeries | Bali Journal of Anaesthesiology | Google Scholar, Proquest, Hinari, EBSCO, CKNI, INFOTRIEVE, TDNET. | 18th JULY 2020 | International | Volume 3, Issue 4, 95-98. | |
24 | Bindu Thimmahanumaih,J Prashanth Prabhu,Suvina N, | To Comapre the effects of atomized internasal dexmeditomidine as premedication in children. | Indian journal of Anaesthesia Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | 2021;8(1) | 2021 | National | 2021;8(1):15-19 |
25 | Pradeep Hosagoudar, Sreenivas Reddy, Giridhar JB, Udaya Bhaskar K, Shishir K R. | Feasibility of Hematoma block for closed reduction of fractures of distal end of radius: A comparision with General Anesthesia. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Anelgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2018;5(2): 323-329. | 2018 | National | 2018;5(2): 323-329. |
26 | Shishir K R, Vijay V.Katti, Vaibhav. | A comparative Study of Inj.Bupivacaine 0.5% and Inj. Ropivacaine 0.5% for supraclavicular brachial plexus block. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2019;6(4): 1202-1206. | July-August 2019 | National | 2019;6(4): 1202-1206 |
27 | Hassan Muhammad, Shishir K R. | Comparision of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to Levobupivacaine versus Levobupivacaine (plain) in supraclavicular brachial plexus block. | Indian journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2020;7(1): 46-52. | Jan-Feb 2020 | National | 2020;7(1): 46-52 |
28 | Shishir K R, Hassaan Muhammed, Ravikumar Manchala. | Comparison Between Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam for Postoperative Analgesia and Sedation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
2020;7(2): 547-553 |
March-April 2020 | National |
2020;7(2): 547-553 |
29 | Uday Ambi, Sangamesh Nainegali, Abhishek H N. | Retroclavicular versus classical approach for infraclavicular brachial plexus block under dual guidance :A Randomised Clinical Study. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Researchgate,rfppl, | 2018;5(5); | 2018 | National | 2018;(5):11-15 |
30 | Shilpa Masur,Dinesh Naik,Abhishek H N, Vandana Gogate. | A Randomized Clinical Trail to Compare Palonosetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Pubmed,rfppl, | 2018;5(4) | 2018 | National | 2018;5(4);505-507 |
31 | Aditya Jayprakash, ShaikGulam Osmani,Anupama Suresh Y,Suresh Y V, |
Effect of Intravenous Dexmeditomedine on spinal anaesthesia with Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries- A Randomizes Controlled Study. |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. | Pubmed, researchagte, | 2018;(9),12 | Dec 2018 | National | 2018;(9):327-332 |
SL.No. | Authors 1st Author & 2nd Author & Corresponding Author |
Title of the paper | Whether published in International National State/ Institutional Journals |
Details of indexing |
Citation of the Journal | Date of Publication |
International/ National | Page No: Volume ISSN No: |
1 | Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal, J.Shilpa | “The effect of multimodal Analgesia on minimal alveolar concentration of Isoflurane for skin incision at constant bispectral index”. | Anesthesia Essays and Researches | Index Copernicus, PubMed Central | 10(3):473-477 | 2016 Sep-Dec | International | 10(3):473-477 2229-7685 |
2 | DR. Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal,APoorwa N Kothari | The Effect of Mutlimodal Analgesia on Intraoperative Morphine Requirement in Lumbar Spine Surgeries | Anesthesia Essay and researches | PubMed,researchagte,aeronline | Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:314-20 | 2017 | International | 2017;11:314-20 0259-1162 |
3 | Keelara Shivalingaiah Savitha, Radhika Dhanpal, MS Vikram | Hemodynamic responses at intubation, change of position, and skin incision: A comparison of multimodal analgesia with conventional analgesic regime | Anesthesia Essay and researches | PubMed Central, | Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:314-20 | 2017 | International | 2017;11:314-20 0259-1162 |
4 | Renuka R,Radhika D Dhanpal. | Efficacy of risk score dependent antiemetic regimens in reduction of post operative nausea and vomiting | Indian Journal of clinical Anaesthesia | PubMed Central, | 2018;5(2):185-189 | April-june 2018 | National | 10.18231/2394-4994.2018.0034 |
5 | Surbhi Gupta, Roshan Joseph Fernandes, Joseph Sushil Rao, Radhika Dhanpal | Perioperative risk factors for pulmonary complications after non cardiac surgery | Journal of Anesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology | DOAJ, Indian Science Abstracts, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS | 2020;36:88-93 | Jan-Mar 2020 | National | 2020;36:88-93 |
6 | Nagalakshmi S Nayak,Kalpana K, Radhika Dhanpal,Lal chand tudu, Jay prakash. | Comparitive study of Analgesic Efficacy of Intrathecal Fentanyl with Ultrasound guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block after Lower Segment Cesearean Section | Anesthesia: Essays and Researches | PubMed Central, | 2021;15:101-6 | January-March 2021 | International | 0259-1162 |
7 | Jay Prakash, Natesh S. Rao, Sanjeev Kumar, Kumar H. Raghwendra, Khushboo Saran, Sandeep D. Redd | Study of Relationship between Central Venous Pressure and Peripheral Venous Pressure during Intraoperative Period in Neurosurgical Patients | Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care | PubMed Central, | J Neuroanaesthesiol Crit Care 2018;5:15–20 | January 2018 | National | 2018;5:15–20 |
8 | Jay Prakash, Shailesh Kumar, Girishkumar Sodar, Neha Sadhoo, Brijesh GC, Natesh S Rao. | Attenuation of Cardiovascular Responses to Laryngoscopy and Intubation: A Comparative Study between i.v. Esmolol Hydrochloride and Fentanyl Citrate | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2019;6(3):713-720 | PubMed Central, | 2019;6(3):713-720 | 2019 | National | 2019;6(3):713-720 |
9 | G Veena, Anshu Pangotra, Shailesh Kumar, Jay Prakash, Natesh s Rao, Shio Priye, | Comparison of Perineural and Intravenous Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to Levobupivacaine in Ultrasound Guided Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block: A prospective Randomized Trial. | Anesthesia: Essays and Researches | Pubmed central, Copernicus, | 2021: xx:xx:xx-xx | May -jun 2021 | International | 2021:xx-xx:1-6 |
10 | Swati Bisht, Sunitha Kuruvadi Sreeramalu, Gopal Sadanand. | Use of dexmedetomidine as adjuvant in oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Copernicus, WHO Google Scholar GALE DOAJ |
2016;5(2): 106-108 |
Jan 2016 | National |
2016;5(2): 106-108 2278-4748 |
11 | Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Natesh S Rao | The efficacy of Fentanyl as adjuvant in Ultrasound guided oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471 | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(1):101-105 |
Jan – March 2017 | National |
4(1):101-105 2349-8471 |
12 | Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Sadanand Gopal | A comparison between Etomidate and Propofol for sedation in colonoscopy |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(2):295-299 |
April-June 2017 | National |
4(2):295-299 2349-8471 |
13 |
Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Rashmi Dubey
Nalbuphine as an intrathecal adjuvant is a good alternative to Fentanyl
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia p-ISSN No: 2349-8471
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 4(1):89-93 | Jan – March 2017 | National | 4(1):89-93 2349-8471 |
14 |
Dr Swati Bisht, Dr Sadanand Gopal
Etomidate versus Propofol as induction agent in patients undergoing Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreaticogram (ERCP)
Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia p-ISSN No: 2394-4781
Index Copernicus, Google scholar, Open Academics Journals Index, CiteFactor, Infobase index | Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia 4(1):122-127 | March 2017 | National | 4(1):122-127 2394-4781 |
15 | Swati Bisht, Sampreeta S Reddy | Ultrasound guided pre-emptive erector spinae plane block as a part of Enhanced Recpvery After Surgery (ERAS) in abdominal surgeries | Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology | Scopus, Crossref, DOAJ, ROAD | Reddy et al. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 28(1):51-54(2020) | 6 Feb 2020 | International | 28(1):51-54(2020) |
16 | Sampreeta S Reddy,Swati Bisht, | A Comparative study of Dexmedetomidine as Adjuvant to 0.5%Bupivacaine in Erector Spinae Block for Perioperative Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy | Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia.2021;8(2):233-237 | March – April 2021 | National | Ijaa.2349.8471.8221.34 |
17 | Shivaprakash Shivanna, Shio Priye, Dipali Singh, Sathyanarayan Jagannath, Syed Mudassar, Durga Prasad Reddy. |
Efficacy of methylprednisolone and lignocaine on propofol injection pain: A randomized, double-blind,prospective study in adult cardiac surgical patients
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
DOAJ, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal . | 60(11):66-69 | Nov 2016 | National | 60(11):66-69 0019-5049 |
18 | Dipali Singh, Sathyanarayan Jagannath, Shio Priye, A syed Mudassar. | The Comparison of Dexmedetomidine,Esmolol, and Combination of Dexmedetomidine and esmolol for attenuation of sympathomimetic response to laryngoscopy and intubation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. | Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. | PubMed Central, | 2019;22(4) | Oct – Dec 2019 | National | 22(4):353-357 |
19 | Sunitha Sreeramulu,Prashanth Prabhu,Sadanand Gopal, | Comprison between PVC tube and ILMA tube for intubation through intubating Laryngeal Mask airway in Mallampati 3 and 4 patients. | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. | PubMed Central, | 2014(7) ;1 | Sep 2014 | National | 2014(7)1;709-715 |
20 | Prakash J, Kumar N, GC Brijesh, Prabhu J. Prashanth, et al. | Comparison of Two Different Doses of Clonidine Hydrochloride as an Adjuvant to Epidural Bupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2018;5(11):1862-1871 |
Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
2018;5(11):1862-1871 | 2018 | National | 2018;5(11):1862-1871 |
21 | Brijesh GC, Naveen kumar, Shailesh Kumar,Jayprakash,Bijay kumar,Prashanth Prabhu. | A Randomised controlled study evaluating the efficacy of dexamethasone in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting and its effect on Blood glucose. | Indian journal of Anaesthesia Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | 2019;6(part III) | 2019 | National | 2019;(6)2077-2082 |
22 | Singh RK,Mahendra M,Ananthakishan,Prakash J,Prabhu JP. | Study of Effect of Nerve Root Blockade Before the Onset of Noxious Stimuli on Postoperative Pain Control after Thpracolumbar Spinal urgery. | International Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery. | PubMed Central, | 2019(11)4; | Oct -Dec 2019 | International | 2019(11)4;277-282 |
23 | JayPrakash, J.Prashanth Prabhu et al | Comparison of Epidural Levobupivacaine and Bupivacaine in Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb surgeries | Bali Journal of Anaesthesiology | Google Scholar, Proquest, Hinari, EBSCO, CKNI, INFOTRIEVE, TDNET. | 18th JULY 2020 | International | Volume 3, Issue 4, 95-98. | |
24 | Bindu Thimmahanumaih,J Prashanth Prabhu,Suvina N, | To Comapre the effects of atomized internasal dexmeditomidine as premedication in children. | Indian journal of Anaesthesia Analgesia. | PubMed Central, | 2021;8(1) | 2021 | National | 2021;8(1):15-19 |
25 | Pradeep Hosagoudar, Sreenivas Reddy, Giridhar JB, Udaya Bhaskar K, Shishir K R. | Feasibility of Hematoma block for closed reduction of fractures of distal end of radius: A comparision with General Anesthesia. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Anelgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2018;5(2): 323-329. | 2018 | National | 2018;5(2): 323-329. |
26 | Shishir K R, Vijay V.Katti, Vaibhav. | A comparative Study of Inj.Bupivacaine 0.5% and Inj. Ropivacaine 0.5% for supraclavicular brachial plexus block. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2019;6(4): 1202-1206. | July-August 2019 | National | 2019;6(4): 1202-1206 |
27 | Hassan Muhammad, Shishir K R. | Comparision of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to Levobupivacaine versus Levobupivacaine (plain) in supraclavicular brachial plexus block. | Indian journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net | 2020;7(1): 46-52. | Jan-Feb 2020 | National | 2020;7(1): 46-52 |
28 | Shishir K R, Hassaan Muhammed, Ravikumar Manchala. | Comparison Between Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam for Postoperative Analgesia and Sedation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Index Copernicus, ProQuest, CiteFactor iiiFactor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Scientific Indexing, Journal Index.net |
2020;7(2): 547-553 |
March-April 2020 | National |
2020;7(2): 547-553 |
29 | Uday Ambi, Sangamesh Nainegali, Abhishek H N. | Retroclavicular versus classical approach for infraclavicular brachial plexus block under dual guidance :A Randomised Clinical Study. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Researchgate,rfppl, | 2018;5(5); | 2018 | National | 2018;(5):11-15 |
30 | Shilpa Masur,Dinesh Naik,Abhishek H N, Vandana Gogate. | A Randomized Clinical Trail to Compare Palonosetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting. | Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia. | Pubmed,rfppl, | 2018;5(4) | 2018 | National | 2018;5(4);505-507 |
31 | Aditya Jayprakash, ShaikGulam Osmani,Anupama Suresh Y,Suresh Y V, |
Effect of Intravenous Dexmeditomedine on spinal anaesthesia with Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries- A Randomizes Controlled Study. |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. | Pubmed, researchagte, | 2018;(9),12 | Dec 2018 | National | 2018;(9):327-332 |
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